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Windsor Championship Show 2024 Critique

V (1). 1 & BV. Lucas & Dargonne Packway Little Loxley. 8 1/2yrs old. Lovely mature bitch with good head and expression, correct length of neck. Good front, feet and top line for her age. Excellent depth and brisket. Correct ribbing. Excellent on the move.

JD (1). 1, BSB & SBG1. Sandells & Lovell Packway Blue Moon. 17 mths. He gave the impression of being quite taller enough. Lovely head and expression with good eye and ear placement. Correct shoulder. The right amount of bone. Deep brisket and correct top line. Could do with slightly better in hind quarters but he was pleasing on the move in side extension. Delighted to read he won the special beginners hound group.

YD (3,1) 1. Helps Beardswood Xcalibur. 18 mths old and a lovely youngester coming along. Pleasing head and good length of neck running into excellent shoulders. Correct ribbing and depth of brisket. Correct top line and hind quarters. Excellent on the move. 2. Packway Blue Moon. Repeat.

PGD (2,1). 1. Cummings Claonaiglen Artney. 2 1/2 year old and a big strong male. Pleasing head with correct front and depth of brisket. Like slightly better in top line and hind quarters. Front movement good.

LD (2). 1& Res DCC.Finnett & Heathcote Antonius Vertragus The Rift Valley With Hyndsight. 19 mths. A lovely male from this famous kennel but he still needs to settle. Lovely lines and shape with best of heads and correct length of neck. Good front, bone and feet. Correct top line and excellent hind quarters. So true on movement front and rear. 2. Cummings Kaleginy Trubador. For me he appeared cloddy in appearance. He had a beautiful typical head and good length of neck. Good bone and feet. Would prefer more tuck up appearing level underneath. Prefer better on the move.

OD (3,1) 1 & DCC Finnett & Heathcote Ch Hyndsight Talk On The Street. 3 1/2 yr old excellent dog with the best of heads and expression. Good length of neck. Correct front, bone and feet. Good depth of brisket with correct rib cage. Good top line and excellent hind quarters. True on the move. 2. Faircloth & Helps Ch. Beardswood Uther. 6 yr old with lovely head and neck. Correct front and feet. Good top line and hind quarters not going so well on the move but the ring was very bad full of stones which could have been a factor for his poor movement.

SB (1) 1. Packway Blue Moon. Repeat.

JB (1). 1. Lucas & Dargonne Packway The Enigma. 17 mths with pleasing head, front and feet. Good depth of brisket and good ribbing. Prefer better in top line but with correct hind quarters. Pleasing on the move and well handled.

PGB (4,2) 1 & Res BCC Finnett & Heathcote Antonius Vertragus The-Mara-River With Hyndsight. Litter sister to the res DCC and two really nice upcoming youngesters for the breed. Pleasing head of the correct size and shape. Good top line and body. Correct hind quarters and pleasing on the move.2. Faircloth Penherald Polka At Calbraidh. 2 yr old and taller than the winner with lovely head and expression. Good front but would prefer much less white on her toes. Good depth of body with correct top line and hind quarters. Pleasing on the move

. LB (4). 1. Spring-Arnold Hyndsight Only In My Dreams. This bitch has the most exquisite movement front, back and side. Beautiful head and neck with good shoulder, front, bone and feet. Excellent jacket and correct hind quarters. 2. Lucas & Dargonne Packway Ecotrailer. Not so mature for the class she was in. Still has some way to go. Excellent head, neck, front and feet. Correct top line and hind quarters. I would just like more of her alround. 3. Finnett & Heathcote Hyndsight Go Tour Own Way.

OB (3,1) 1, BCC & BOB Helps Ch. Beardswood Verbena. 3 yr old and an excellent bitch. Best of heads, neck, front, bone, shoulder and top line. Excellent jacket and to die for on the move. I was just blown away by her. I was delighted to see her make the cut in the group. 2. Lucas & Dargonne Packway Smackfarthing. Much taller than winner. Good head and front with the right amount of bone. Good rib cage and depth of brisket. Excellent top line and hind quarters. Pleasing on the move.

Ben Reynolds-Frost