VD (1 Entries)
1. LLEWELLYN, Miss Keri A Hunky Dory Bowie At Kilbourne
Excellent type and proportions. Masculine head, wonderful, typical expression. Ears could be smaller. Beautiful, well shaped neck of good length. Good topline for age, excellent depth of brisket. Would like more forechest, excellent bone and feet. Strong well angulated rear. Moves well, lovely temperament. Excellent coat.
PGD (6 Entries) Abs: 3
1. SANDELLS, Miss Lorna & LOVELL, Mr Johnnie Packway Blue Moon
Excellent type and proportions, lovely curves and outline. Still in the making, he will hopefully be a bit more masculine with age. Good head, would like some more strength in muzzle. Lovely expression, ears could be smaller. Beautiful, long, well shaped neck. Excellent strong topline, would prefer a bit more rise over the loin. Lacks forechest. Balanced angulation front and rear. Very parallel coming and going, good reach and drive from the side. Excellent temperament and coat.
2. WILBRAHAM, Ms Janine Ardlancien Idris
A bit on the smaller side, good type. Good neck and topline, too slapsided. Good bone and feet. Balanced angulation front and rear, would like more frontfill. Moves well, coat could be longer.
3. SHARP, Dr S Humbiehounds Pirnmill At Coronach
LD (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1. BRODIE, Miss Zoe Louise Sarah & OWEN, Mr Kim Fritzens Zareef At Wolfscastle (Imp Ger)
Excellent type and proportions, if not very masculine. Elegant head, muzzle could be stronger. Eyes could be darker. Excellent well folded ears. Beautiful, long, well set neck, attractive topline. Would like some more body substance. Good forechest, adequate depth of brisket. Good bone and feet. Strong, maximum angulated rear. Parallel coming and going. Good reach and drive. Excellent coat quality.
2. PEACH, Mr M & Mrs G Kilbourne Oscar Wilde
Attractive type, size and proportions. Masculine head, would prefer less pronounced stop, eyes could be darker. Beautiful, long, well arched neck. Good topline, his dip is slightly too pronounced. I would like more body substance and higher weight. Hipbones too pronounced. Attractive on the move from the side. Excellent coat.
3. SHARP, Dr S Chuilinn Faolan At Coronach
OD (6 Entries) Abs: 3
1. HEATHCOTE, Miss S L Finnett & Dr N S A Ch Hyndsight Talk On The Street
Quite strong, but very attractive male. Excellent proportions. Masculine head, would benefit to be a bit more elegant and to have less stop. Good ears. Good length of neck, attractive topline. Good depth of brisket, good forechest. Excellent bone and feet. Strong, well angulated rear showing lots of energy and powerful movement from the side. Excellent coat and muscle condition. CC
2. TAYLOR, Mrs S J Ormanstar Ezra
Attractive over all impression, looks young. Beautiful proportions and curves. Masculine head, too pronounced stop. Fantastic, melting expression. Ears could be smaller. Attractive neck, top- and underline. Upper arm could be better angulated, well angulated rear. Excellent bone and feet. Needs to settle in front, strong and powerful on the move from the side. Excellent coat, well handled. Res. CC
3. CUMMINGS, Mrs S & CUMMINGS, Mr Sean Claonaiglen Artney
VB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1. WILCE QUINTON, Mrs J & Mr J Kilbourne Louisa Chick To Kirjojax
Classical type, good outline for age. Feminine head, would like a stronger underjaw. Lovely expression, ears could be smaller. Good length of neck, excellent bodysubstance and depth of brisket. Adequate forechest, good bone and feet. Could be more settle in rear, moves well from the side. Excellent muscle condition and coat.
2. LLEWELLYN, Miss Keri A Kilbourne Mistress Martha At Matahari
Good type, gives a too flat impression. Strong head showing too much stop and quite a broad skull. Good ears. Beautiful neck, good topline. I would like some more frontfil. Good bone and feet. Coat could do with a good brush. Moves well.
3. THOM, Ms S G Seatonvalley Daisy's Angel At Flaxside
MPB (2 Entries)
1.THOM, Ms S G Flaxside Dava Miss Chief
Very much a puppy, obvious. Attractive look and proportions. Feminine, well shaped head, lovely, gentle expression. Excellent ears. Bodysubstance and angulation as expected at this age. Moves well. Excellent, sweet temperament.
2. THOM, Ms S G Flaxside Diva
Very much the same to say about this one as winner, her sister. Looks very promising, another one with the sweetest temperament.
PB (1 Entries)
1. THOM, Ms S G Lowland Fauns Ianthe At Flaxside (Imp Ger)
Attractive overall look, quite elegant. Feminine head, excellent expression, good ears. Beautiful neckline, a bit straight in topline, croup could be longer. Excellent depth of brisket. I would like more bone. Moves well for age, excellent coat and temperament.
JB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1. STUART & HOLT, Ms Ma & K Ollandsheart Matilda
Very attractive overall type, still looking very young. Feminine, well shaped head, lovely expression. Excellent ears. Good length of neck, a bit sharp set. Attractive topline, excellent depth of brisket. Would like more frontfill. Good bone and feet. Well angulated rear, needs to settle in front movement. When concentrating, and willing too, she moves really well from the side. Excellent coat and temperament.
2. TANNANT, Mrs Lorna Sorimsway Snowstorm
Good type, gives a too squire impression. Feminine head, lacks coat furnishing. Dark eyes, ears could be smaller. Good neck, top- and underline. Would like more frontfill, moderately angulated front and rear. Needs to settle on the move, moves well from the side.
PGB (11 Entries) Abs: 5
1.EDWARDS, Mrs Taryn & EDWARDS, Mr Michael Kilbourne Havana With Brackenland
Love her type, she is not showing herself to her advantage. Feminine head, muzzle could be slightly shorter. Lovely expression, good ears. Beautiful, long, well arched neck, attractive topline. Good depth of brisket for age, frontfill could improve. Well angulated rear, I very much like her movement. When settled probably even better. Excellent coat.
2. HEATHCOTE, Miss S L Finnett & Dr N S A Hyndsight Wicked Game
Strong, too curvy. Gives a rather heavy impression. Strong head, too much stop. Beautiful, well arched neck. Excellent depth of brisket, good forechest. Strong well angulated rear. Good bone and feet. Very powerful on the move from the side. Excellent coat quality.
3. STUART & HOLT, Ms Ma & K Packway Cora Sundrop At Ollandsheart
LB (13 Entries) Abs: 1
1. PEACH, Mr M & Mrs G Dan Kilbourne Opal's Fire To Abayomi
Strong, generous, stands really well on her feet. Noble. Adequate feminine head, lovely expression, good ears. Beautiful, long, well arched neck. Excellent top- and underline. Good forechest, excellent bone and feet. Strong, well angulated rear. Very attractive on the move, especially from the side. Excellent coat and temperament. Res. CC
2. SPRING-ARNOLD, Mrs Sue & SPRING-ARNOLD, Mr D Hyndsight Only In My Dreams
Very attractive type and proportions, lots of drama. Feminine head, eyes are too light for my taste. Would like less stop, ears could be better folded and smaller. Beautiful neck, top- and underline. Good front, bone and feet. Pastern a bit too straight. Strong well angulated rear. Moves really well from all angles, but could improve having a bit more energy. Excellent temperament and coat.
3. SPENCE, Mrs Lesley Ailsa Hyndsight Neaghley Ai
OB (4 Entries) Abs: 2
1. HEATHCOTE, Miss S L Finnett & Dr N S A Ch Hyndsight All I Have To Do Is
Strong, beautiful, well built bitch. Beautiful curves, slightly too much fallaway in croup. Beautiful, well shaped feminine head. Eyecolor ok. Lovely, long, well arched neck, excellent top- and underline. Excellent depth of brisket. Best forechest of the day, impressive. Moves really well from all angles showing lots of energy, reach and drive. In tip top muscle- and coat condition. Excellent temperament. CC/BOB
2. PEACH, Mr M & Mrs G Kilbourne Flora Mcdeva
Gives a rather flat impression, lacks curves. Strong head, too wide in skull and too pronounced stop. Good length of neck, topline too straight. Would like more frontfill. Excellent bone and feet. Excellent rear angulation, moves well, would like more power. Excellent coat- and muscle condition. Lovely temperament.
Åge Gjetnes, Norway