I would like to thank the West of England Ladies Kennel Society for inviting me to judge at their Ch. Show. My thanks to my two stewards and the exhibitors for entering their dogs and the sporting manner in which they accepted my placings.
PD (1)
1 Greenhalgh's Kilbourne Ablaize At Leksmoor, 9mth pup with pleasing head and high set ears, good length of neck, well laid shoulder, good body condition for age, nice topline, chest still to drop, well muscled quarters, moved steady.
JD (2,1a)
1 Finnett & Heathcote's Antonius Vertragus The-Rift-Valley With Hyndsight (Imp Fra), youngster with a good head and high set ears, good length of neck, well placed shoulder, good topline and body condition, chest still to drop, well bent muscled quarters, moved steady.
YD (1)
1 Wilbraham's Ardlancien Idris, good head with high set ears, nice length of neck, well laid shoulder, chest still to drop, good topline and underline, well bent muscled quarters, moved steady but slightly high stepping today.
PGD (4,1a)
1 Owen & Brodie's Fritzen Zareef At Wolfscastle (Imp Ger), good head with a dark eye and high set ears, good length of neck, well placed shoulder with deep chest, good topline and underline, broad well bent muscled quarters, good mover in all directions.
2 Taylor's Ormanstar Ezra, liked his head, length of neck and topline, well laid shoulder, chest still to drop, well bent muscled quarters, moved well.
3 Cummings Claonaiglen Artney.
LD (3,1a)
1 Lewis's Claonaiglen Clachfin To Luckhurst, good head with high set ears, nice length of neck, well laid shoulder, good body, liked his topline and good underline, well bent muscled quarters, moved well.
2 Cummings Kaleginy Trubador, liked his head and dark eye, well laid shoulder with nice topline and underline, muscled quarters, moving a little close behind today.
OD (5,2a
) 1 Finnett & Heathcote's Ch Hyndsight Talk On The Street, good head with dark eye and high set ears, good reach of neck, well laid shoulder, good topline and underline, well bodied with deep chest, broad first and second thighs, well bent muscled quarters, moved well in all directions, CC & BOB.
2 Taylor's Ch Ormanstar Dark Shadow, liked his head, dark eye and high set ears, good reach of neck, well placed shoulder, good topline and underline, deep chest, broad first and second thighs, well bent muscled quarters, moved well in all directions, unlucky to meet winner today, Res CC.
3 Peach's Quantastico Guiseppe To Kilbourne.
PB (1)
1 Peach's Kilbourne Danny,s Annie, youngster with a nice head, neck and shoulder placement, good topline and underline, chest still to drop, good body condition for age, well bent muscled quarters, steady mover, BPIB.
JB (2,1a)
1 Finnett & Heathcote's Antonius Vertragus The-Mara-River With Hyndsight (Imp Fra), youngster with a good head and dark eye, nice length of neck, well laid shoulder, good topline, chest still to drop, good body for age, well bent muscled quarters, needs to tighten in front movement.
PGB (4,1a)
1 Helps, Beardswood Gillie's Whisper, good head with dark eye and high set ears, good reach of neck, well laid shoulder, good body, topline and underline, good bone with broad first and second thighs, well bent muscled quarters, good mover in all directions.
2 Lewis's Luckhurst Whitefeatherfal, good head with dark eye, good reach of neck, well laid shoulder, nice topline and underline, chest could be deeper, well bent muscled quarters, moved well.
3 Bruton & Dove�s Kilbourne Queen Mary At Mirzabad.
LB (5,1a
) 1 Peach's Kilbourne Flora Mcdeva, good head with a dark eye and high set ears, good reach of neck, well laid shoulder, good topline and underline, good body condition, chest id deep, broad first and second thighs, well bent muscled quarters, good bone, good mover in all directions, Res CC.
2 Cannon & Wickstead�s Kilbourne Opal's Fire To Abayomi, good head with dark eye and high set ears, good length of neck, well placed shoulder, good topline, well bent muscled quarters, good mover, just preferred underline and body of winner.
3 Spence's Hyndsight Neaghley (AI).
OB (2)
1 Finnett & Heathcote's Ch Hyndsight All I Have To Do Is, good head with a dark eye and high set ears, good reach of neck, well laid shoulder, well bodied with a deep chest, good topline and underline, broad first and second thighs, well bent muscled quarters, good bone, good mover in all directions, CC.
2 Helps, Ch Beardswood Verbena, another lovely bitch with a good head, dark eye and good ear placement, good reach of neck, deep chest with a nice topline and underline, broad first and second thighs, well bent muscled quarters, moved well.
Jerry Robertson