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Riddings & District Canine Society Open Show Critique

My thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge Deerhounds at this well run show
which had lovely weather on the day despite it being rather windy.
Thanks to the exhibitors for a quality entry (albeit small numerically) superbly presented as

Puppy D/B (1,0)

1. Peach’s Homepark Betty to Kilbourne (NAF)
First time out for this nine month old bitch. Lovely head with dark eye and good
length of neck. Good straight front and nice underline. Well boned with good feet
and length from hip to well let down hocks. As it was quite windy the flapping ring
tape didn’t do her any favours but on her first outing she coped admirably. Very
promising. BP.

Junior D/B (2, 0)

1. Taylor’s Talorpeche Ambition.
Just out of puppy an eye catching dark coated bitch again with lovely head and dark
eye. Strong neck into good shoulder and front. Good feet. Longer cast than 2 and
well ribbed back with a nice underline. Can tighten up in hind movement which I’m
sure will come with age as she is still very much a baby. Lovely expression.
2. Peach’s Kilbourne Havana.
Sixteen month old attractive young bitch. Slightly unsettled today which the flapping
ring tape contributed to. Well constructed and these two could change places on
another day. Another promising youngster.

Post Graduate D/B (0, 0)

Open D/B (2, 1)

1. Peach’s Kilbourne Flora Mcdeva
Super three year old balanced bitch . Excellent front and good feet. Brisket deep with
good spring of rib. Strong loin and well muscled throughout. Lovely outline which she
holds on the move. She moved effortlessly with drive from her powerful
hindquarters. . I was delighted to see her go on to take Hound Group 1 followed by

Angela Aston (Balgaled).