Many thanks to the Committee of The National for giving me the opportunity to judge again at this very well run show. I awarded my first set of CCs in Deerhounds at this show and it was a pleasure to return. A special thanks to my very efficient stewards who kept everything running very smoothly.
Thank you to the exhibitors for a good entry of 48 hounds. Sadly, there were quite a few absentees today, reducing the number present to only 28 (11 males and 17 females). However, I still had enough quality from which to select the winners of the main awards.
I’m disappointed to have to write again the criticism which I made the last time that I judged the breed. That is that some dogs were dirty. I know we’ve had some very wet weather lately, but that’s no excuse for the amount of dried mud which I could feel in some of the hounds’ coats.
Some hounds were far too close behind, with their hocks almost brushing together as they moved away from me. These hounds certainly wouldn’t be able to do a day’s work.
I’ve not mentioned teeth or bite in my critiques as all the placed dogs had the correct scissor bite.
SBD: No entries.
MPD: No entries.
PD:(1) 1. Greenhalgh’s Kilbourne Ablaize at Leksmoor. Rangy, raw nine month old who appears to be going through a typical gangly stage at the moment. Typical head and good, dark eye. A little close in front at the moment but this should broaden slightly when he matures and his rib cage and forechest develop fully. Good topline with correct rise over the loin. Good width to his hind quarters which he used well on the move. He wasn’t co-operating fully with his handler today and needs more ring experience to get used to being stacked. Best puppy dog.
JD:(3) 3 abs.
PGD: (6) 2 abs. 1 & RCC. Peach’s Kilbourne Daniyal. Handsome, dark, 22 month old hound. Masculine without being coarse. He won this class and the reserve ticket on his movement which was typical but not flashy. An easy, flowing gait showing balance and soundness. Houndy head with a good, dark eye. Good lay of shoulder into straight front legs. Slightly down on his pasterns today but not to the extent that it affected his movement. Good topline with adequate rise over his loin. Well presented and handled. 2. Brodie & Owen’s Fritzens Zareef at Wolfcastle (Imp Ger). This two year old is slightly longer cast than the winner but still in proportion, with good length in his ribbing. Elegant head but still unmistakably masculine. Good front angulation into straight front legs. Shapely hind quarters with drooping croup and well-muscled first and second thigh. Moved with enough drive but not quite as balanced today as the winner. 3. Wragg’s Neroche Kielder.
LD:(2). 1. Shannon’s Packway Downlander at Erewhon. This three year old male won this class on his movement. Typical head and expression but I would prefer tidier, smaller ears. Well muscled with good front assembly into straight legs. Adequate rise over the loin, giving the correct topline. Good depth of chest. I’d like him to have slightly more length in his ribbing and a slightly shorter loin. Enough width to his hindquarters which he used well on the move. 2. Thom’s Flaxside A Will To Live. Five year old dog from a very different mould to the winner. This hound was more workmanlike without being coarse. Typical head and expression with correct, dark eyes and neat ears. Good front angulation and good width to his rear quarters. I would prefer the rise in his topline to be further forward, over his loin. He moved OK today but was not as settled as the winner.
OD:(6) 3 abs. 1 & CC. Heathcote & Finnett’s Ch Hyndsight Talk On The Street. Masculine three year old hound with a typical Deerhound outline. Balanced angulation. Good front assembly into straight front legs. To nit-pick I would prefer slightly tighter front feet. Good shaggy coat. Correct rise over his loin into wide, slightly drooping hindquarters. Good width from hip to hock giving him powerful rear movement. Won this class and the CC on his movement. Lost out in the challenge for best of breed because he appeared to be flagging slightly and didn’t move with as much drive. 2. Peach’s Ch Quantistico Guiseppe To Kilbourne. Attractive, dark, two year old hound. Well balanced with good angulation fore and aft. Good length and spring of rib. Well muscled and looked like he could do a day’s work. I preferred his head and expression to the winner, but he looked as though he would have rather been somewhere else today and did not co-operate fully with his handler, making him appear a little lack lustre on the move. 3. Wilce-Quinton’s Kirjojax Harris.
VD:(1). 1 & Best Veteran. Llewellyn’s Hunky Dory Bowie at Kilbourne. Seven year old hound. Presented a typical outline. Lovely, shaggy coat. Good front angulation with adequate forechest and straight front legs. Good depth and spring of rib. Well muscled for his age but I would prefer him slightly leaner. Moved freely and evenly.
SBB: No entries
MPB:(1) 1. Barret’s Stranwith Sadie. Promising, seven month old hound. Lovely dark coat. Feminine head and expression. Balanced angulation with curves in all the right places. Sadly, today she was completely overawed by the occasion and didn’t settle when standing or moving, making it difficult to judge her movement. Hopefully with lots more practice she will have a good future.
PB:(3) 2 abs. 1 & BPIB. Peach’s Kilbourne Danny’s Annie. Shapely nine month old hound. Presented a balanced outline when standing. Good front assembly with straight front legs and neat feet. Good depth of chest for her age. Lovely head and expression with correct dark eyes. Moved well with a balanced, effortless gait. Well presented and well handled.
JB:(2) 1 abs. 1. Heathcote & Finnett’s Hyndsight Wicked Game. Attractive 17 month old hound. Dark coat, shapely, with curves in all the right places. A promising hound presenting a balanced outline with good front and rear angulation. Good length and spring of rib with correct rise over her loin. Sadly, today she was overawed by the environment, especially the loud tannoy announcements, which meant that she didn’t really settle on the move. Hopefully with more practice she will have a bright future.
PGB:(7) 2 abs. 1. Helps’ Beardswood Gille’s Whisper. Three year old hound with curves from head to tail. Balanced angulation with good front assembly into straight front legs. Good depth of brisket. Typical head and eye, but I would prefer slightly neater ears. Moved well with enough drive but flattened her topline slightly which spoiled her side profile and lost her a higher award in the challenge. 2. Lewis’s Luckhurst Whitefeatherfal. The last time I judged this two year old hound I gave her BPIB and today she didn’t disappoint. She is still maturing and lost out today to the more mature winner. She presents a balanced outline. Longer than the winner but in proportion with correct length in her ribbing. Good topline with correct rise over her loin. Good front assembly into straight front legs. Well muscled. Won this place on her movement which was active and true with an effortless gait. 3. Faircloth’s Penherald Polka at Calbraidh.
LB:(10) 4 abs. 1. Spring-Arnold’s Hyndsight Only In My Dreams. Attractive, feminine, three year old hound. She has matured nicely since the last time I judged her. Presented a balanced outline with good angulation fore and aft. Typical head and expression with hazel eyes. Straight front legs into neat feet. Will muscled. Broad, drooping rear quarters which she used well on the move. Won this class on her outline and movement. Seriously considered her for the reserve CC but she was up against strong competition today. 2. Edwards’ Quantistico Lucia to Kilbourne. Two year old hound. Presented a balanced, typical outline. Feminine head and expression with dark eyes. Good front assembly into straight legs and neat feet. Good topline with correct rise over the loin. Broad, drooping hind quarters with the required width. In the initial line up at the beginning of the class I picked her as the potential winner, however she was quite lack lustre today. I understand she had been travel sick which meant that she was not giving her best performance and didn’t move with as much drive as I would have liked. However, still a very promising hound. 3. Peach’s Kilbourne Flora Mcdeva.
OB:(4) 1 abs. 1 & CC & BOB. Helps’ Ch Beardswood Verbena. Three year old hound. Substantial but still feminine and not coarse in any way. Looks like she could easily do the job for which the breed was intended. Lovely head and expression with correct dark eyes and neat ears. Presented a completely balanced outline when standing, both when stacked and when free standing. Balanced angulation. Good length and spring of rib. Correct topline with a rise over her loin which she didn’t lose when moving. Good width behind, giving her strength and power. Moved with an effortless and free gait. Well presented. 2 & RCC. Heathcote & Finnett’s Ch Hyndsight All I Have To Do Is. This three year old is slightly longer cast than the winner, but still has the correct proportions with good length of ribbing. Curvy with good, deep chest and correct rise over her loin. Slightly drooping, powerful hindquarters which she used well on the move. Nit-picking between these two today but the winner had a slightly more powerful rear action. However, this hound still has all the qualities of a champion and I was pleased to award her the RCC. 3. Paisey’s Hyndsight Fields of Gold.
VB:(1), 1 abs.
Judge: Dee Blatchford