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Midland Counties Championship Show 2024 Critique

It was a great pleasure to judge this show, I was pleased with my entry in numbers and in quality – the bitch classes in particular were impressive, a lovely limit class. Most exhibits were presented in a clean and groomed condition , whilst there some that were soft a lot were in good muscular condition.

Class 2001. Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 1 Abs: 0

1st 6360 - Flaxside Druid (Mrs E & Mr J Beasley)

Good coat, pleasing head, rather upright in front construction and lacking angles behind, Almost ringing his tail. Sound on the move.

Class 2002. Puppy Dog Entries: 0 Abs: 0

Class 2003. Junior Dog Entries: 0 Abs: 0

Class 2004. Post Graduate Dog Entries: 7 Abs: 1

1st 6344 - Beardswood Xcalibur (Dr S A F Helps)

Very attractive young dog, very well presented and in excellent condition. Lovely head good ears, well knuckled feet and excellent profile. Low hocks, would prefer a little more angles behind. Moved soundly.

2nd 6339 - Hyndsight Steppenwolf (Miss S L & Dr N S A Finnett & Heathcote)

Not as attractive to my eye as the winner, impression is one of balance. Head OK dark eyes, a well constructed front, deep brisket connected by flowing lines to a well angulated rear with low hocks , Feet are good as is bone and muscle tone. Movement was good all round.

3rd 6373 - Neroche Kielder (Mrs J Wragg)

Class 2005. Limit Dog Entries: 4 Abs: 1

1st 6359 - Packway Blue Moon (Miss L & Mr J Sandells & Lovell)

Still a work in progress, but maturing out nicely, Good sized hound, well boned with tight feet liked the body shape and proportions, excellent top ine, Well laid shoulder and return of upper arm, a little long in the loin and strong well angulated rear, no coarseness . Masculine head, dark eyes, ears OK, could be smaller. Slow to settle on the move, but once done profile movement was very good, holding his top line. Movement coming and going was also good. Well presented, good coat CC

2nd 6356 - Fritzen Zareef at Wolfscastle (Imp Ger) (Mr K J & Ms Z L S Owen & Brodie)

Attractive head with neat well folded ears, Good front construction, good feet. Well ribbed, somewhat flat in top line, heavily angulated behind, but rear movement was perfectly parallel.

Well presented in good coat and expertly handled. Lacked the curves of the winner and was not masculine enough for my taste, but a quality hound nonetheless.

3rd 6331 - Zeldini Talon (Mrs A B Banks)

Class 2006. Open Dog Entries: 2 Abs: 0

1st 6340 - Ch Hyndsight Talk On The Street (Miss S L & Dr N S A Finnett & Heathcote)

Good quality male, excellent construction throughout, Head OK, nice ears, eye colour could be darker. Has a good fore chest and depth of brisket, top line lacks rise over the loin, well angulated rear. Good bone and muscle condition, moved well viewed from all angles. Although quite big enough, I prefer a larger hound and hence awarded the RCC

2nd 6326 - Humbiehounds Velvet Tattie (Mrs C C & Miss M L Anderson)

Powerfully built 2 year old, but not coarse. Head fair, eye could darker and ears smaller. Well knuckled feet, front assembly could have a little more angulation, powerful neck and good ribbing Good bone and well muscled. Moved quite soundly with plenty of drive. This is a promising hound.

Class 2007. Veteran Dog Entries: 1 Abs: 1

Class 2008. Special Beginners Dog Entries: 3 Abs: 0

1st 6331 - Zeldini Talon (Mrs A B Banks)

Straight front well laid shoulder good feet soft expression good ears medium sized dog with low hocks moved well in profile

2nd 6367 - Stableview Willow (Mrs C J Taylor)

A nice head dark eye and good ears. Front construction quite good but rather straight in upper arm. Feet well knuckled, and bone is reasonable. Croup falls away too steeply, and the rear although well angulated is rather weak. Profile move was fair, rear movement untidy.

3rd 6360 - Flaxside Druid (Mrs E & Mr J Beasley)

Class 2009. Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 4 Abs: 0

1st 6368 - Flaxside Dava Miss Chief (Ms S Thom)

I have to say absolutely not my type! Feminine head with a dark eye, ears small and neatly folded. Excellent coat Would prefer more bone , but she was in excellent muscle condition for a puppy of this age. Moved soundly, and temperament/ training meant she could be properly assessed.

2nd 6357 - Kynroan Lindisfeorna (Dr R & Mrs J Pounder)

Six month old well grown puppy, more my type, pleasing head with a soft gentle expression, dark eye. Front and rear construction OK as was the topline. Good bone well knuckled feet. A little overawed by the surroundings, not cooperating with her handler so movement difficult to assess

3rd 6329 - Greyflax Miss Grace (Mr G & Mrs N B Bailey)

Class 2010. Puppy Bitch Entries: 1 Abs: 0

1st 6369 - Lowland Fauns Ianthe at Flaxside (Imp Ger) (Ms S Thom)

Not my type again, but has a feminine head, dark eye neat ears, good coat. Good front construction, well knuckled neat feet, topline at the moment rather flat, but she is growing. In hard physical condition, although I would like more bone, moved very well, best of all the puppies. BP

Class 2011. Junior Bitch Entries: 4 Abs: 1

A class of three good bitches

1st 6352 - Greyflax Bracken (Mr J Morgan)

A substantial bitch, very shapely, good head and expression dark eye and small well set ears. Front assembly quite good but a trifle short in upper arm, deep brisket. Very shapely, powerful well angulated rear, feet could be a bit smaller. Moved well, holding her outline on the move. Best Special Beginner

2nd 6328 - Greyflax Minnie The Moocher (Mr G & Mrs N B Bailey)

Another very nice bitch, litter sister to the class winner, but of quite different type, in fact more typical of this kennel. Feminine head, good ears dark eye, good construction, well boned good tight well knuckled feet, excellent rear construction, well angulated with strength and excellent on the move from all angles. A downside is that she is carrying too much weight. Had the edge over the winner in movement, on this occasion I preferred the curves and type of the winner, but it was close, and this is one to watch.

3rd 6364 - Ollandsheart Matilda (Ms M & Ms K Stuart & Holt)

Class 2012. Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 10 Abs: 5

1st 6341 - Hyndsight Wicked Game (Miss S L & Dr N S A Finnett & Heathcote)

Eye catching young bitch. Shapely, well constructed, lovely low hocks, good bone well muscled excellent coat and condition, moved well from all angles. Very typical product of this kennel.

2nd 6365 - Packway Cora Sundrop at Ollandsheart (Ms M & Ms K Stuart & Holt)

Another shapely but powerfully built and well constructed bitch, good bone and coat, excellent topline and well angulated rear with low hocks and notably well muscled rear, very good mover.

3rd 6351 - Packway The Enigma (Miss R V & Mr C J Lucas & Dargonne)

Class 2013. Limit Bitch Entries: 9 Abs: 2

An excellent class full of high quality bitches, spoiled for choice!

1st 6362 - Hyndsight Only in My Dreams (Mr D & Mrs S Spring-Arnold)

High quality bitch, good head, eye could be darker, strong neck, good bone, excellent profile, tight feet, rather upright in pastern. Good top line and undercut with a strong well angulated rear. Moved extremely well with enthusiasm, really liked her side movement. Coat and presentation excellent. Movement coming and going not quite as good as the CC winner so had to be content with the RCC.

2nd 6361 - Hyndsight Neaghley (ai) (Mrs L A Spence)

Substantial, well constructed bitch of a type I like, close decision between this and the winner. There is no coarseness, pleasing feminine head, powerful neck, construction front and rear is good and profile is excellent, there is an impression of balance. Plenty of bone and has plenty of muscle. Well presented with a good coat, moved well in profile.

3rd 6349 - Packway Ecotrailer (Miss R V & Mr C J Lucas & Dargonne)

Class 2014. Open Bitch Entries: 6 Abs: 1

1st 6338 - Ch Hyndsight All I Have to Do Is (Miss S L & Dr N S A Finnett & Heathcote)

A top flight bitch. Loved the type. Good head strong neck excellent front construction, deep brisket, properly let down pasterns, good bone and ribbing, very shapely- to the limit, with an excellent topline and a well angulated rear, low hocks. Coat and muscle tone were good and she moved very well from all angles CC & BOB

2nd 6330 - Ch Greyflax Tallulah Lilac (Mr G & Mrs N B Bailey)

Another excellent bitch, different type, impressive profile, powerful but elegant, less curvy than the winner and not quite the front construction, being a little upright. Pleasing head neat ears, good neck. Really good mover. Well presented and shown to perfection.

3rd 6334 - Ch Kwaricott Kaleginy Bettinsoli (Miss R & Mrs K Cumberland & Constantine)

Class 2015. Veteran Bitch Entries: 2 Abs: 0

1st 6342 - Ch Beardswood Unique Gem (Dr S A F Helps)

Really nice veteran. Substantial bitch. pleasing head strong neck well laid shoulder deep brisket good bend of stifle low hocks, topline OK but there is a bit too much rise ever the loin. Very well turned out and in good muscular condition.. Profile movement very good a litlle close behind but sound.

2nd 6333 - Cotherstone Serenade at Kaleginy (Mrs K Constantine)

Another well constructed bitch. rather larger than I like and carrying too much weight! Moved well from all angles.

Class 2016. Special Beginners Bitch Entries: 4 Abs: 2

1st 6352 - Greyflax Bracken (Mr J Morgan)

See Junior Bitch 1st

2nd 6345 - Beardswood Xenia (Mrs T Keane)

Pleasing head, dark eye neat ears. Straight front , proper bend in pastern, well knuckled feet, somewhat upright front assembly. Profile OK, good tuck up. A little lacking in bone. Moved well in profile.
