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Hound Club of East Anglia Open Show 2024 Critique

First, thank you to the Committee for their kind invitation to judge Deerhounds at this year’s Autumn show.

Special Yearling Entries: 1, Abs 0

1 Hyndsight Better Believe It (Rose).

An eye-catching 6month puppy dog. Crisp dark coat. Good bone. Dark eye. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Excellent feet. Strong hindquarters. At such a young age he needs to fill out slowly and deepen his chest. Movement was a little erratic, although this was puppy’s first show in a noisy indoor arena. I’m sure his movement will settle in time. A very promising young dog, one to watch. BP

Postgraduate Entries 1, Abs 0

1 Chuilinn Flare (Girling)

2-year old bitch with a beautiful head – dark eye and correct ear placement. Elegant shape. Strong neck, well angulated shoulders. A tad shallow in the chest however she is still young and her chest may drop in time. Good rise over the loin and nice fallaway Favourable rear angulation with good muscle tone and excellent second thigh. Neat feet. Movement was rather erratic, she didn’t help her handler today.

Limit Entries 1, Abs 0

1 Packway Downlander at Erewhon (Shannon)

Everything about this dog says male. A strong muscular dog with super shape and excellent bone. Lovely head with dark eye and kind expression. Good length in the neck,, well muscled leading to well angulated shoulders and excellent deep chest. Good spring of rib, correct topline and good fallaway. Well angulated rear quarters, excellent second thigh, lovely low hocks and neat feet. On this occasion he owned the ring moving with drive and enthusiasm whilst holding his shape well. Well deserved BOB

Open Entries 2, Abs 0

1 Hyndsight Only In My Dreams (Spring-Arnold)

Beautiful elegant bitch of excellent quality and proportions. Feminine head although the eye could be a little darker. Strong powerful neck. Deep chest, elegant tuck up and good rise over the loin. Excellent in profile. Powerful hindquarters with plenty of width. Neat feet. Sound mover but not as much spark today as my BOB winner. But a well deserved RBOB. Pleased to see her placed Group 4 in the RBOB winners class.

2 Erewhon Firefly (Shannon)

6 year old curvey bitch with a striking head. Strong neck and well angulated shoulders with good return of upper arm. Good bone and neat feet. Well ribbed with a strong loin but clearly likes her food! Correct fallaway and good rear angulation. Moved out well but didn’t quite hold her topline as well as my 1st

Kim Holt (Ollandsheart)