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Darlington Championship Show 2024 Critique

Thought the breed has a mix of types at the moment. A few light eyes, some rather flat in topline and hind movement not as strong as I would want.

Puppy Dog (1)

1st: 5267 PEACH, Mr M & Mrs G Kilbourne Jagger

Really super pup of just 6months. Beautiful head with typical expression. He has enough neck. Well laid shoulder. Could have better feet. Deep chest. Curvy topline. Very good rear. Accurate on the move and a very typical light profile action. Has great potential. BP, well done PG3

Post grad dog (6,1)

1st: 5263 MCPHERSON, Mr S A & PATERSON, Mr P C Antonius Vertragus The-ngong-hills (imp Fra)

Very typy dog whose outline I liked a lot. Needs to spring in rib. Has a super head. Fairly strong neck. Well laid shoulder. He has better fill of chest than 2. Chest to elbow. Well ribbed back. Correct topline. Moderate in the rear. Very accurate and typical mover.

2nd: 5258 HEATHCOTE, Miss S L Finnett & Dr N S A Hyndsight Steppenwolf

Shapely dog, not always wanting to put 100% in. Liked his masc head. Dark eyes. V good neck into well laid shoulder. Topline is ok. Well bent stifle, he can stand with hocks pointing in, but straight when he moved.

3rd: 5276 SANDELLS, Miss Lorna & LOVELL, Mr Johnnie Packway Blue Moon

Limit dog (2,1)

1st: 5270 PEACH, Mr M & Mrs G Kilbourne Oscar Wilde

Really good moving dog, accurate out and back and has a light, easy stride. Super head, ears could be neater. Strong neck. Well laid shoulder. Good depth and fill of chest. Well sprung ribs. His topline could show slightly more arch to loin. Very good rear, with low hocks. RCC

Open dog (5,2)

1st: 5279 TAYLOR, Mrs S J Ormanstar Ezra

Very typy dog with very good proportions. Has a super head, dark eye giving a lovely expression. Long enough neck of strength. Deep chest. Well laid shoulder slightly upright in pastern and could be slightly tidier in front action. Well ribbed to a firm loin, could have a better topline. Moderate rear. Light and easy mover. CC,

2nd: 5255 HEATHCOTE, Miss S L Finnett & Dr N S A Ch Hyndsight Talk On The Street

Mature dog in full coat. Liked his head balance but eyes are light, spoiling the typical expression. Super neck. Well laid shoulder. Deep chest. Topline is flat. Drooping rear. Parallel going away, lifts front higher than ideal.

3rd: 5246 BANKS, Mrs Annette Zeldini Talon

Veteran bitch (1)

1st: 5280 THOM, Ms S G Ardneish Passion

Very good moving older lady, could have more muscle. She is feminine in head. V good neck. Well laid shoulder. Chest could be deeper. Moderate rear. Very good coat. BV

Puppy bitch (3)

1st: 5247 BARRET, Ms K Stranwith Sadie

Took a little while to settle, did enough to win on her better breed type. She has a fem head, expression could be better, enough neck. Quite a good front. Well bodied. Strong rear. Easy mover.

2nd: 5281 THOM, Ms S G Lowland Fauns Ianthe At Flaxside (Imp Ger)

She is a well made bitch with a very good coat. Liked her head shape. Dark eyes. Sound mover.

3rd: 5282 THOM, Ms S G Flaxside Dava Miss Chief

Junior bitch (3,1)

Both promising young ladies, with different things to like.

1st: 5265 MORGAN, Mr John Greyflax Bracken

She had a slightly better topline and rear than 2. Lengthy fem head.mModerate length of neck. Deep chest. Well ribbed back. Very shapely.

2nd: 5268 PEACH, Mr M & Mrs G Homepark Betty To Kilbourne NAF

Quite raw looking, her front was better than 1 but just a bit wobbly moving away. Beautiful head, correct neck. Fairly well laid shoulder. Deep chest.

Post grad bitch (4,1)

Class of compromise.

1st: 5252 EDWARDS, Mrs Taryn & EDWARDS, Mr Michael Kilbourne Havana With Brackenland

She was the best mover, liked her proportions, but would like a better topline. Fem head. Ok neck. Forward in shoulder. And stands a bit wide in front. Deep enough chest. Moderate rear.

2nd: 5264 MORGAN, Mr John Rushmill Pikeur

Quite a shapely bitch if a fraction long. Could have a slightly stronger muzzle. Ok neck. Forward in shoulder and was a bit prancey in front. Topline quite good. Moderate rear.

3rd: 5260 KILGAR, Miss D Claonaiglen Tilt Maelstrom

Limit bitch (7)

Very competitive class headed by 2 very lovely bitches of very good type.

1st: 5253 EDWARDS, Mrs Taryn & EDWARDS, Mr Michael Quantistico Lucia To Kilbourne

Liked her proportions and she is slightly better in topline than 2. Fem head, enough jaw. Strong neck. Well laid shoulder. Deep chest, well sprung ribs that go well back. V good slope to croup. Lengthy stride. CC & BOB, congratulations on new Champion.

2nd: 5272 PEACH, Mr M & Mrs G Kilbourne Opal's Fire To Abayomi

Liked her proportions. She has a well laid shoulder and is v good in front assembly. Liked her head. Eye is ok. Strong neck. Chest almost to elbow. V strong rear. Accurate on the move. RCC

3rd: 5259 KERMACK, Miss Rona Jean Beardswood Xinia

Open bitch (5)

Movement let some of these down.

1st: 5269 PEACH, Mr M & Mrs G Kilbourne Flora Mcdeva

Really liked her shaPe. She has a v good head with typical expression. Strong neck. Well laid shoulder. Could be better in foreleg and pastern. Deep chest. Quite a good topline. Needs to be stronger in hind action. Better in profile movement than 2.

2nd: 5256 HEATHCOTE, Miss S L Finnett & Dr N S A Ch Hyndsight All I Have To Do Is

She is a shapely whose topline I liked. Fem in head. Strong neck. Deep chest, more fill than many. Well ribbed back. Good rear stood but could have used it much better.

3rd: 5248 CONSTANTINE, Mrs K & CUMBERLAND, Miss Rachel Ch Ch Kwaricott Kaleginy Bettinsoli

Jeff Horswell