Special Not Bred By Exhibitor (15,10)
1st Ms M Stuart & Ms K Holt – Packway Cora Sundrop At Ollandsheart, B. Lovely outline, balanced angles front and rear, standing on good bone and feet, good coat, loved her head with good proportions, nice dark eye, kind expressions, good reach of neck with slight crest to it, flowing into a good lay to the shoulder, good length of upperarm, enough infill of chest, with a good depth and well ribbed back, correct topline and strong muscular loin, good tail and set, super rear quarters, muscular, good turn of stifle, strong hocks, moved out well.
2nd Miss M J Girling – Chuilinn Flare, B. Nice outline, standing on good bone with good feet, feminine head, nice eye and soft expression, good reach of neck, well laid-back shoulders, good length of upperarm, good body length, depth and ribbing back good, strong over the loin, strong muscular rear, bit out of coat today, loved her profile gait, ground covering.
3rd Mrs E Barter – Kilbourne Justine, B.
Special Bred By Exhibitor (13,8)
1st Ms M Stuart & Ms K Holt – Ollandsheart Matilda, B. Loved her overall balance and body proportions, loved her head and expression, good clean crested reach to the neck, flowing into well laid shoulders with the correct length and return of upperarm, good depth of chest and well ribbed, strong and muscular over the loin, correct hips and tail set, good muscular rear, with good width to first and second thigh, with a good turn of stifle and well let down hocks, moved sound, reaching out in front, and driving from the rear, true coming and going.
2nd Miss R Lucas – Packway Ecotrailer, B. Another beautifully balanced bitch, loved her outline, pretty head, dark eye giving a soft expression, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, good depth of chest, well ribbed back, correct topline, well-muscled loin, good tail set and length, good width to first and second thigh, well let down hock, moved well reaching and driving.
3rd Mr M & Mrs G M Peach – Kilbourne Devon, B.
Brace (4,2)
1st Miss RV & Mr CJ Lucas & Dargonne. Very much similar type, moving well together, lovely profile movement, well handled
2nd Mr M J & Mrs GM Peach. Another lovely pair, complementing each other, moving well.