I would like to thank the Deerhound Club and its members for the opportunity to judge at the Southern Limited Show. A friendly show, welcoming new members into showing and I certainly hope all enjoyed their day. Some lovely exhibits to go over, thank you all.
PD (2)
1 Peach’s Kilbourne Jagger: a lovely six-month-old baby. Well-constructed with lovely lines, good forechest and the very sweetest of heads. Shown in excellent condition. Stood brilliantly for such a young chap and moved well. (BP)
2 Beasley’s Flaxside Druid: seven-month-old baby. Rangier than 1 with a good coat, nice head with a kind eye. Upright in the front and didn’t have the rear angulation of 1st. Not moving as well as 1 on the day.
Special Beginners D (1)
1 Beasley’s Flaxside Druid.
SYD (3,2)
1 Helps’ Beardswood Xcalibur: A tall upstanding young chap of 20 months, with lovely head and earset into strong neck. Well laid shoulders, deep chest into strong loin. Well-muscled for age. Moved well.
PGD (2)
1 Sandells and Lovell’s Packway Blue Moon: Handsome young hound. Nice head with good dark eye. Ears slightly large. Strong neck into well laid shoulder and good topline. Shapely outline with deep chest into nice tuck. Well let down hocks. Looked lovely on the move. Had great pleasure in awarding him best dog on the day and eventually my Best in Show! (BD, BIS)
2 Wragg’s Neroche Kielder: another handsome well-constructed hound, nice head with neat ears and a dark eye. Well laid shoulders and a well sprung deep chest. Well-muscled and moved well
OD (3,2)
1 Peach’s Kilbourne Oscar Wilde. A very shapely hound with nice head and earset. Strong neck into well laid shoulder. Good deep brisket into tuck up. Well held topline and very well-muscled. Great mover. Delighted to award him Reserve Best Dog (RBD)
PB (2,1)
1 Barter’s Kilbourne Justine: six months old sweet baby. Lovely head with well set ears and a good dark eye. Very shapely overall and shown in excellent condition. Litter sister to my BP and a difficult decision to make in the challenge. Shows great promise.
JB (4,2)
1 Peach’s Kilbourne Danny’s Annie: Shapely bitch with good width front and back. Deep chest into good tuck. Good topline which she held on the move. Strong but feminine head. Moved with drive.
Stuart and Holt’s Ollandsheart Matilda: Another shapely bitch. Sweet head with good earset. A little narrow at front. Strong neck and well-muscled. Moved well.
SYB (5,3)
1 Lucas and Dargonne’s Packway the Enigma: Strong bitch with neat head and ear set. Very shapely and well-muscled. Moved well. Pleased to award her best bitch on the day (BB)
2 Stuart and Holt’s Packway Cora Sundrop at Ollandsheart: a longer outline than 1, nice head and expression with good earset. Good shoulder into deep brisket with nice tuck. Well-muscled. Not moving as well as 1st.
UGB (4,2)
1 Girling’s Chuilinn Flare: a shapely bitch with nice head which will improve when facial furnishings come through. Well set ears, though a little large. Coat a bit in and out at this stage.
2 Richardson’s Claonaiglen Lussa: a good strong bitch, heavily coated. Nice head and earset into good shoulder with deep chest and strong loin. Well-muscled. Not the movement of 1.
PGB (7,4)
1 Lewis’ Luckhurst Whitefeatherfal: A rangy bitch, with nice head and ears and good dark eye. Strong neck into good lay of shoulder. Shapely outline with good topline. Moved really well.
2 Peach’s Kilbourne Devon: A nice dark bitch with sweet head and expression. Very shapely with strong hindquarters. A good mover
3 Faircloth’s Penherald Polka at Calbraidh
OB (3,2)
1 Lucas and Dargonne’s Packway Ecotrailer: A well-balanced lady with a neat head and earset into strong neck. Good shoulder, deep brisket and good topline held on the move.
VB (2) 1 Lucas and Dargonne’s Packway Little Loxley: Shapely bitch, still carries her topline well on the move and moves well. Nice head and expression, good shoulders, deep brisket with a good tuck. (BV) 2 Paisey’s Hyndsight Fields of Gold: A lovely 7-year-old, in full coat. The sweetest of expressions. Very shapely and well-muscled. Well-handled and moved well.