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Deerhound Club Championship Show 2024 Critique

Firstly I would like to thank the Committee for appointing me to judge the first ever Deerhound Club Championship Show. It was a huge privilege to be invited to judge such a landmark show. It was a shame the weather was unkind and drove us all indoors but organisers, exhibitors and dogs all stepped up to the plate and made it a great show to judge. Thank you to all involved.

Puppy Dog (0)

Junior Dog (3,1)

1st:Ms S Finnett & Dr N Heathcote’s Antonius Vertragus The-Rift-Valley with Hyndsight

Striking young dog with great quality and substance. Lovely head with dark eye and well set ears. Strong neck leading to excellent shoulder placement with good length in return of upper arm. Excellent forechest, good spring of rib and correct topline with nice rise over the loin. Good angulation in hind quarters, well muscled with a good second thigh. Great length from hip to low set hocks. Somewhat unsettled on the move today which may not have been helped by the indoor space but was able to see enough of him settled to see strong drive behind and good reach in front. One to watch.

2nd Miss L Sandells & Mr J Lovell’s Packway Blue Moon

Another quality young dog, of different type. Longer and rangier than 1st and a little raw at the moment. Good length in neck and correct shoulder placement. Good forechest and plenty of rib. Topline shows nice rise over the loin and good croup. Not so well muscled at rear as 1st but angulation good. Steady on the move and held topline well but needs to tighten on the front pasterns. Lots of potential in this young dog but needs time to mature.

Yearling Dog (4, 1)

1st Mrs S Taylor’s Ormanstar Ezra

Well balanced young dog with good bone throughout. Nice head and expression with lovely dark eye and well set, neat ears. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Excellent feet. Good spring of rib, strong loin and good angulation, front and rear. Nice rise over loin and good fallaway to low set tail. Well muscled quarters and good second thigh. Moved well with strong drive from rear.

2nd: Mrs G & Mr M Peach’s Kilbourne Daniyal

Another well balanced youngster with a good head and dark eye. Deeper chest than first and plenty of spring of rib. Good forechest and strong bone. Lovely crisp coat. Less well muscled than 1st but with good length from hip to low hocks. A little unsettled on the move today but plenty to like about this young dog

3rd: Mrs C Anderson, Mrs M White and Miss M Anderson’s Humbiehounds Velvet Tattie

Postgraduate Dog (5, 3)

1st Mrs S & Mr S Cummings’ Claonaiglen Artney

Large, imposing but slightly heavy-set male. Good head with a keen expression, dark eye and ears set high. Strong bone throughout. Shoulders well laid but would prefer a slightly longer return of upper arm. Broad, deep chest. Good fallaway to low set tail. Rear angulation adequate but hocks could be stronger. Steady on the move.

2nd Mrs C Taylor’s Stableview Willow

Much smaller male, a little short in length and fine boned. Nice head and expression with dark eye and well set ears. Needs more muscle throughout. A little nervous today and rather unsettled which made movement difficult to assess.

Limit Dog (4, 0)

1st: Mrs E Shannon’s Packway Downlander at Erewhon

Nicely balanced male with good length and stood covering the ground well. Pleasing head and soft expression. Well set ears. Good length of neck leading into well laid shoulders and good front angulation. Good return of upper arm. Correct topline with nice rise over loin which was held well on the move. Good rear angulation and low hocks. Good bone. Movement was easy and true. A promising dog but needs more muscle and weight throughout to reach his full potential.

2nd Ms K Barret’s Stranwith Iago

Smaller male of different type to first. Well furnished head with aquiline nose, dark eye and small neat ears. Deep chest and plenty of spring of rib but could do with a little more angulation in the shoulders. Good rear angulation with nice bend of stifle but muscle tone could be firmer. Good feet. Movement a little tentative.

3rd Ms K Llewellyn’s Hunkydory Bowie to Kilbourne

Open Dog (8, 3)

1st Mr B Fritz & Mr K Kruger’s INT/VDH/DWZRV/LUC CH Fritzens The Muthaiga Club DWZRV/LUX JCH

Outstanding male in all aspects. Elegant and striking in appearance, exuding strength with excellent bone throughout. Stands covering the ground well. Beautiful head and expression with soft dark eye and small neat, well set ears. Strong neck leading into excellent lay of shoulder and good return of upper arm. Excellent forechest and plenty of spring of rib. Lovely balanced topline and underline with ribs well arched back and a strong muscled loin. Strong hind quarters with good fallaway, excellent bend of stifle and great length from hip to low hocks. Well muscled, good second thigh and in excellent condition. Lovely dark, harsh coat. Movement was easy, light and true but with powerful drive from behind, easy to see he could do the job he is intended for. DCC & BIS

2nd Mrs S Taylor’s Ch Ormanstar Dark Shadow

Another very strong hound in excellent condition. Lovely head and expression. Well laid shoulders and good deep chest though not such a good return of upper arm as first. Lovely flowing topline and plenty of spring of rib and deep chest. Good bone throughout. Strong quarters, well angulated and well muscled. Movement was good and true though not quite so free and easy as first today. A hound of excellent quality. RDCC

3rd Mrs L & Mr J Faircloth & Dr S Helps’ Ch Beardswood Uther

Veteran Dog (0)

Puppy Bitch (2, 1)

1st Mrs G & Mr M Peach’s Kilbourne Danny’s Annie

Curvy puppy with plenty of substance. Sweet face with well set ears and a nice dark eye. Strong neck & well laid shoulder, good length in return of upper arm. Deep chest. Good fallaway and low set tail. Rear angulation good. Moved out steadily. A very promising youngster. BPIS

Junior Bitch (6, 2)

1st: Ms S Finnett & Dr N Heathcote’s Antonius Vertragus The-Mara-River with Hyndsight (IMP FRA)

Another eye-catching quality youngster with plenty of substance. Lovely head and expression. Strong neck leading into excellent shoulder placement with good return of upper arm. Deep chest and good spring of rib set well back. Nice topline with correct rise over the loin leading into a good fallaway. Well angulated and well muscled quarters with good second thigh. Lovely harsh, dark coat. Movement easy and true.

2nd: Miss V Lucas & Mr C Dargonne’s Packway The Enigma

Rangier bitch, less mature at the moment than 1st but well balanced and standing well over the ground. Excellent ear set and nice dark eye. Good harsh coat. Good length of neck and well laid shoulders with good angulation. Nice deep chest and lovely curvy topline with correct rise over the loin. Good angulation in the hind quarters with nice bend of stifle. Moved out well.

3rd: Miss R Kermack’s Beardswood Xinia

Yearling Bitch (1, 0)

1st Miss M Girling’s Chuilinn Flare

Another young bitch with plenty of promise. Nice head and expression with well set ears and a dark eye. Workman-like outline with good angulation front and rear. Good forechest and plenty spring of rib. Good muscle tone and second thigh. Stood well in profile but a little unsettled on the move today.

Postgraduate Bitch (6, 3)

1st: Dr S Helps’ Beardswood Gillie’s Whisper

Very feminine, shapely bitch with sweet head and expression. Strong neck leading into excellent shoulder placement with good return of upper arm. Good strong bone throughout. Deep chest, strong loin and excellent, well muscled quarters. Movement was easy and true and with powerful drive from the rear.

2nd Miss K Llewellyn’s Kilbourne Ocean Blue of Matahari

Taller, rangier bitch, still a little raw and needing time to mature. Nice head and expression. Well set ears. Shoulder well laid but would prefer a little more in the return of upper arm. Curvy topline which she held well on the move.

3rd: Mrs C Havercroft’s Kilbourne Lyrae at Dragonsisle

Limit Bitch (10, 3)

1st: Mrs G & Mr M Peach’s Kilbourne Flora McDeva

Beautiful, strong bitch who immediately caught my eye in this class. Lovely typical head and expression with dark eye and well set neat ears. Excellent bone throughout. Strong neck, well laid shoulders, deep chest and good spring of rib. Nice curvy topline with correct rise over a strong loin. Good rear angulation with good bend of stifle and well muscled thigh and second thigh. Excellent feet. Movement was easy and true with plenty of drive from the rear. RBCC

2nd: Mrs D Maclean’s Orge et Malt D’Escalgrain

Neat feminine bitch with a sweet head and faraway expression. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Broad forechest and plenty of well laid back rib. Nice rise over a strong loin and good fallaway. Good rear angulation and bend of stifle though would prefer muscle tone to be a little firmer. Moved well, light and easy with drive from rear.

3rd Mrs E Shannon’s Erewhon Firefly

Open bitch (7, 2)

1st: Miss V Lucas & MR C Dargonne’s Packway Smackfarthing

Strong mature bitch with everything to like and nothing exaggerated. Typical head with soft expression, dark eye and neat ears. Stood covering the ground well with a beautiful outline in profile. Strong neck leading to well laid shoulders. Deep chest, lovely spring of rib. Excellent topline, strong loin leading to excellent fallaway and super rear angulation with good bend of stifle and low hocks. Well muscled quarters which drove the movement from behind as she moved out with ease and lightness. This bitch really sparkled today. BCC & RBIS

2nd: Dr S Helps’ Ch Beardswood Verbena

Another bitch of excellent quality and many of the same attributes as first. Strong neck, excellent shoulder placement. Good forechest though not quite so deep in the chest as first. Well muscled quarters with good bend of stifle and strong second thigh. Movement was light and easy with good drive from rear.

3rd: Mrs L Spence’s Shagiead Stormyseas

Veteran Bitch (2,0)

1st: Miss K Llewellyn’s Kilbourne Mistress Martha at Matahari

Well presented bitch in excellent condition. Good lay of shoulder, enough spring of rib. Good muscle tone throughout. Moved with spark and drive from the rear.

2nd: Miss V Lucas & Mr C Dargonne’s Packway Little Loxley

A lovely shapely bitch with good angulation in front at in the quarters. Nice low hocks. Muscle tone not quite so good as first and movement was a little sluggish today, but a very nicely made bitch overall.

Mary Ann Stuart

April 2024