My sincere thanks to the Deerhound Club for the invitation to judge these Sunday classes. A good steward makes an enormous difference when judging and Ian Millar deserves special mention; a vision of calm, smiling efficiency and humour, that I really appreciated.
I’m grateful to everyone that entered, and allowed me the privilege of going over their dogs. All temperaments were good, and all had the requisite scissor bite. There were no light eyes.
MAIDEN DOG OR BITCH (5 entries, 0 absent)
Beardswood Xinia (Kermack)
Well-built young bitch, but certainly not heavy, with more maturity to come. Good coat of correct length and texture. Very pretty head with lovely dark eyes. I would have preferred a slightly smaller, more folded ear set but this did not detract from her attractive soft expression. Well knuckled, compact feet. Good muscling of the shoulder and across the loin, showing a very pleasing easy movement around the ring.
Ehlaradawn Turas (McCarthy)
Almost three year old bitch, that I was told, attending her first show. Pretty head and expression with good dark eyes, neat ears and lovely facial furnishings. Good harsh coat of correct texture and length. Muscular across her back and hindquarters (although she was carrying a little extra padding over the ribs!), with good rear angulation. She proved that she could move well once she had got going, but tended to pace when setting off. Presented and handled very well for first timers. I’d suggest some ringcraft to build confidence for dog and handler.
Packway Star of the East (Taylor)
BRACE (10 entries, 3 absent)
Lucas & Dargonne
A beautifully coordinated pair that moved as one in perfect synchronicity. Matched for size, coat, type and gait. Easy, active movement - a joy to watch stride around the ring together.
Stuart & Holt
Moved very well together despite the age difference. Slightly differing coat texture but displaying the same type and lovely movement.
SPECIAL BREEDERS GROUP (7 entries, 4 absent)
A very strong class of exhibits
Clearly a group from one kennel, with a very definite type across all four dogs. All moved well, complementing each other, with strength and power. Lovely heads and dark eyes throughout.
Lucas & Dargonne
Lovely energy and the youngsters were obviously enjoying their reunion! Movement was good. Coats, build and beautiful expression were all very similar. Evidently a family group of super type.
SPECIAL NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR (16 entries, 8 absent)
Packway Cora Sundrop at Ollandsheart (Stuart & Holt)
Youngster of only 15 months. Good muscle tone, feeling strong with lovely overall balance, but still retaining a superb soft femininity. Pretty head and expression. Nice length from hip to hock and well arched loin. Smooth, easy movement and well handled. I look forward to seeing her mature.
Quantistico Lucia to Kilbourne (Edwards)
Well-constructed, substantial two year old bitch with strong neck, good angles fore and aft. Lovely feminine head, set off with beautiful dark eyes and neat, well set ears. Her topline flattened slightly on the move and I would have liked to see a little more drive and enthusiasm.
Beardswood Xinia (Kermack)
Lovely class. Difficult decision between my top places. All strong, well-constructed bitches, that I felt could do the job a Deerhound was bred for.
Beardswood Gillie’s Whisper (Helps)
Beautiful, well balanced, shapely bitch, with the sweetest of expressions and definite dignity. A strong neck sweeps into a fantastic forechest and front angulation. Won the class on her movement which was so smooth and effortless, yet powerful with a lovely long stride.
Packway Ecotrailer (Lucas & Dargonne)
Another lovely bitch, in her prime. Good proportions throughout, with beautiful smooth curves in all the right places. Really well muscled and in excellent condition. Unfortunately, she was not cooperating with her handler today and did not settle on the move.
Ch. Charlaigne O’cockaigne (Van Zanten-Boomgaard)
TEAM (5 entries, 3 absent)
Stuart & Holt
Well matched, dark coated trio of hounds. Lovely heads, all in well-muscled condition. Despite the two youngsters wanting to play, they moved freely and easily around the ring. Very well handled.
A more mature group than my winner. Well coated and similar in type. Again, sympathetically handled, however lacked the drive and enthusiasm of the winner.
SPECIAL BRED BY EXHIBITOR (22 entries, 16 absent)
Beardswood Verbena (Helps)
Such a pretty, dark eyed, gentle expression. Lovely size, all completely in proportion and just the right amount of substance. Good width of bone front and rear. Well-muscled and good angulation, displaying a lovely effortless stride with powerful drive. My notes from the day include; ‘all curves - moves like a dream!’.
Beardswood Gille’s Whisper (Helps)
See Special Coursing / Lure Chasing Dog or Bitch (1).
Ollandsheart Matilda (Stuart & Holt)
Sue Spring-Arnold