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Deerhound Club Breedshow 2024 Critique

It was a great honour to judge the Breed show this year. This is the first time that I have judged since before covid, so I was seeing most of these hounds for the first time and, overall, I was pleased with the quality of dogs that I saw.

Puppy Dog (no entries)

Junior Dog (3 entries – 2 present)

  1. Miss SL Finnett & Dr NSA Heathcote’s Antonius Vertragus The-Rift-Valley with Hyndsight. Lovely dark, harsh coat, very friendly dog, small, neat ears. Very good width across the hindquarters. Quite bouncy movement but he is young and excited to be out competing.

  2. Miss L Sandells & Mr J Lovell’s Packway Blue Moon. Typical dark eye, shoulder angulation not quite as good as 1. Well knuckled feet and moved soundly and was very well behaved. A few months younger than 1 so not quite as mature.

Yearling Dog (4 entries – 3 present)

  1. Mrs SJ Taylor’s Ormanstar Ezra. Lovely faraway expression with a dark eye and a masculine head, good reach of neck and well laid shoulders, well balanced and moved with drive.

  2. Mrs CC Anderson, Mrs MA White & Miss M Anderson’s Humbiehounds Velvet Tattie. Young dog just out of junior, good depth of chest, well-muscled across hind quarters, moved well but hadn’t got the drive of 1.

  3. Mr MJ & Mrs GM Peach’s Kilbourne Daniyal

Special Beginners Dog (3 entries – 2 present)

  1. Mrs S & Mr M Clement’s Ehlaradawn Campion. Deep brisket and well sprung ribs. Reluctant to run around the ring but when he did, he moved well. He is a well-constructed dog so work on the movement and he should do well in the ring.

  2. Mrs CJ Taylor’s Stableview Willow. Lighter boned dog, good depth of chest, full coat but rather soft to touch.

Undergraduate Dog (1 entry – 0 present)

Post Graduate Dog (4 entries -3 present)

  1. Mrs S & Mr S Cummings’ Claonaiglen Artney. Large dog with a masculine head and expression, deep brisket with well sprung ribs. Good width across the thigh and low set hocks,

  2. Mr R Collins & Mrs P Baker’s Indira Warrior Prince. Dark coated dog, rather nervous of me so difficult to go over, good topline which was maintained on the move.

  3. Mrs CJ Taylor’s Stableview Willow

Limit Dog (4 entries – 3 present)

  1. Mrs S & Mr S Cummings’ Kaleginy Trubador. Mature dog with a full coat, it is lovely to them like this with no sign of any ‘stripping out’. Good shoulder angulation and deep brisket. Moved with drive, with well knuckled feet.

  2. Mrs E Shannon’s Packway Downlander at Erewhon. Keen look with a lovely head and expression, coat not as full as 1. Topline maintained on the move and moved with drive but I felt 1. had better feet.

  3. Miss KA Llewellyn’s Hunkydory Bowie to Kilbourne

Open dog (9 entries – 5 present)

  1. Mrs SJ Taylor’s CH. Ormanstar Dark Shadow. Really liked the overall balance of this dog, he caught my eye as soon as he came into the ring. Lovely peppery, harsh coat with brindle running through it, strongly, masculine head and expression. Very good shoulder angulation, deep chest and moved very soundly and with drive. BD & BIS

  2. Mr MJ & Mrs GM Peach’s CH. Quantastico Guiseppe to Kilbourne. Younger dog with a dark eye and masculine head and expression, slightly shorter coupled than 1, well knuckled feet and moved very well. Topline maintained on the move. Res. BD

  3. Miss SL Finnett & Dr NSA Heathcote’s CH. Hyndsight Talk on the Street

Veteran dog (1 entry – 0 present)

Puppy Bitch (4 entries – 3 present)

  1. Mr MJ & Mrs GM Peach’s Kilbourne Danny’s Annie. I liked this puppy, quite feminine with a lovely dark eye, well laid shoulders, and good spring of rib. Low set hocks, movement a bit loose but she is young, and this will tighten up in the future. Best puppy.

  2. Ms M Stuart & Ms K Holt’s Ollandsheart Matilda. Pretty, young bitch again with a lovely dark eye, did not have the reach of neck of 1. Good hind angulation and topline, moved soundly.

  3. Mrs A & Mr D Chalmers’ Chuilinn Tourmaline

Junior Bitch (6 entries – 5 present)

  1. Miss SL Finnett & Dr NSA Heathcote’s Antonius Vertagus The-Mara-River with Hyndsight (IMP FRA). Very well balanced feminine bitch with good depth of brisket and spring of rib. Width across thigh with a defined second thigh, moved well and with drive.

  2. Miss RV Lucas & Mr CJ Dargonne’s Packway The Enigma. A lighter bitch, not quite the substance of 1, needs further time to mature. A nice topline that was maintained on the move

  3. Miss RJ Kermack’s Beardswood Xinia

Yearling Bitch (2 entries – 1 present)

  1. Miss MJ Girling’s Chuilinn Flare. Stood alone in this class, good front construction with a deep brisket, low set hocks and wide across the thigh. Moved soundly when she concentrated, could do with more ring craft.

Special Beginners Bitch (5 entries – 4 present)

  1. Mrs DH MaClean’s Orge et Malt D’escalgrain. Mature, well-balanced bitch who moved soundly and caught my eye on the move. Good front construction and well laid shoulders

  2. D & I McCarthy’s Ehlaradawn Turas. Again, good front construction but felt 1 had better feet. Good angulation in the hind construction with width across the thigh. Moved well but didn’t have the drive of 1.

  3. Mrs CJ Taylor’s Packway Star of the East

Undergraduate Bitch (5 entries – 2 present)

  1. Mr Jones’ Quantistico Gina. Pretty bitch, with a lovely head and expression, dark coat that was harsh to touch. Owner struggled to move her without pacing but once she was trotting properly she moved well.

  2. Mrs H Bruton & Mrs J Dove’s Kilbourne Queen Mary at Mirzabad. Nice full coat, pale grey in colour with a paler eye but this was fine with the lighter colour coat. Good depth of brisket with a neat tuck up. Movement was ok but could do with further practice on running around a ring.

Post graduate Bitch (5 entries – 4 present)

  1. DR SAF Helps’ Beardswood Gille’s Whisper. Compact workmanlike bitch with a feminine head and expression. Well knuckled feet with good front construction. Moved with balance and drive.

  2. Miss KA Llewellyn’s Kilbourne Ocean Blue of Matahari. This bitch was larger than 1 but was still balanced in her construction. Moved well but didn’t have the drive of 1. Low set hocks and good width across the thigh.

  3. Mrs CJ Havercroft’s Kilbourne Lyrae at Dragonsisle

Limit Bitch (12 entries – 8 present)

  1. Mrs TC & Mr MC Edwards’ Quantistico Lucia to Kilbourne. This was a difficult class to judge, and it was very close between the top two. I preferred the size and femininity of 1. She has a lovely head and expression and was very well balanced and moved with drive. Her construction, both hind and fore were excellent. Res. BB

  2. Miss RV Lucas & Mr CJ Dargonne’s Packway Ecotrailer. Another feminine bitch with a lovely head and expression. Good depth of brisket, well knuckled feet with a good topline that was maintained on the move.

  3. Ms M Stuart & Ms K Holt’s Ollandsheart Desdemona

Open Bitch (9 entries – 5 present)

  1. Miss RV Lucas & Mr CJ Dargonne’s Packway Smackfarthing. A well-balanced pretty bitch who was keen to move. She moved very soundly and has good angulation both fore and hind with a good second thigh. She is obviously a fit hound. BB

  2. DR SAF Helps’ CH. Beardswood Verbena. Lovely dark eye with a nice dark coat that is harsh to touch. Feet not a good as 1. Deep chest with a good spring of rib. Moved soundly and again keen to move.

  3. Mrs CY Van Zanten-Boomgaard’s CH. Charlaigne O’Cockaigne [ATC BA 51704NLD]

Veteran Bitch (7 entries – 3 present)

  1. Miss RV Lucas & Mr CJ Dargonne’s Packway Little Loxley. 8 ½ year old bitch. Lovely full coat and feminine expression. Moved well for her age, still moving with drive. BV

  2. Miss KA Llewellyn’s Kilbourne Mistress Marth at Matahari. 7 ½ year old bitch. Very feminine with lovely silver markings on her face. Good topline that was maintained on the move.

  3. K Barret’s Stranwith Ixxia

Special Rotherwood Stakes Dog or Bitch (11 entries – 4 present)

  1. Mr MJ & Mrs GM Peach’s Kilbourne Daniyal. Large dark dog with a masculine head and lovely dark eye. Moved very soundly. Low set hocks and good hind construction.

  2. Ms M Stuart & Ms K Holt’s Ollandsheart Desdemona. Feminine head, nice dark, full coat. Deep in the brisket and has good hind angulation and width across the thigh. Moved well.

  3. DR SAF Helps’ Beardswood Gille’s Whisper

Clare Drew