Post Graduate:
1st: Robertson’s Chuilinn Flame. An easy winner in this class, superb in type, having the most wonderful head and expression, melting, good, strong neck flowing right into well laid shoulder, long cast, nice topline with
correct length of loin, correct fall away and pelvis set, super width to thigh and second thigh, with lovely
length from hip to low hocks, super rear end with width and power when going away, very fluid in her action
and covers a lot of ground. (BOB).
2. Clabby’s Humbiehounds Jazz It Up. pleasing head and length of neck, good shoulder, topline okay, well bent muscled quarters, moved steady. Would have preferred a darker eye.
3. Humbiehounds Sgona Tattie. (BP).
1st: Robertson’s Chuillin Ehani. super feminine head with dark eye, strong neck and nice shoulder placement, balanced in length to height, correct topline with well arched loins and fall to tail, correct angulations fore
and aft, wonderful to see her move.
2. Maclean’s Orge Et Malt D’Escalgrain. good head, neck and shoulder placement, nice topline with deep chest, well muscled quarters, steady movement.
1st: Robertson’s Chuillin Eshana loved her head proportions and type, very femminine, good eye shape and expression, good bone and substance, wonderful ribbing with spring, good topline with correct fall to tail set,
nice underline and length of loin, well-angulated on stifle with low hocks, superb powerful movement, Res
2. Anderson’s Humbiehounds Velvet Tattie. good type, preferred head of winner, good length of neck, well placed shoulder, good topline, deep chest, loved his front & feet, broad thighs with well bent muscled
quarters, good typical mover.
3. Anyanka Chase Of Lycanfold.
Frank Borg.
Judge. Malta.