This was my first time to Border Union and although I had heard it was a lovely show it outweighed my expectations in so many ways. Thank you to the committee for inviting me. My stewards were amazing, the show ground beautiful, the people welcoming and my entry was full of quality. I believe every breeder is striving to breed the perfect Deerhound, and as we all know, it is pretty much impossible, although some come close! I therefore never shy away from mentioning things I would prefer to change if it were possible, as I believe that is how breed type is maintained, and I don’t believe anybody should read a critique negatively but more in the spirit it is intended. That search for perfection.
YD Entries 2 Absent 1
1st Humbiehounds Velvet Tattie
A lovey shaped head on this young dog, masculine without coarseness. I would have preferred a darker eye and smaller ear to complete the picture. Very strong neck and well arched, all leading into a front that could have a touch more angulation and return of upper arm. Nicely knuckled feet. Very well ribbed back good width of second thigh. Could have a little more rise over the loin. Moved very well with plenty of drive and width.
GD Entries 5 Absent 0
1st Humbiehounds Pimmill at Cronach
Masculine dog with a broad shaped head. Correct, moderately full, dark eye, ear could be smaller. Strong, very well arched neck with a prominent nape, leading into a delightful front - plenty of angulation and good return of upper arm. Topline well arched but tending to be a little downhill at the moment, plenty of time for that to improve. Good strong and wide hindquarters. Moved very well.
2nd Claonaiglen Artney
An imposing strong male. A bit heavy in type for my ideal. Strong head, eye a little light, but very soft in expression. Good ears which he held well folded. Incredibly strong neck leading into a well laid shoulder. Needs a little more return of upper arm as coupled with a sloping pastern meant he tended to stand a little back on his back pads. Lovely rise over the loin which he held very well on the move. Powerful hindquarters, moving with drive and a long stride.
3rd Antonius Vertragus The -Ngong-Hills (Imp Fra)
PGD Entries 3 Absent 0
3 lovely dogs.
1st Ormanstar Ezra
This young male made me so very happy. He shouts ‘hunting hound’ at you. His overall outline all curves, just what I am looking for. Nicely shaped head, dear expression with a super dark eye. Strong correct neck shape flowing to a good front, plenty of flat bone and running down to tightly knuckled feet. Good depth of chest, I would have loved the ribbing to have gone a tad further back. Well arched and well held topline, strong quarters, wide second thigh, in an ideal world he would have a little more length from hip to hock, though I was still very happy with what he has. Super, easy, active and true movement. It was very easy for me to award him with the CC and BOB.
2nd Chuillinn Faolan at Coronach
Very different type to 1 and a dog I feel will keep improving with age. Good head, well folded ear although it could be a tad smaller. Lighter eye than 1. Strong neck running into a well laid shoulder, slightly upright pasterns. Deep chest and good tuck up. Held his topline well on the move. I would prefer a little more ‘droop’ to his hindquarters, but they are hugely powerful and he really excelled on the move. So much drive, I could imagine him out working and I look forwards to watching him mature. Pleased to award him the RCC.
3rd Zeldini Link
LD Entries 4 Absent 3
1st Kaleginy Trubador
A lovely shaped masculine head, eye a little full and light. One of the best ears of the day, such a lovely size and shape. Prominent nape leading to a strong wide neck which I would have loved a little more of. Reasonable front, feet could be tighter. Would prefer a more arched loin and tuck up to give him more shape. Undeniably strong hindquarters which he used well on the move. Moved super soundly.
OD Entries 4 Absent 2
1st Ch Ormastar Dark Shadow
An impressive male, very curvaceous - overall a little heavy in type for me but an undeniably sound chap with lots to like. I judged him as a young male and it is wonderful to see what a great dog he has turned into. Head a little broad, sweetest of expressions with a very correct eye shape. Well folded small ears, incredibly strong neck. Good front, deep chest, well ribbed back. Very strong well knuckled feet. Plenty of rise over the loin, strong wide hindquarters, with a super droop. Moved very soundly and positively.
2nd Dorrator Orbit
A lovely type, male and athletic. Super head, neat ear, slightly weak in under jaw. I would have preferred more angulation throughout out the forequarters. Feet could be tighter. Super coat with a good harsh texture. Lovely topline standing, tending to flatten a little on the move which was a pity. Slightly steep in croup, good broad hips, wide thighs. Moved very well with plenty of width.
VD Entries 1
1st Hunkydory Bowie to Kilbourne
Super veteran, a lovely type of hound. Stood beautifully. Attractive head with high, well folded ears. Another strong neck coming from correct conformation. Good shoulder and plenty of upper arm return. Could be a tad deeper through the chest with a longer ribbing back. Strong loin curving to correct hind end angulation with plenty of length hip to hock. Held his shape well on the move. Would prefer him to be more positive when moving although he was very correct.
PB Entries 4 Absent 1
1st Greyflax Bracken
A very pretty head with the sweetest of expressions shining from those dark eyes. Super ears sitting high which she holds very well. Good length of neck into a well-placed shoulder that could have a tad more upper arm. Feet could be a tad smaller. Long correct ribbing covering all those essential organs into a super tuck up. Broad and generous hindquarters. Moved well positively and soundly.
2nd Lowland Fauns Lanthe at Flaxside
Raw baby of just 6 months. Nice to see an aqualine nose and a dark eye. Back skull a little sloping leading into a slightly short, ewe neck at the moment. Very good feet, well knuckled. Well ribbed back and good rise over her loin. Low hocks. Very harsh coat which was nice to see in one so young. Out moved 3 who is at a very different stage.
3rd Kilbourne Aoife
JB Entries 2 Absent 1
1st Ollandsheart Matilda
Absolutely delightful head, so very feminine and typical with a dark eye. Lovely ears, small and well held. Harsh coat. I would prefer a slightly more arched, less ewe, stronger neck. Good front, nice broad elbows and very good feet. Super topline with good rise over loin, all well held on the move. Broad hindquarters, moved effortlessly with plenty of drive.
YB Entries 5 Absent 1
1st Packway Cora Sundrop
Curvaceous harsh coated yearling. I would prefer a slightly more generous eye and less slope to back skull. Neck could be broader, front a little more angulation. Super topline and sweeping hind quarters leading to plenty of length from hip to hock, one of the nicest of the day. Broad second thigh. Loved her on the move.
2nd Chuilinn Flare
Very different type to one. Lovely head shape, I would have preferred a darker eye and smaller ear. Very strong, powerful neck. Shoulder well laid, I would prefer more return of upper arm to finish it off. Longer cast than 1, well ribbed and although long, still very strong through the loin. Croup a little steep although plenty of width behind. Super light footed and strode out well.
3rd Humbiehounds Jazz It Up
GB Entries 7 Absent 1
1st Ormanstar Dark Delight
Very feminine, shapely, dark, harsh coated girl. Strong muzzle, very slight rise to the brows, I would have preferred a darker eye. Really well held ears. Strong broad neck, super front. Deep chested, super topline and carried those curves along to her hindquarters. Good breath to hips and well angulated. Held her curves easily on the move - slightly closer behind than the CC winner but looked like she could keep up her effortless movement all day long and some. RCC
2nd Seatonvalley Daisy’s Angel at Flaxside
Another bitch who looked like she could do a job all day long. Very houndy in type, lovely head, neck well arched, good front. I would have preferred her deeper in rib. Super rise over loin, just enough length hip to hock. Coat harsh but not looking it’s best at the moment. Stunning mover, so effortless.
3rd Kilbourne Lyra at Dragonside
PGB Enties 5 Absent 0
1st Kilbourne Ocean Blue of Matahari
I loved this head shape, so typical although I would have preferred a darker eye to complete the picture. Well laid shoulder and holding her elbow well underneath her. Great topline which she held with ease, just deep enough in chest and given her age I am sure she will only improve in that area. Plenty of width and breadth of second thigh. Correct length to her harsh coat, shown in super condition. She excelled in the challenge, exuding power, ease and activity on the move, she won her CC by out moving everyone else and looking like she could do so all day. CC
2nd Seaton Valley Daisy’s Angel at Flaxside
3rd Kilbourne Vega at Dragonside
LB Entries 12 Absent 3
Gosh what a class of quality, I really was spoilt for choice.
1st Caraidanam Bruach Na Brylach.
A head that had me smiling for days, such a beautiful girl. Light, harsh coated and curvaceous she epitomises power and beauty. I would ideally prefer a little more return of upper arm coupled with a little more length from hip to hock but that really is looking for perfection. Super feet and spring of pastern. One of the best toplines of the day, loin well arched, perfect tuck up. A proper sound hunting dog. Super movement which I was devastated that she showed none of in the challenge. Could have given everyone a run for their money otherwise.
2nd Hyndsight Only in My Dreams
A gloriously curvy girl that I liked when I have judged her before, she has only got better and am sure will continue to do so. Another lovely head, eye could be darker. Strong and powerful neck moving down to a front I would prefer a little less upright. Deep chested, super tuck up, perfect rise over loin, drooping powerful hindquarters with plenty of width and length from hip to hock. Sound mover.
3rd Quantistico Lucia to Kilbourne
OB 5 Entries Absent 3
1st Concentric of Rosslyn
The pocket rocket of the day. An exquisite, quality bitch. Super high and small ears forming that lovely ‘rose’. Eye could be a little fuller. Prominent nape, strong neck. Slightly dropping through the wither today which changed her otherwise delightful profile. Very broad through the second thigh and although I would have preferred a slightly less steep croup the drive in her movement was mesmerising. In the challenge she put on a spurt down one side that nearly made me waver. Lovely.
2nd Humbiehounds Jazz It Up
Sweet head and expression with a super high, well folded ear, eye could be darker. Strong neck which I would have preferred a little longer. Overall forequarter a little too forwards. Plenty of depth of chest, the icing on the cake would be the ribbing to have gone a little further back. Very strong loin and lovely breadth through the hips. Wide and drooping well. Moved well, powerful behind with plenty of width. Shown in good condition.
VB Entries 1 Absent 0
1st Kilbourne Mistress Martha at Matahari
Even in veteran this bitch looks like she could easily still hunt all day. Head a fraction strong, but with a sweet expression. Super ears, strong neck, a tad upright in front but very straight, broad and flat bone. Good feet. Could be a little deeper throughout her chest but very well ribbed back with a great tuck up held her topline well when moving. Super strong hindquarters with lots of width. Shown in hard, fit condition. Moved effortlessly, easy, active and true with lovely long strides. BV.
LIza Faircloth