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Blackpool Championship Show 2024 Critique

Many thanks to my most efficient and helpful steward.

Puppy Dog

1 Entry

1st Greenhaugh’s Kilbourne Ablaize at Leksmoor

Well grown youngster. Good harsh coat. Pleasing head and expression. Good depth for age. Slightly straight in stifle, and movement a bit erratic but plenty of time to get into himself.

Yearling Dog

3 entries, 2 Absent.

1st Anderson and White’s Humbiehounds Velvet Tattie

Attractive young dog. Correct topline and good quarters. Good tail set. Reasonable bend of stifle. Moved well.

Graduate Dog

4 entries, 1 Absent

1st Sharp’s Humbiehounds Pirnmill at Coronach

Mature hound . Nice head and good body and depth. A little straight in stifle but moved well.

2nd McPherson and Paterson’sAntonius Vertragus The Ngong-Hills (Imp Fr)

Lighter made than winner. Would like more depth. Good quarters with good hind angulation.

3rd Thorn’s Flaxsside Corrachan Chief

Post Graduate Dog

3 entries

1st Taylor’s Ormanstar Ezra. Dog CC and BOB

Personifies elegance, but no doubting his masculinity. Lovely head flowing into strong neck. Good forehand construction and depth. Correct topline and length. Excellent quarters. Moved soundly with reach and drive. Delighted to hear this made him up, and that he was in the final cut of the Group.

2nd Peach’s Kilbourne Oscar Wilde Res Dog CC

Another quality dog. Nice head, with dark eyes. Ears could be smaller. Good reach of neck. Good depth and well muscled with good tail set. Moved soundly

3rd Sharp’s Chuillinn Faolan at Coronach

Limit Dog

3 entries 2 absent

1st Barret’s Stranwith Iago

Another elegant dog. Nice head and expression. Had the best ears of the day! Slightly flat in topline but good quarters and good bend of stifle and short hock. Moved well.

Open Dog

3 entries, 1 Absent

1st Taylor’s Ch Ormanstar Dark Shadow

Well made but for me, not the elegance of CC winner. Well constructed both forehand and quarters. Good depth and correct topline. Moved soundly.

2nd Gillie’s Dorrator Orbit

Again a well made dog, forehand good and good width of quarters. Moved with drive.

Minor Puppy Bitch

1 entry

1st Thorn’s Lowland Fauns Ianthe at Flaxside

Just 6 months. Well grown youngster with good body for age. Will need time.

Puppy Bitch

3 entries

1st Peach’s Kilbourne Danny’s Annnie Best Puppy

Very well constructed youngster. Pleasing head and expression. Strong neck flowing into well angled shoulder. Good bone. Good length of body. Very promising.

2nd Bailey’s Greyflax Minnie the Moocher

Nicely made youngster. Lovliest of heads – awarded her best head and expression on the day. Move well. Obviously the cook’s favourite!

3rd Morgan’s Greyflax Bracken

Junior Bitch

1 entry

1st Stuart and Holt’s Ollandsheart Matilda Best Junior

Elegant bitch. Nice head with dark eye. Good forehand but needs to drop a little. Slightly straight in stifle, but she is just a youngster and need time.

Yearling Bitch

2 entries 1 absent

1st Stuart and Holt’s Packway Cora Sundrop at Ollandsheart

Very attractive young bitch. Correct proportioned head. Strong neck. Balanced fore and rear angulation. Reasonable debth. Good feet. Moved well.

Graduate Bitch

2 entries

1st McKie’s Anyanka Chase of Lycanfold

Good head and expression. Good front and depth. Good length and good quarters. Feet need attention

2nd Thorn’s Seatonvalley Daisy’s Angel at Flaxside

Good enough forehand angulation. Good length of body and width of thigh.

Post Graduate Bitch

3 entries 1 absent

1st Barret’s Stranwith Ixxia

Good expression. Good shoulders. Excellent depth and rise over loin. Super muscle and strong quarters flowing into lovely short hocks.

2nd Thorn’s Seatonvalley Daisy’s Angel at Flaxside

Limit Bitch

6 entries

1st Stuart and Holt’s Ollandsheart Desdemona Bitch CC

2 lovely hounds. Elegant hound. Lovely head, dark eye good strong neck. Good forehand, topline and quarters. Good rear angulation. Good feet. Moved well.

2nd Peach’s Kilbourne Flora Mcdeva Res CC

Slightly heavier made than winner but full of quality. Well contructed, good quarters. Moved with reach and drive.

3rd Spence’s Hyndsight Neaghley

Open Bitch

5 entries 3 absent

1st Bailey’s Ch Greyflax Pearls a singer

Has the elegance I’m looking for. Very well constructed. Excellent topling and quarters. Lovely low hocks. Moved well.

2nd Gillie’s Dorrator Eno

Pretty head. Lighter made than winner. Good topline Good width of thigh. Moved with drive.

Eve Hamilton
