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Bath Championship Show 2024 Critique

Veteran Dog. 1 entry. 0 Absent

1st 3408. Hunky Dory Bowie to Kilbourne. Miss KA Llewellyn

7 years old, Presented in a fit condition. Well muscled & bodied for his age which shows when he’s on the move & also holds his topline when moving. Lovely head with small neat ears & such a gentle eye. Good lay of shoulder & well ribbed. A little close behind on the move but a nice example of a veteran.

Junior dog. 2 Entry. 0 Absent

1st. 3417. Packway Blue Moon Miss L & Mr J Sandells & Lovell

16months, Promising youngster with good potential for the future but still very raw at the moment and today he was a little erratic on the move. Once he settled down he showed his full potential. Correct masculine head with a dark eye. He has a good length of neck leading into good front assembley. Nice forechest but would prefer a little more depth. Well knuckled feet. well ribbed & holds his topline on the move & standing. Nice fallaway onto a well set tail.

2nd. 3404. Beardswood Xcalibur. Dr S A F Helps

18 months Much of No’1 critique also applies to 2. Fabulous dark masculine head leading into strong muscular neck. Overall he is well muscled & fit which gives this boy some drive on the move. Forechest same as 1. Well arched loin and good length from hip to hock, correct fallaway onto a well set tail.

Both of these youngsters are very promising with good qualities in both & could change places many times in their future. Today I preferred the overall balance of 1

Post Grad. 5 Entry 1 Absent

1st. 3415. Fritz Zareef at Wolfcastle (Imp Ger). Mr KJ & Ms Z L S Own & Brodie

Correct head with neat ears leading into a strong muscular neck and overall body. Correct shoulder. Good depth of chest. Slightly longer in the loin than 2. Moves out with drive & reach and really covers ground when he’s moving. RCC

2nd. 3392. Claonaiglen Artney. Mrs S & Mr S Cummings

A different type to 1. This is a big strong powerful male who is well muscled all over. Slightly lighter in eye than 1 with a neat ear. good shoulder leading into a deep chest. Well ribbed & nice fallaway onto a good tail set. He’s steady on the move & holds his topline but didn’t have the drive & this is where no 1 had the edge today.

Limit Dog. 3 Entry. 1 Absent

1st. 3422 Ollandsheart Oberon Ms M & Ms K Stuart & Holt

A dark masculine male with a lovely head, neat ear & dark eye with a gentle kind expression. Good shoulder leading into a deep chest and good feet. Gentle rise over the topline. A little longer in the loin than 2. Moved out with drive, confidence and holds his topline on the move. well groomed, and handled with care. Pushed hard for the RCC in the challenge

2nd. 3393. Kaleginy Trubadour. Mrs S & Mr S Cummings Lovely harsh ragged coat. A gentle expression on a masculine head with small ears which leads into a really strong neck & good shoulder construction. Would have preferred a neater foot. He’s well ribbed in good overall muscular condition. Nice topline leading into a strong thigh. Slightly shorter in loin than 1. Today he didn’t seem to have much enthusiasm on the move.

Open dog. Entry 2 1 Absent

1st. 3399. Ch Hindsight Sinnerman Miss SL & Dr NSA Finnett & Heathcote

Everything about this dog says male. Large strong muscular lad. He has a lovely head with a soft kind expression & correct eye. A strong neck leading into a deep chest. Good shoulders and a correct topline. Well ribbed and good well angulated rear quarters. On the move he owns the ring and moves with drive and enthusiasm while holding his shape. CC

Spec Beginners. Entry 3. Absent 0. Mixed sex class

1st. 3417. Packway Blue Moon Miss L & Mr J Sandells & Lovell

See Junior Dog

2nd. 3424. Packway Star of The East. Mrs C J Taylor

16 month female with a typical femine head, dark eye & correct ear. Good shoulder & neat foot. Good coat. Nice rear angulation which she used with enthusiasm on the move. Would prefer less rise in the topline & little more weight on her.

Puppy Bitch. Entry 2. Absent 0

3388. Greyflax Minnie The Moocher. Mr G & Mrs N B Bailey

10 months. Super feminine head with the softest of expression & a dark eye. A heavier coated girl than 2 & more mature. Strong overall muscular condition & good bone. Good shoulder & return of upper arm leading into nice depth & width of chest. Lovely topline, well ribbed and leads into a well shaped rear. On the move she holds her shape & moves with purpose. A very promising girl for the future. BP

2nd. 3421. Ollandsheart Matilda Ms M & Ms K Stuart & Holt

11 months. Another lovely youngster of different type to 1 with a darker harsher coat. Again she has the sweetest of expression, neat ear & dark eye. Longer in neck than 1 but preferred the front construction, ribbing and overall balance in 1. Excellent feet. Moves out well with purpose.

Junior Bitch. Entry 3. Absent 0

1st 3423 Packway Cora Sundrop at Ollandsheart. Ms M & Ms K Stuart & Holt

2nd. 3413. Packway The Enigma. Miss RV & Mr CJ Lucas & Dargonne

2 nice youngsters with similar attributes who are both at that stage where they are raw & rangy. Both girls had super harsh coats and the critique applies to both girls

Correct head with a dark eye & neat ear leading into a good shoulder, adequate depth of chest and a neat foot. Good ribbing and nicely angulated rear end with a well set tail. Both girls moved with drive and held their topline on the move but today I preferred the topline, overall balance & movement of 1

Post Graduate Bitch Entry 8. Absent 1

1st 3410. Kilbourne Ocean Blue of Matahari. Miss K A Llewellyn

Correct feminine head which is set onto a strong neck. A neat ear but would prefer a slightly darker eye Good lay of shoulder. Correct topline which she holds on the move. Nice harsh coat. Well angulated rear with good width of thigh. On the move she covers ground with ease and is light on her feet.

2nd. 3396. Antonius Vertragus The -Mara-River with Hindsight (Imp Fra) Miss SL & Dr NSA Finnett & Heathcote

A really eye catching girl with a dark harsh coat. Slightly smaller overall than 1 but in no way small. A really nice head & expression with the darkest of eye and perfect ears which is set onto a strong neck and good front construction with excellent feet. Good correct spring of rib, well arched loin & correct tail set. Well muscled & she holds her topline on the move. 1st just had the edge on her today but they could very easily change places.

Limit Bitch. Entry 5. Absent 2

1st 3394. Quantistico Lucia to Kilbourne. Mrs T C & Mr M C Edwards

A really honest typical girl. She’s in fabulous condition, well muscled & with a crisp harsh coat. A dark eye on a perfect head with small neat ears. Good shoulder construction going into a correct deep chest, feet & ribbing. Good rear angulation. On the move she went with drive with that easy active true stride but lost a little of that in the challenge. RCC

2nd 3411. Packway Ecotrailer. Miss RV & Mr CJ Lucas & Dargonne

Another feminine girl with a lovely head & expression. Darkest of eye & neat ears. Well knuckled feet. Larger in size than 1 but well balanced. Good front construction but would prefer a little more forechest. Well arched loin and holds her topline on the move.

Open Bitch. Entry 6. Absent 2

1st. 3403. Ch Beardswood Verbena. Dr S A Helps

I judged this girl as a youngster and was very impressed with her so I was hoping she had matured into what I thought she would and she didn’t disappoint. Slightly smaller than 2, she is feminine & well balanced overall. Beautiful correct head, tiniest of ears and soft gentle expression but with alertness. Good forechest and shoulder placement. Perfect compact feet. Well ribbed with a correct rise over the topline which falls into nice rear angulation. A fit muscular girl who uses everything on the move and keeps her shape. She owns the ring with her light, easy active & true stride. CC & BOB

2nd 3389. Ch Greyflax Pearls A Singer. Mr G & Mrs N B Bailey

A slightly larger girl than 1 but in no way loses any femininity. The softest of head & expression with a kind dark eye. Excellent harsh coat and a lovely breed type. Strong muscular body condition with an excellent forechest and shoulder. Lovely flowing topline into a well constructed rear which when on the move she shows power in her drive & holds her shape. It was a close decision today between these 2 girls but 1 just had the edge and they could swap places many times.

Sam Taylor (Ormanstar)