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Midland Counties Championship Show 2023 Critique

DCC 4424 - Hyndsight Talk On The Street (Miss S L & Dr N S A Finnett & Heathcote)

RDCC 4451 - Ormanstar Ezra (Mrs S J Taylor)

BCC 4438 - Erewhon Firefly (Mrs E Shannon)

RBCC 4426 - Ch Claonaiglen Strontian Maelstrom (Miss D Kilgar)

BOB 4424 - Hyndsight Talk On The Street (Miss S L & Dr N S A Finnett & Heathcote)

BP 4437 - Packway Blue Moon (Miss L & Mr J Sandells & Lovell)

BSB 4449 - Stableview Willow (Mrs C J Taylor)

Thankyou to all the exhibitors for a wonderful entry in these days of expensive fuel and heavy traffic, I really appreciated you and your hounds. In this snapshot of the breed, I was very happy to find so many high-quality hounds full of type. Temperaments were universally good, and movement was of a high standard in the majority. One fault found in too many hounds was ‘hock-joints with lateral curvature’, most easily observed from behind, resulting in the inner aspect of the hock-joints being closer together than the inner aspect of the hind-feet, and a non-parallel back-pastern, a frequent side-effect is outward rotation of the hind-feet. The curved deformation of the hock-joint puts stresses in the wrong places in the hind-limb structure, and would lead to earlier breakdown/loss of hunting ability if we still relied on our hounds for our survival.
My apologies for the increasing lack of detail in my critiques in the later classes due to exceptional pressure from the ring steward to judge faster.

1303. Deerhound - Puppy Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST 4437 - Packway Blue Moon (Miss L & Mr J Sandells & Lovell)

Tall 9mth old, very good outline & bone. Great head, teeth, rose-ears. Sufficient length of neck well set into good shoulders and excellent long sloping upper-arms. Lovely hindquarter shape and angulation, excellent hock-joints. Moved very well from side, and behind, front-feet/pasterns flapping a bit coming towards me. Looking at the catalogue I see he is son of my Dog CC winner, quality & type breeding true. Best Puppy & the points toward the Barmaud Trophy.

2ND 4428 - Antonius Vertragus The-Ngong-Hills (Imp Fra) (Mr S A & Mr P C Mcpherson & Paterson)

11mth old with a very good outline but quite a lot smaller than 1st, and looking a bit feminine. Typical head, nice neck and shoulder but rather upright in upper-arm. Good hindquarter shape and angulation but hock-joint is curved laterally from rearview. Movement rather erratic, crabbing quite a bit and plaiting in front with flappy pasterns. Another son of the Dog CC from a different bitch-line.

1304. Deerhound - Junior Dog
Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST 4451 - Ormanstar Ezra (Mrs S J Taylor)

15mth old dark grey brindle of good height. Excellent head, eyes, ears & teeth. Long strong arched neck well set into 45degree shoulder, good upper-arms. All four feet tight & well knuckled up. At present he needs more depth of chest but it’s a good shape with great tuck-up. Topline is very good with strongly arched loin flowing smoothly into broad pelvis with good hindleg angulation. Moved very well with big easy long strides from side view, coming to and fro he was almost single tracking but at a walk his footstep tracks were correctly parallel, so very happy with him. A worthy Reserve Dog CC winner.

2ND 4429 - Kilbourne Daniyal (Mr M J & Mrs G M Peach)

15mth old very similar in many ways to 1st, and with better depth of chest. But his hock-joint is curved laterally from rearview and hind feet are flat. Side movement looked good, but coming to me his front feet & pasterns flapped and his hind movement was erratic going away.

3RD 4435 - Zeldini Link (Dr R & Mrs J Pounder)

1305. Deerhound - Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 5 Absentees: 3
All the hounds in this class had one or more serious faults but retained the distinct Deerhound type despite their problems in construction.

1ST 4455 - Neroche Kielder (Mrs J Wragg)

2yr old, good head & ears, ewe-neck set into rather straight shoulder. Very good long well-angulated upper-arms. Nice bone. Good ribcage depth & loin-arch. Lacking in muscle and in any covering over his bones. Good hindquarter angulation, hock-joints laterally curved, hind feet flattish and turned out. Moved well from side, and nicely to and fro.

2ND 4449 - Stableview Willow (Mrs C J Taylor)

3yr old light grey. Good head with lovely tiny rose-ears. Very nice neck well set into 45degree shoulders but straightish upper-arms. Ribcage rather shallow. Too short in body versus his height. Exaggerated loin-arch falling away to weak hindquarters, a tendency to crouch. Movement very hard to assess as he is very playful and prancing about. Best Special Beginner.

1306. Deerhound - Limit Dog

Entries: 7 Absentees: 2

1ST 4447 - Cotherstone Dalmore (J Taylor)

6yr old with lovely head and expression. Tiny rose-ears. Good long strong neck well set into 45degree shoulders, excellent upper-arms. Very good outline, bone, and ribcage depth. Big wedge-shape pelvis, and good hind angulation. Hock-joints perfectly true and symmetrical. Needs more muscle throughout. Moved very well, easy and active with long true stride. Very nice dog.

2ND 4439 - Packway Downlander at Erewhon (Mrs E Shannon)

Elegant silver-grey. Good head and expression. Somewhat short in neck but well set into good shoulders and upper-arms. Excellent bone and feet. Outline good with well angulated hindlegs and almost true hock-joint. Moved very well, nice and free, true to and fro.

3RD 4433 - Quantastico Guiseppe to Kilbourne (Mr M J & Mrs G M Peach)

RES 4452 - Kirjojax Harris (Mrs J & Mr R J Wilce-Quinton & Quinton)

VHC 4443 - Ollandsheart Oberon (Ms M & Ms K Stuart & Holt)

1307. Deerhound - Open Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
Three top quality Deerhounds.

1ST 4424 - Hyndsight Talk On The Street (Miss S L & Dr N S A Finnett & Heathcote)

Rising 3yr old light grey brindle. Lovely super typical dog. Fabulous head and expression, tiny rose-ears, dark eyes, perfect bite. Long strong well-muscled neck set smoothly into 45degree shoulders, long sloping upper-arm, nice forechest and deep well shaped ribcage with high tuckup. Topline is perfection. Broad wedge-shape pelvis with well angulated strong hindlegs. Two negative details, his front feet turn-out slightly & his hock-joints show slight lateral curvature. Moved very well to and fro, and with a long elastic powerful side-gait. Dog CC and Best of Breed. I was delighted to learn later that this was his third CC making him a worthy Champion. Also won the points for the Ross Trophy for Best Type, & the Fawcett Trophy for Best under 3yrs.

2ND 4423 - Ch Hyndsight Sinnerman (Miss S L & Dr N S A Finnett & Heathcote)

4yr old full brother to 1st place. Another superb dog, and in most ways his type and construction are very similar to his brother though Sinnerman is taller and slightly bigger framed. Great head and expression, super showman with real presence and in tremendous coat. Possibly even better hindquarters than 1st. The problem for me was his very upright front pasterns and consequent knuckling over, something I view as a serious fault for a sighthound. Movement was excellent, free striding and true front and back. He is a lovely hound & I was not surprised to learn later that he is a well known Champion.

3RD 4450 - Ch Ormanstar Dark Shadow (Mrs S J Taylor)

1308. Deerhound - Veteran Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST 4436 - Erpingham Magnus Cassacre (Ms C Samways)

7&1/2 yrs. Beautifully presented Veteran in great condition and very well-muscled throughout. His head is not typical being too fine and short in muzzle combined with wide skull and rounded eye-orbits. Outline is not good with a shallow ribcage and not much loin-arch. Front pasterns slightly knuckling over. Shoulder lay-back excellent. Great hindquarters. Moved superbly well, a real credit to his owner.

1309. Deerhound - Special Beginners Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST 4449 - Stableview Willow (Mrs C J Taylor) see PGD critique

310. Deerhound - Minor Puppy Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST 4432 - Kilbourne Havana (Mr M J & Mrs G M Peach)

Super 9mth puppy. Excellent head and expression, great neck well set into 45degree shoulders with good upper-arms. Nice underline, needs more loin-arch. Good hindquarters, bone, and feet. Moved superbly well.

2ND 4446 - Sorimsway Snowstorm (Mrs L Tannant)

6mths 1 day old baby coping very well with her first show. Great head and expression, tiny rose-ears. Good front and hindquarters, with plenty of angulation. Needs more loin-arch. Moved well. Very promising.

1311. Deerhound - Puppy Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST 4448 - Packway Star of The East (Mrs C J Taylor)

9mths 1 wk old super shapely bitch. Lovely head and expression with darkest eyes. Good neck well-set into 45degree shoulders with long sloping upperarms. Front feet a bit turned out and soft. Lovely outline top and bottom, and hindquarter angulation. Very good hock-joints. Excellent mover when settled.

2ND 4444 - Packway Cora Sundrop at Ollandsheart (Ms M & Ms K Stuart & Holt)

Litter sister to 1st and noticeably pale in eyelid pigmentation. Very similar to 1st and has better feet. At the moment Cora is unbalanced, being taller behind, but still moving well. Nice puppy.

1312. Deerhound - Junior Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 2

1ST 4430 - Kilbourne Devon (Mr M J & Mrs G M Peach)

Superb 15mth with gorgeous head and expression which won her the points for Melchior Trophy. Very good neck, well set into lovely shoulders and sloping upper-arms. Beautiful outline, lovely hindquarter strength and angulation. Good feet all round. Exceptional side gait and very good to and fro. Gorgeous girl. Best Junior & points for the Beardswood Trophy.

1313. Deerhound - Post Graduate Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1ST 4420 - Quantastico Lucia to Kilbourne (Mrs T C & Mr M C Edwards)

18mths, just out of Junior. Excellent head and expression, close contender for the Melchior Trophy points. Super long arched neck well set into very good shoulders and upper-arms. Lovely outline with excellent loin-arch. Wide pelvis with well angulated hindlegs. Hock-joints good. Moved very well with long easy stride, nice and true back and forth. Strong contender for the Reserve CC, just needs to mature.

2ND 4440 - Hyndsight Neaghley (ai) (Mrs L A Spence)

3yr old gorgeous girl, excellent head and expression, very good long arched neck. Excellent top outline, rather shallow in ribcage for age. Good hindquarter angulation. Really well muscled throughout. Moved very well but hock joints not flexing to assist power & drive from behind

3RD 4434 - Packway New York New York (Dr R & Mrs J Pounder)

1314. Deerhound - Limit Bitch

Entries: 9 Absentees: 3
The first 3 bitches in this class were all very high quality.

1ST 4438 - Erewhon Firefly (Mrs E Shannon)

Dark grey 5yr old with regal air, really dominating the ring with her presence. Lovely feminine head, good bite, dark eyes, tiny rose-ears. Long strong neck with broad base well-set into 45degree shoulders & long sloping upper-arms. Good fore-chest with long deep ribcage and good tuckup. Sufficiently arched loins blending smoothly into broad strong hips beautiful well angulated hind legs; best hock-joints of the entry. Moved with power, long free stride, and true to and fro. Bitch CC, and points for the Evita Trophy.

2ND 4427 - Claonaiglen Tilt Maelstrom (Miss D Kilgar)

22mths brindle. Good head carried high on a long strong neck, shoulders a bit straight, long upper-arm. Pigmentation a bit light. Good outline. Broad wedge-shape pelvis with very good hind angulation and nice muscling. Moved very well, long easy stride, true to and fro.

3RD 4419 - Kwaricott Kaleginy Bettinsoli (Mrs K Constantine)

RES 4442 - Ollandsheart Desdemona (Ms M & Ms K Stuart & Holt)

VHC 4453 - Kirjojax Pancho (Mrs J & Mr R J Wilce-Quinton & Quinton)

1315. Deerhound - Open Bitch

Entries: 6 Absentees: 3
Three beautiful bitches, I wish they could all have had 1st prize.

1ST 4426 - Ch Claonaiglen Strontian Maelstrom (Miss D Kilgar)

4yr old with plenty of ring presence. Excellent head and expression, lovely tiny rose-ears. Long strong neck well set in to good shoulders with long sloping upper-arms. Deep ribcage, excellent topline and underline. Very good feet. Big wedge-shaped pelvis, very good hindquarter angulation. Moved with good length of stride, true to & fro, but not flexing her hocks to drive off hind feet. Reserve CC.

2ND 4410 - Ch Greyflax Pearls A Singer (Mr G & Mrs N B Bailey)

4yr old with slightly shorter body length to height ratio. Lovely feminine head. Very good neck, shoulders and upper-arms. Beautiful outline. Good hindquarters, but standing a bit open in hock, needs slightly longer tibia/fibula. Moved very similar to 1st with same lack of hock flexion.

3RD 4411 - Ch Greyflax Tallulah Lilac (Mr G & Mrs N B Bailey)

1316. Deerhound - Veteran Bitch

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST 4409 - Ch Greyflax Lady Sings The Blu's (Mr G & Mrs N B Bailey)

7yrs 11mths and looking spectacular. Very pretty head and expression. Good bone and front feet. Good topline with excellent loin-arch. Ribcage lacks depth, tuckup good. Good hind-quarter angulation. Needs more muscle overall but moved very well, long easy stride and true to and fro. Best Veteran.

1317. Deerhound - Special Beginners Bitch

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST 4448 - Packway Star of The East (Mrs C J Taylor)

Winner of Puppy Bitch.