A well-run show, attracting excellent entries in mid-winter. Snow saw some remain at home. I had the best of rings with excellent stewards. My thanks for the kind invitation to judge my own breed.
PD (3) 1 Peach ‘s Kilbourne Daniyal. Well grown, 6-month dog presenting good outline and balance. Well-constructed forehand. Long croup with correct tail set with good width in hind quarters, first and second thigh Moved well. 2 Pounder’s Zeldini Link. Lighter colour 7 month much less settled than 1. Typical head with high set ears and dark eye. Well made in forequarters. Good length and plenty of scope in hind construction. Moved out well in profile when, briefly, settled. Purposeful action behind, but a little untidy in front.
JD (5,4) 1 Cummings’ Claonaiglen Artney. Well-developed 13-month light grey brindle male. Well proportioned masculine head. High set ears. Muscular neck well set into muscular forequarters. Long forearms short pasterns. Tidy feet. Long sloping croup with well set on tail, well carried on the move. Good muscular development in first and second thigh. Very slightly unsettled today. Typical movement.
PGD (3) 1 Shannon’s Packway Downlander at Erewhon. A mature quality hound at 2 ½ years. Lighter grey, full coat of good texture. Good length with scope and range in outline. Well-proportioned head, set on neck of good length with high set, rose ears. Balanced fore and aft with good limbs. Short pasterns and good feet. Not always stood to show off his quality and needs awakening on the move. Typical style in profile,X moving true. Would perform better with more effort. 2 Cummings’ Kaleginy Trubador Not the length or scope to give the outline of the winner. Another with super high set ears giving flat skull to a masculine head with good pigment. Well-made hindquarters with width through first and second thighs. Good broad hocks. Moved out with more enthusiasm but not quite the style of 1. 3 Allday & Foster’s Kilbourne Laurie Mcleod at Lorah.
LD (2,1) 1 Wilce Quinton’s Kirjojax Harris. Upstanding mature 3yo. Pleasing head, good front. Excellent length of forearm. Deep ribbing with correct spring, carried well back. Long croup with low set tail. Uses himself well moving in profile; Positive in front and true behind. Excellent coat and muscular condition.
OD (3) 1 Taylor’s Ch Ormanstar Dark Shadow At 2 1/2 years old, has matured into a quality champion male. Masculine head with pleasing expression. High set folded ears. Well-developed neck with distinct nape and a clean throat. Good, muscular breadth across forequarters without excess. Fore-chest well developed. Ribbed well back. Long fallaway. Broad muscular first and second thigh and broad hocks. Quality, light, typical, profile movement. Positive front movement; True behind. Dog CC. 2 Peach’s Ch Kilbourne Merak. Another quality mature male champion hound. I particularly like his balance in body, and shapely out-line, but would prefer to finish a little more length of limb. Very good shoulder and length and return of upper arm. Powerfully made hindquarters. Long, broad croup with a good, low set on tail. Good bone and substance. Moves soundly from all viewpoints. Res Dog CC. 3 Aston’s Balgaled Arlan.
PB (4,2) Two quality young bitches, both with great promise. Each a different “style” and at such different stages of development. Our breed should not have to look the same in style and coat to be worthy of reward in the show ring. Difficult to choose on the day. Probably a different choice another day, another hour. I will watch their progress with interest. Both well made and both, when settled showing the promise of the typical, easy, active gait to develop with time. And both, for young puppies, move true. My decision was swayed by brief glimpses of my winner’s is profile movement capability.
1 Constantine’s Zeldini Anju. Seven months old lighter grey. Raw and rangy and quite a handful for her handler today. Promising scope, substance, and balance. 2 Peach’s Kilbourne Devon. Just 6 months; Darker, neater coat. Well trained as always from this kennel. Showing much, at this stage, of the promised very well made “finished” bitch to come.
JB (4,1) 1 Cannon’s Kilbourne Opal’s Fire to Abayomi. This 14 month quality bitch immediately caught my eye. Super outline. Very typical and balanced. Quality head, soft expression, tidy ears, good pigment, dark eye. Soundly made in forequarters, hindquarters, top-line, underline. Good length from hip to broad hocks. Pasterns short. Typical quality unexaggerated movement. Seriously considered for top awards. 2 Z Anju. 3 McKie’s Anyanka Chase.
PGB (5,2) 1 Peach’s Kilbourne Flora Macdonald. Substantial bitch with plenty of bone and substance. Well-made head, strong well crested neck. Well-made forequarters. Deep, well sprung ribbing carried well back. Broad arched loin. Well-muscled hindquarters. Broad hocks. Profile movement typical with a long stride. True behind. Less settled in front. 2 Pounder’s Packway New York New York. Lighter framed bitch without the substance of 1. Longer, silver coat. Pleasing well balanced outline. Good length of forearm. Well made feet. Could move with a little more enthusiasm. 3 Bruton & Dove’s Kilbourne Queen Mary at Mirzabad.
LB (3,1) 1 Shannon’s Erewhon Firefly. Mature 4-year-old bitch of good type. Carrying plenty of weight. Feminine head. High-set, well folded ears. Well set-on neck of good length. Well balanced in body, and angulation. Well developed in hindquarters. Short pasterns. Well knuckled feet. Could show herself off better on the move. 2 Williams’ Kilbourne Atoile to Abayome. Mature, sound 4-year-old bitch. but not the outline, and hindquarters of winner. Balanced in angulation. Moved out well in profile, if a little hurried.
OB (5) 1 Bailey’s Ch Greyflax Tallullah Lilac. A lovely 3-year-old champion bitch with the winning combination of type, balanced construction, and typical sound correct movement. Carries herself with an understated “look at me” quality. BCC, BOB. 2 Spence’s Shagiead Stormy Seas. Quality 5-year-old bitch with good construction, outline, and balance. Feminine head, soft expression and aquiline nose. Good, balanced angulation. Long upper arms. Long forearms and short pasterns, very well ribbed. Well developed first and second thigh. Moves true with typical side gait. Easy and true. Not quite as active as 1. RBCC. 3 Bailey’s Ch Greyflax Pearls A Singer.
VB (1) 1 Hodgkiss’ Erpingham Titania. Well-constructed 8-year-old in good, muscled condition. Typical head, soft expression. Deep chest, well ribbed back. Well knuckled feet. Very tidy movement up and back. Holds herself well in profile. BV.
SBB (3) 1 P. New York New York BSpB 2 Anyanka Chase. Bitch of just 13 months, pleasing in outline. Good length of neck and leg length. Well-made forehand balanced behind. Well-developed fore-chest. Good bone and condition. Tidy, well-knit feet. Will benefit from experience and training. 3 Titania.
Hector Heathcote