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Houndshow Championship Show 2023 Critique

I would like to thank all the deerhound exhibitors at the Houndshow and apologise to those who have not had a critique. I left an afternoon to write my comment. I came home from a nice long lunch at the Greyhound pub to find that my friend’s dachshund and my greyhound had attacked my bin full of soft plastic wrappers for recycling. It was shredded all over the kitchen and under the Welsh dresser, under the table, in the sink and in my chair. Worse was to come. My judging notes had joined the rest. Absolutely shredded! The culprits were leaping about in the nest. I tried scooping it up from the floor only to find that they had left their calling card. I scooped up paper sodden with pee.

Minor Puppy dog

Mr S McPherson & Mr P Paterson

1st Antonius Vertragus The-Ngong-Hills (Imp Fra)

Very nice well balanced puppy. Crisp coat , pleasing head, dark eye, neck of correct length leading to correct lay of shoulder. Deep spring of rib. Well shaped topline and slope of croup. Excellent strong legs, good width of thigh. Tight feet, good movement.

Puppy dog

1st C Anderson& A White Humbiehounds Velvet Tattie

Good well shaped neck and head. Would like a little more length of body. Good width of hips and well shaped thigh. Moved soundly on tight feet.

Junior dog

1st Dr R Pounder and Mrs J Pounder Zeldini Link

Movement well balanced overall. Good outline. Good lay of shoulder and depth of chest. Well sprung ribs .Good width of second thigh. Thick harsh coat.

2nd Mr M and Mrs G Peach Kilbourne Daniyal

Yearling dog

1stMr M and Mrs G Peach Quantistico Guiseppe to Kilbourne

Well presented. Good overall balance .Dark coat of correct texture. Beautiful head and expression. Well laid shoulder and depth of chest. Correct top line, strong legs, low hocks, tight feet. Moved well.

2nd Mr and Mrs S Cummings Claonaiglen Artney.

Post Graduate dog

1st Mrs J Wragg Neroche Keilder

A beautiful hound. Good overall balance and good proportions. Strode out with confidence. Very good thick coat of correct texture and length. Well balanced with correct body length and depth. Good spring of rib and very strong hindquarters, with good broad second thigh. All the correct attributes to do the job that he was bred for. RCC

2nd Mrs J and Mr R Allday and Mrs W and Mr J Foster Kilbourne Laurie Mcleod at Lorah

Limit dog

1st Mrs E Shannon Packway Downlander at Erewhon

Tall rangy hound of equal proportions. Coat of correct thickness and length. Very well balanced and moved out with drive from the rear. Well shaped head with correct ears, good length of neck leading in to well laid shoulders. Good rise over loin. Very good rear end with excellent second thigh and low hocks.

2nd Mrs L Tannant Sorimsway Mr Sleepy Hollow.

Open dog

1st Mrs S Taylor Ch Ormanstar Dark Shadow

A hound that I have admired from seeing him as a young puppy. I was pleased as I went over him that he more than lived up to my expectations. Overall very well balanced. Very good front, correct width of chest and lay of shoulder and depth of body. Excellent topline leading in to broad hips. Good rise over loin. Strong rear quarters, wide second thigh and low hocks. Tight compact feet. Moved out with drive from the rear. Elegance and drive combining to complete a perfect picture. BOB

2nd Miss K Llewellyn Hunky Dory Bowie at Kilbourne.

Puppy Bitch

1st Chuilinn Flare Miss M Girling

A very striking puppy, well put together.Good head and expression, good length of back, rise over loin and slope at croup. Strong neck leading in to correct lay of shoulder. Deep chest and good spring of rib. Strong well boned legs. Tight feet, low hocks. Good crisp coat. Moved out with balance. Pleased to award Best Puppy.

Junior bitch

1st Kilbourne Devon Mr and Mrs Peach

Very shapely throughout. Feminine head, soft expression. Small ears, held correctly. Strong neck, good lay of shoulder and depth of chest, correct rise over loin. Well boned legs, low hocks. Good harsh coat. Moved well on tight well shaped feet.

2nd Rushmill Pikeur Mr J Morgan

Yearling bitch

1st Anyanka Chase of Lycanwood Mr G Snailham

Very well proportioned. Dark coat of correct texture. Feminine head, dark eyes.Correct length of neck, good slope of shoulder and depth of chest.Strong legs, tight feet. Nicely shaped thigh, low hocks.Moved out well, balanced on the move.

2nd Kilbourne Ocean Blue of Matahari Miss K Llewellyn

Novice Bitch

1st Penherald Polka at Calbraidh Mrs J Faircloth

A very balanced bitch with very good length of body. Feminine head, gentle expression.. Strong neck, correct lay of shoulder, correct front. Low hocks. Well shaped rear end with excellent second thigh. Well boned throughout. Moved out with drive and balance.

2nd Chuilinn Flare Miss M Girling

Special Beginners Bitch

1st Anyanka Chase of Lycanwood Mr G Snailham

2nd Rushmill Pikeur Mr J Morgan

Post Graduate Bitch

1st Hyndsight Neaghley AI Mrs L Spence

A very strongly built bitch, but retaining elegance and shape Very feminine head with soft expression. Dark eye. Excellent neck and shoulder placement. Very good rear end with all the curves necessary. Excellent hind legs with very good second thigh and lovely low hocks. Strong sloping pasterns, tight well knuckled feet. Well placed tail carried well. Harsh coat of correct length.I was very happy to award 1st and the RCC Well earned.

2nd Wildshore Olympia Miss L Abbott

Limit Bitch

1st Beardswood Verbena Dr Sarah Helps.

Very good outline. Crisp coat and very neat. Feminine head, dark eyes and well set ears. Moved out with grace and elegance and encompassing drive from the rear. Strong neck leading in to well laid shoulders and depth of chest. Well sprung ribs. Good length of body with rise over loin and excellent hindquarters with wide second thigh.. Strong legs neat feet.

2nd Erewhon Firefly Mrs E Shannon

Open Bitch

1st Greyflax Tallulah Lilac Mrs N Bailey

A very all round beautiful well balanced bitch. With all her attributes she could do the job that she was bred for. Good length and strength of neck, firm well placed shoulder, good width of chest. Deep rib cage with good spring. Beautiful sloping hindquarters with power from excellent thighs, and second thigh all held on to strong well boned legs. Very good low hocks and strong well shaped feet.She moved with elegance and drive covering the ground. I was very pleased to award her CC.

2nd Shagiead Stormy Seas.AI Mrs L Spence

Special Lure coursing bitch

!st Beardswood Gillies Whisper Dr Sarah Helps

Another well balanced good all round bitch from this kennel. Dark well shaped head and soft expression. Well coated. Very good outline, good depth of chest and well sprung rib cage. Excellent back end. Strong legs, sloping croup.Excellent second thigh and low strong hocks. Moved well, covering the ground with ease.

2nd Packway Ecotrailer Miss R Lucas and Mr C Dargonne.

Veteran bitch

1st Ch Lady Sings the Blues Mrs N Bailey

Regret, lost notes and photo Best Veteran