It gave me great pleasure to judge this prestigious show. I must thank the committee for their hospitality to me and my daughter Emma. I found the presentation was of a high standard, with all hounds clean.
1.and BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Wragg’s Neroche Keilder. Pleasing head neck let into clean shoulders, deep brisket, correct top line, sound quarters.
2 Dansies’ Purple Bootes. Another nice puppy, not the scope of 1, needs a little more ring craft
YEARLING DOG 4 entered
1 Constantine’s Ormanstar Cosmos AT Kaleginy. Clean head, correct front, deep brisket, sound courters, moved well.
2. Shannon's Packway Downlander at Erewhon. Similar type to 1 good front, topline, sound mover.
3. Hawkins Kwaricott Colt.
1. Dansies’ Purple Bootes
1. Everards Packway Heron's Ghyll nice dog, correct make and shape but was giving his handler a hard time.
POST GRADUATE DOG 6 entered one absent
1. Taylor's Ormanstar Dark Shadow. lovely type, well put together, sound quarters lovely mover stop
2. Steele’s Sorimsway Mr Sleepy Hollow a little larger stature, with good front neck into clean shoulders moved well.
3. Wilce Quintons/Quinton’S Kirjojax Harris
LIMIT DOG 6 entered 4 absent
1. Peach's Kilbourne King Alfred. Lovely sound dog who ran best dog very close, clean head, neck let into clean shoulders correct top line, move very soundly. RESERVE BEST DOG
2. Lewis’s Greyhawks Romanie Misto of Luckhurst pleasing type, correct top line, move sound mover.
OPEN DOG 4 entered
1. Finette and Heathcote’s Champion Hyndsight Sinnerman. I see this dog is sired by a favourite of mine, dark eye Clean shoulders, brisket, top line and quarters moved very well behind. BEST DOG
2. Same owners Champion Hyndsight Endless Flight same comments apply just preferred the hind movement.
3. Grimshaw's champion Grayflax Diamond Joe at Jamalison completed a trio of lovely champions
Veteran dog 6 entered 4 absent
1. Lewis's Luckhurst Nairn correct make and shape, good front, top line, and quarters moved well.
2. Taylor's Hoddingrey Peregrine another nice veteran, just preferred first in movement.
PUPPY BITCH 4 entered 1 absent
1. Wragg’s Neroche Kinsella Good front, clean shoulders, top line and quarters enjoying her day out
2. Sharp’s Luckhurst Winsome at Ashtonbrook another promising puppy she needs a little more ring craft.
3. Lewis's Luckhurst Whitefeatherfal,
JUNIOR BITCH 5 entered 2 absent
1. Peach's Kilbourne McDeva Workmanlike with clean front, correct up line sound quarters
2. Spring Arnolds Hyndsight Only in my Dreams. This bitch needs more confidence I did manage to handle her. Well put together, the handler has to be more positive with her in the ring.
3. Albert's Wildshore Olympia another nice bitch would prefer more angles fore and aft.
YEARLING BITCH 8 entered 1 absent
1. Heathcotes Hyndsight Nealey lovely make and shape clean head good shoulders, top line moved well
2. Abbott's Wildshore Snflower similar in make and shape but of a larger mould.
3. Peach’s Kilbourne Electra nice type of hound not just moving as positive as one and two
UNDERGRADUATE BITCH 5 entered 1 absent
1. Paiseys Hyndsight Fields of Gold typical hound, pleasing front, and quarters moved well.
2. Faircloth’s Lyriel at Calbraidh Pleasing bitch, nice front and quarters
3. Highsmith's Aphrodite Pearl from Ingleby Similar type, good front top line quarters.
1. Wilce Quinton/Quinton's Kirjojax Pancho. Well built of good proportions, good front, top line and quarters, good mover.
2. Highsmith's Afrodite Pearl from Ingleby similar type, good front, top line, quarters.
3. Lucas & Dargonne’s Parkway Smackfarthing
LIMIT BITCH 14 entered for absent
1. Bailey's Greyflax Tallulah Lilac very shapely, with good front brisket top line and quarter sound move up reserve best bitch.
2. Peach's Fine Art von der Oelmuhle at Kilbourne similar make and shape, sound moving.
3. Shannon’s Whereon Firefly. Good head, front, quarters and movement a lovely trio of bitches.
OPEN BITCH 12 entered 5 absent
1. Helps Champion Beardswood Ulyssa. A clean neck, head let into clean shoulders, lovely top line and quarters sand mover. Best bitch and BIS
2. Finette and Heathcote’s Champion Hyndsight How you Remind Me, very similar to the winner.
3. Bailey's Champion Greyflax Pearls a Singer. Another quality bitch, these three could exchange places on another day, I had difficulty separating them.
Judge Jennifer North Row