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Midland Counties Championship Show 2022 Critique

I was delighted with my entry which included a number of quality hounds and this made my day most enjoyable The ring was smaller than ideal and the hall noisy which didn't do the hounds any favours and unfortunately unsettled several inexperienced young hounds. I thought that hind movement and soundness was generally quite good but fore-hand construction needs attention as there were quite a lot of hounds with rather upright shoulders and lacking fore-chest. I was much encouraged to see some lovely promising youngsters coming on and very pleased with my main winners who coped admirably with these difficult conditions. It was wonderful to hear that my BOB was awarded Hound Group 3.

MINOR PUPPY DOG - (Entries: 2, Abs: 0)

1) Peach’s QUANTASTICO GUISEPPE TO KILBOURNE: Promising 8 month old puppy with close dark crisp coat, handsome head with neat ears, good strong neck and length of body, plenty of substance and strong quarters. Moved well coming and going and well presented. BDP.

2) Thom’s FLAXSIDE CORRACHAN CHEIF: 7 month old puppy with nice brindle harsh coat, handsome head with dark eye, good length of body but needs to develop deeper chest, broad well muscled quarters with good bend of stifle. Moved well in profile but patterns need to strengthen.

PUPPY DOG – (Entries: 2, Abs: 1)

1) Owen & Brodie’s FRITZEN ZAREEF AT WOLFCASTLE: Attractive 10 month old puppy with crisp grey coat, handsome head with well set ears, good length of neck, would like better return of upper arm, chest needs to develop and deepen, adequate length of body leading into strong hind quarters with good length between hip and hock. Moved well and well presented.

JUNIOR DOG - (Entries: 2, Abs: 1)

1) Wragg’s NEROCHE KIELDER: Eye catching handsome young male aged 17 months with lovely dark harsh textured coat, plenty of substance throughout, masculine head with dark eye and typical expression, lovely strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, good body and well arched broad loin leading into broad strong hind quarters with well bent stifles. He strode out well holding his top line but it was difficult to fully evaluate his movement as he appeared unsettled on the day.

POST GRADUATE DOG - (Entries: 7, Abs: 2)

1) Shannon’s PACKWAY DOWNLANDER AT EREWHON: Masculine 2 year old male with harsh mid grey coat and good bone, handsome head with kind expression, strong neck, well laid shoulders and good width across the chest, good length of body with deep brisket, broad loin flowing into broad quarters. Moved soundly and well presented.

2) Stuart & Holt’s OLLANDSHEART OBERON: Handsome 3 year old male with nice crisp dark coat and plenty of substance throughout, attractive head and very strong well muscled neck leading into well laid shoulders, great depth of chest, shorter coupled than (1) and top line has more pronounced droop over croup, broad quarters with well bent stifles and good tail carriage. Move a little close behind. Well presented.


LIMIT DOG - (Entries:3, Abs:2)

1) Wilce-Quinton & Quinton’s KIRJOJAX HARRIS: Attractive masculine 2 year old male with crisp dark coat and good flat bone, handsome head with nice dark eye and neat well set ears, strong neck, good depth of chest and well strung ribs, adequate length of body with broad loin leading into strong well muscled hind quarters. He was light on his feet and strode out very well with drive and very well presented.

OPEN DOG - (Entries:7, Abs:5)

1) Taylor’s CH ORMANSTAR DARK SHADOW: Eye catching masculine 2 year old male with great presence, shiny brindle crisp coat and good bone, handsome head with dark eye and well set ears, good strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, good broad and deep chest, good length of body with broad loin flowing into strong well muscled and angulated hind quarters. He strode out effortlessly with plenty of drive and very well presented DCC and BOB.

2) Peach's CH KILBOURNE MERAK: Very handsome mature male with flowing lines and standing over a lot of ground, harsh grey coat of correct length and texture, good substance throughout, masculine head with typical soft expression and well held ears, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good depth and length of body flowing into strong broad hindquarters. Moved soundly but lacked the enthusiasm and drive of (1). Well presented. RDCC.

VETERAN DOG - (Entries: 2, Abs:2)

SPECIAL BEGINNERS DOG - (Entries:2, Abs: 0)

1) Fearns’s AHELOVA LORD VARYS: 2 year old male with harsh grey coat, nice head with typical soft expression, good neck, rather upright in shoulder, good length of body leading into broad well muscled hind quarters. Difficult to access movement as rather unsettled and tending to lift his tail, which should improve with practice.

2) Thom’s FLAXSIDE A WILL TO LIVE: 4 year old male with dark grey harsh coat, smaller and shorter coupled than (1), nice head dark eye with typical soft expression, strong neck, rather upright in shoulder, broad well muscled and angulated hind quarters and nice tight knuckled feet. Moved well.

MINOR PUPPY BITCH – (Entries:1 Abs:0)

1) Peach’s QUANTASTICO LUCIA TO KILBOURNE: Very attractive and promising 8 month old puppy, close dark grey crisp coat, very shapely with flowing lines, pretty head with dark eye and neat well held ears, good length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good chest and body, pleasing top line with arch over loin and well angulated hind quarters. Moved soundly and well presented. BP.

PUPPY BITCH - (Entries:2, Abs:1)

1) Cannon & Wickstead’s KILBOURNE OPAL’S FIRE TO ABAYOMI: Promising 11 month old puppy, well grown with mid grey crisp coat, pretty head with neat ears, good neck, chest needs to develop more width and depth, good length of body and pleasing top line, good broad hind quarters. Moved soundly and well presented.

JUNIOR BITCH - (Entries:2, Abs:1)

1) Barter’s EHLARADAWN LORE: Attractive youngster aged 17 months with lovely dark crisp coat, pretty head with typical expression and lovely small neat ears, good neck, chest needs to develop more width and depth. She tended to stand with her hocks far under her which rather spoilt her top line but this may well be corrected when she is more relaxed and settled. Strong broad well muscled hind quarters and sound on the move.

POST GRADUATE BITCH - (Entries:11, Abs:4)

This was a good class with several very nice quality bitches.

1) Spring-Arnold’s HYNDSIGHT ONLY IN MY DREAMS: Attractive yearling with crisp grey coat, feminine head with typical expression, adequate bone and well balanced, good neck leading into well laid shoulders, good chest and depth of brisket, good length of body with flowing top line and arched loin, strong broad well angulated hind quarters. Moved out well and well presented.

2) Lucas & Dargonne’s PACKWAY ECOTRAILER: Attractive young bitch with lovely dark crisp coat and plenty of substance throughout, good head with typical expression and well set neat ears, standing over a lot of ground, brisket a little shallow, good length of body and nice top line flowing into strong broad well muscled hind quarters. She moved with good length of stride and well presented. Close decision but just lost out to (1) as she needs a little more time to fill her larger frame.


LIMIT BITCH - (Entries:10, Abs:1)

This was a very strong class full of quality bitches and it was a very close decision between (1) and (2).

1) Bailey’s GREYFLAX TALLULAH LILAC: Very attractive 3 year old bitch with pale grey crisp coat and plenty of substance throughout, very good proportions and flowing lines, good feminine head with pleasing expression, long strong neck and good body with length and lovely flowing top line, moderately angulated front, broad loin and hind quarters. She moved soundly and very well presented. BCC.

2) Lucas & Dargonne’s PACKWAY SMACKFARTHING: Very attractive 3 year old bitch with lovely dark grey crisp coat, smaller stature than (1), very shapely and well balanced, lovely feminine head of good proportions with dark eye, good pigmentation and neat well set ears, strong neck, good body and top line, strong well muscled hind quarters. Sound on the move and covered the ground well but a little close behind. Well presented. RBCC.


OPEN BITCH - (Entries:7, Abs:4)

1) Bailey’s GREYFLAX PEARLS A SINGER: Mature 4 year old dark grey bitch with harsh coat and good bone, feminine head with typical expression and well set ears, strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, broad chest and good length of body with depth and great spring of ribs, very broad across the loin and strong broad hind quarters. Carrying a little more condition than ideal. Moved soundly with good length of stride and very well presented.

2) Wilce-Quinton & Quinton’s KILBOURNE LOUISA CHICK TO KIRJOJAX: Mature 5 year old bitch with mid grey harsh coat, plenty of substance, pretty feminine head with lovely expression and well set ears, good proportions and flowing lines, strong neck and moderately angulated front, good body and top line, broad loin and strong well muscled hind quarters with well bent stifles. Moved soundly and well presented.


VETERAN BITCH - (Entries:2, Abs:0)

1) Thom’s LUCKHURST PANI: Mature 7 year old bitch, mid grey harsh rugged coat, attractive feminine head with pleasing expression, good neck, would prefer better return of upper arm, good body and top line leading into broad strong hind quarters, nice well knuckled tight feet. Moved well with drive.

2) Lindsay’s CELTICMOON SHADOM MAGIC AT SILVERTHYME: Mature 9 year old bitch with heavy dark grey coat of rather soft texture, good bone and more substance than (1), pretty head with lovely soft expression, a little upright in front, good body and top line, broad loin and hind quarters. She lacked the enthusiasm of (1) on the move.


1) Thom’s FLAXSIDE AGAINST ALL ODDS: Pretty 3 year old bitch with harsh dark grey coat, adequate bone, feminine head with lovely expression and neat well set years, a little upright in front, good length of body and pleasing top line, strong loin and broad well muscled angulated hind quarters and neat tight knuckled feet. Moved well with drive. Best Special Beginner.

2) Thom’s TIOBRAID LADY MORRIGAN: Another pretty 3 year old bitch with harsh grey coat, feminine head with pleasing expression, good length of neck, moderate front angulation, good body but tending to stand hunched up which spoiled her top line, broad well muscled hind quarters. Moved well but lacked the drive of (1).

Sarah Helps

28th October 2022,

1) Wilce-Quinton & Quinton’s KIRJOJAX HARRIS: Attractive masculine 2 year old male with crisp dark coat and good flat bone, handsome head with nice dark eye and neat well set ears, strong neck, good depth of chest and well strung ribs, adequate length of body with broad loin leading into strong well muscled hind quarters. He was light on his feet and strode out very well with drive and very well presented.

OPEN DOG - (Entries:7, Abs:5)

1) Taylor’s CH ORMANSTAR DARK SHADOW: Eye catching masculine 2 year old male with great presence, shiny brindle crisp coat and good bone, handsome head with dark eye and well set ears, good strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, good broad and deep chest, good length of body with broad loin flowing into strong well muscled and angulated hind quarters. He strode out effortlessly with plenty of drive and very well presented DCC and BOB.

2) Peach's CH KILBOURNE MERAK: Very handsome mature male with flowing lines and standing over a lot of ground, harsh grey coat of correct length and texture, good substance throughout, masculine head with typical soft expression and well held ears, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good depth and length of body flowing into strong broad hindquarters. Moved soundly but lacked the enthusiasm and drive of (1). Well presented. RDCC.

VETERAN DOG - (Entries: 2, Abs:2)

SPECIAL BEGINNERS DOG - (Entries:2, Abs: 0)

1) Fearns’s AHELOVA LORD VARYS: 2 year old male with harsh grey coat, nice head with typical soft expression, good neck, rather upright in shoulder, good length of body leading into broad well muscled hind quarters. Difficult to access movement as rather unsettled and tending to lift his tail, which should improve with practice.

2) Thom’s FLAXSIDE A WILL TO LIVE: 4 year old male with dark grey harsh coat, smaller and shorter coupled than (1), nice head dark eye with typical soft expression, strong neck, rather upright in shoulder, broad well muscled and angulated hind quarters and nice tight knuckled feet. Moved well.

MINOR PUPPY BITCH – (Entries:1 Abs:0)

1) Peach’s QUANTASTICO LUCIA TO KILBOURNE: Very attractive and promising 8 month old puppy, close dark grey crisp coat, very shapely with flowing lines, pretty head with dark eye and neat well held ears, good length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good chest and body, pleasing top line with arch over loin and well angulated hind quarters. Moved soundly and well presented. BP.

PUPPY BITCH - (Entries:2, Abs:1)

1) Cannon & Wickstead’s KILBOURNE OPAL’S FIRE TO ABAYOMI: Promising 11 month old puppy, well grown with mid grey crisp coat, pretty head with neat ears, good neck, chest needs to develop more width and depth, good length of body and pleasing top line, good broad hind quarters. Moved soundly and well presented.

JUNIOR BITCH - (Entries:2, Abs:1)

1) Barter’s EHLARADAWN LORE: Attractive youngster aged 17 months with lovely dark crisp coat, pretty head with typical expression and lovely small well set ears, good neck, chest needs to develop more width and depth. When standing tending to hunch herself up which spoilt her top line but this may well be corrected when she is more relaxed and settled. Strong broad well muscled hind quarters and sound on the move.

POST GRADUATE BITCH - (Entries:11, Abs:4)

This was a good class with several very nice quality bitches.

1) Spring-Arnold’s HYNDSIGHT ONLY IN MY DREAMS: Attractive yearling with crisp grey coat, feminine head with typical expression, adequate bone and well balanced, good neck leading into well laid shoulders, good chest and depth of brisket, good length of body with flowing top line and arched loin, strong broad well angulated hind quarters. Moved out well and well presented.

2) Lucas & Dargonne’s PACKWAY ECOTRAILER: Attractive young bitch with lovely dark crisp coat and plenty of substance throughout, good head with typical expression and well set neat ears, standing over a lot of ground, brisket a little shallow, good length of body and nice top line flowing into strong broad well muscled hind quarters. She moved with good length of stride and well presented. Close decision but just lost out to (1) as she needs a little more time to fill her larger frame.


LIMIT BITCH - (Entries:10, Abs:1)

This was a very strong class full of quality bitches and it was a very close decision between (1) and (2).

1) Bailey’s GREYFLAX TALLULAH LILAC: Very attractive 3 year old bitch with pale grey crisp coat and plenty of substance throughout, very good proportions and flowing lines, good feminine head with pleasing expression, long strong neck and good body with length and lovely flowing top line, moderately angulated front, broad loin and hind quarters. She moved soundly and very well presented. BCC.

2) Lucas & Dargonne’s PACKWAY SMACKFARTHING: Very attractive 3 year old bitch with lovely dark grey crisp coat, smaller stature than (1), very shapely and well balanced, lovely feminine head of good proportions with dark eye, good pigmentation and neat well set ears, strong neck, good body and top line, strong well muscled hind quarters. Sound on the move and covered the ground well but a little close behind. Well presented. RBCC.


OPEN BITCH - (Entries:7, Abs:4)

1) Bailey’s GREYFLAX PEARLS A SINGER: Mature 4 year old dark grey bitch with harsh coat and good bone, feminine head with typical expression and well set ears, strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, broad chest and good length of body with depth and great spring of ribs, very broad across the loin and strong broad hind quarters. Carrying a little more condition than ideal. Moved soundly with good length of stride and very well presented.

2) Wilce-Quinton & Quinton’s KILBOURNE LOUISA CHICK TO KIRJOJAX: Mature 5 year old bitch with mid grey harsh coat, plenty of substance, pretty feminine head with lovely expression and well set ears, good proportions and flowing lines, strong neck and moderately angulated front, good body and top line, broad loin and strong well muscled hind quarters with well bent stifles. Moved soundly and well presented.


VETERAN BITCH - (Entries:2, Abs:0)

1) Thom’s LUCKHURST PANI: Mature 7 year old bitch, mid grey harsh rugged coat, attractive feminine head with pleasing expression, good neck, would prefer better return of upper arm, good body and top line leading into broad strong hind quarters, nice well knuckled tight feet. Moved well with drive.

2) Lindsay’s CELTICMOON SHADOM MAGIC AT SILVERTHYME: Mature 9 year old bitch with heavy dark grey coat of rather soft texture, good bone and more substance than (1), pretty head with lovely soft expression, a little upright in front, good body and top line, broad loin and hind quarters. She lacked the enthusiasm of (1) on the move.


1) Thom’s FLAXSIDE AGAINST ALL ODDS: Pretty 3 year old bitch with harsh dark grey coat, adequate bone, feminine head with lovely expression and neat well set years, a little upright in front, good length of body and pleasing top line, strong loin and broad well muscled angulated hind quarters and neat tight knuckled feet. Moved well with drive. Best Special Beginner.

2) Thom’s TIOBRAID LADY MORRIGAN: Another pretty 3 year old bitch with harsh grey coat, feminine head with pleasing expression, good length of neck, moderate front angulation, good body but tending to stand hunched up which spoiled her top line, broad well muscled hind quarters. Moved well but lacked the drive of (1).

Sarah Helps

28th October 2022,