Many thanks to the committee of Guildford & DCS for the invitation to judge Deerhounds at this well run show and to my efficient and friendly ring steward. Thanks must also go to the exhibitors, I was delighted to have such a quality entry.
Junior 0, 0
Post Graduate 6, 0
Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Blades To The Wind. Very eye catching 22 month old male. Typical head with dark eye, aquiline nose and nice ears. Strong neck into good shoulder. Deep chest and correct topline. Good length from hip to parallel hocks. Strong well muscled hindquarters with good width. Correct harsh coat. Pushed hard in the challenge. RBOB.
Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight All I Have To Do Is. Well made 21 month old bitch. Typical head with dark eye and small ears. Strong neck, good depth of chest with nice underline and topline. Preferred the overall ‘picture’ of 1.
Heathcote’s Hyndsight Neaghley.
Open 4, 1
Lucas & Dargonne’s Packway Smackfarthing. Feminine 3 year old balanced bitch with pretty head, dark eye and neat ears. Good front with nice depth of chest and spring of rib. Correct feet and nicely sloping pasterns. Nice topline with gentle rise over the loin. Hindquarters well muscled with good width of thigh. Came into her own on the move with an easy, active, true and light gait. Well presented. BOB. I was pleased to see her gain Group 4 later in the day.
Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Against The Wind. Mature male of heavier build. Dark eye, good front and nice outline. Powerful hindquarters but couldn’t match the fluid movement of 1 today.
Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Talk On The Street.
Angela Aston (Balgaled).