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Border Union Championship Show 2022 Critique

I do apologise for being slow submitting my critique. Entirely my own fault, as I promised myself I would do my write-up when we had a rainy day, not a good idea as in Essex we have had no rain for months.

Puppy Dog

1st Smith’s Claonaiglen Camgaridh at Julam

At just six months old, a well made male with lots of substance. Nice head and eye, ears needed tidying up, and his coat was rather soft but hopefully this is puppy coat. Didn’t stand especially well, but going round the ring he and his young handler moved so beautifully, he had a lovely long stride and made it all look effortless. Good long tail. Best Puppy.

Post Graduate Dog

1st Taylor’s Ormanstar Dark Shadow

Nearly two years old, presented in beautiful order and was showing with enjoyment! I would have liked a fuller eye, but a nice head and the whole hound was exceptionally well muscled and well proportioned overall. Good crisp coat, plenty of substance and good feet and he carried his tail nicely. Well bent stifle, but would have liked a bit more slope to his shoulder. Being so fit, he moved very well and soundly, but I didn’t find his movement typical which meant he won the Reserve CC.

2nd Stuart & Holt’s Ollandsheart Oberon

Was not in sparkling form, and didn’t relish being shown and kept fidgeting. Nice head and expression, a nice ear but his teeth were dirty. Overall a nice male hound, good coat and tail and his day will come as like (1) above, I thought them both very promising male hounds.

Limit Dog

1st Freeman’s Lilac Wind Ozymandias at Glooscap (Imp Fra)

Nice head and expression, with a pleasant eye. Rather lightly built for a male, but well balanced and moved typically. Well presented and a nice clean coat.

2nd Milne & Andrews’ Albagrey Stridar

A compact hound, but balanced overall. Dirty teeth but otherwise well presented, and hound and handler both moved well.

Open Dog

1st Freeman’s Lilac Wind Montgomery Clift to Glooscap (Imp Fra)

Rather feminine six year old male. Lovely head and expression, and a pleasant eye. Nice proportions but would have liked a longer tail. Reluctant to move, but when he did he moved nicely but without any enthusiasm.

2nd Gillie’s Dorrator Orbit

Very well presented, and nice head and expression although would have preferred a darker eye. Would have liked more of him overall, and although he moved adequately like (1) above, both hounds lacked any drive and seemed ‘soft’.

Veteran Dog

1st Sharp’s Killoeter Skye

Born in August 2014, once he got moving he went so well – a pleasure to watch. Well coated and groomed, he has enough substance and was nicely masculine overall. Attractive head and expression, and well put together but would have liked a longer tail. A very nice hound, so typical of the breed, but by the final challenge he was beginning to feel a little weary. I was very pleased to award him the Dog Certificate. He also won Best Veteran. I understand this was his first Ticket, and feel Covid restrictions have robbed him of awards when he was younger.

Puppy Bitch

1st Robertson’s Chuilinn Ehani

Attractive young lady, with a pretty head and pleasant eye. Nicely proportioned and enough substance. Good bend of stifle and moved well. She triumphed over her sister as she had more length of body.

2nd Robertson’s Chuilinn Eshana

As for (1) above, a very pretty and attractive bitch moving well, and looking lovely when standing. Very promising. She has the breadth of body, but not the length of her sister. Not an easy choice between the two.

Junior Bitch

1st Peach’s Kilbourne Flora Mcdeva

15 months old, and beautifully presented and very fit. Good harsh coat and nice head, plenty of substance, good feet, tail, topline and nicely balanced overall. Moved perfectly soundly and well, but I didn’t like how she moved – I’m still trying to work out why.

Yearling Bitch

1st Mcalpine’s Gentiehun Iso Harmaa Koira

Well balanced overall, with an attractive head and nice eye. Stands over enough ground, with a good coat and nice topline and underline, and a good tail. Very promising, but her handler insisted on fussing all the time.

2nd Pounder’s Packway New York New York

Not so balanced as (1) at present, and needs time and a bit more substance. Nice length of body, and promising overall.

3rd Lindsay’s Leoch Oransay at Silverthyme

Novice Bitch

1st Lindsay’s Leoch Oransay at Silverthyme

A narrow head and small eye, and built on rather too racey lines for me. Wasn’t moving well, but presented a lovely profile when looking for her owner.

Graduate Bitch

1st Thom’s Flaxside Against All Odds

Well presented, nicely balanced compact bitch. Pleasing head and expression, and good topline. Moved freely and well.

2nd Pounder’s Packway New York New York (see above)

Post Graduate Bitch

1st Stuart & Holt’s Ollandsheart Desdemona

An attractive bitch, looking in fine fettle. Nice head and expression, and lovely little ears. Enough substance, but would like more depth of brisket which will come with maturity. Nice topline, good feet and nice tail. Moved with plenty of drive. Reserve Bitch CC.

Limit Bitch

1st Swanson’s Altimarlach Archangel

Nice, well presented compact bitch with plenty of substance. Good coat. Lovely head and expression, small ears. Moved well but I thought her a bit short on leg length. Overall a pleasing picture.

Open Bitch

1st Robertson’s Chuilinn Loredana

Lovely, well made bitch standing over plenty of ground. Beautifully presented, although I would have liked a few more facial furnishings, and a slightly darker eye. A shade overweight for me, but positively ‘blooming’ and in peak condition. Once she warmed up, she powered round the ring and looked so beautiful and typical of a mature bitch. She won the Bitch Ticket, and went on to take Best of Breed. She looked very lovely, and went well in the big ring.

2nd Gillie’s Dorrator Eno

Well presented and in good condition although lacking in muscle tone. Nicely balanced overall, and a good topline. I would like a little more of her, and she has youth on her side. Nice head and kindly expression, a nice eye and good pigmentation. Moved well, and was so very well behaved.

M J Girling (Judge)