Southern Counties 2007 Critique
PD (1) Grimshaw’s Jamalison Sonata, still thin but well constructed, very nice head, ears and eyes, sound straight legs, good coat, still needs to mature and get more depth of brisket, still somewhat loose in movement.
JD (1), 1. Helps’ Greyfriars Gille of Beardswood, still rather light in general impression but good outline, good bone, a shade short in body, very nice head, eyes and ears, moves straight and parallel, very harsh coat.
PGD (3, 2). 1. Finnett and Heathcote’s Hyndsight Keep the Faith, a strong masculine dog but still elegant, excellent construction, long neck, excellent topline, very well angulated, very nice head, eyes and ears, harsh coat, excels in movement. Best dog.
LD. (3, 2) 1. Wiggan’s Killoeter Grilse, big, strong and masculine, rather upright in shoulder and upper arm, front legs not quite straight, could be better angulated. Res. best dog.
OD (3, 1) 1. Helps’ Beardswood Marmion, good outline, long head, eyes could be darker, good bone, well angulated, correct topline, correct coat. 2. Spence’s Rosslyn Magi Among Shagiead, rather short in body, could be better angulated in front and behind, very hard, rather short coat.
PB (1) Grimshaw’s Jamalison Melody, still thin, but good outline and well constructed, movement and coat still childish. Just needs to fill out, best puppy.
PGB (5) 1 Finnett and heathcote’s Hyndsight a Box of Dreams, strong, excellent construction and outline, harsh coat. Toplines of the skull and muzzle not quite parallel. Long neck. Res. best bitch. 2. Killoeter Lurag for Hamiltonhill, tall, elegant, feminine, a little upright in shoulder, very nice head. 3. Redmond’s Hyndsight Alleged with Greybobs.
LB (3, 2) 1. Greyflax Mystic to Jamalison, good topline, good depth of brisket, paralle movements, good coat, could be better angulated and could have a longer head.
OB (5, 3) 1. Finnett and Heathcote’s Ch Hyndsight Heaven Can Wait, a very beautiful bitch, big, strong, with great style, long head, long neck, very well angulated, sound parallel effortless movements, harsh coat, very pleasing general picture. BOB. 2. Johnson’s Modhish Lilly Langtree, somewhat short-legged and too fat, good topline, well angulated behind, coat very hard but should have more of it.
Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen