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East of England 2007 Critique


A good week-day entry with only 7 absentees. I was pleased with overall type although not all heads or expressions typical and too many dogs lack tuck-up. I was generally pleased with profile movement but coming and going quite the reverse. I found few exhibits with poor forequarters and most with good leg length.

PD (8,1) 1 Grimshaw’s Jamalison Smart Money. Well grown dog of good proportions. Dark eye, good pigment and high set ears. Typical head, could be stronger. Long neck well set on. Moderately angulated good forequarters. Nice topline; strong, broad loin and quarters. Good feet. Best overall movement in class. 2 Rhodes’ Gentom Peacemaker. Most shapely and best typical profile movement in class. Could have won, but very unsettled in ring. Excellent head. Well pigmented. High set single fold ears. Strong neck. Strong loin, correct underline, scope in hindquarters and bone to the ground. 3 Girling’s Pyefleet Rollo.

JD (2,0) 1 Helps’ Greyfriars Gillie Of Beardswood. Striking well grown shapely dark dog of good outline and proportions. Masculine head, very dark eye and pigment. Ears could be neater. Good reach of neck well set into nice shoulder and forequarters. Excellent drooping quarters and standing over plenty of ground with well bent stifle and length from hip to hock. Good tail. Typical profile movement. One of the best today coming and going. Very promising dog. 2 Trotman and Dockree’s Regalflight Princequillo Of Penherald. 12 mo, well grown, lighter coloured shapely dog. Good head. Excellent forechest. Nice length of leg. Good bone. Arched loin and strong drooping croup over well angulated rear construction. Good feet. When settled, moved better than most today.

(6,0) 1 Meer’s Lealla Kinrossie Of Lordswell. Promising shapely dog with long, lighter but correctly harsh coat. Typical in head, eye, ears and pigment. Long neck. Good underline and depth, length and spring of rib. Moderate balanced angulation. Good length of leg. Best movement in class coming and going and typical in profile. 2 Poole’s Canerikie Casablanca At Brockfield. immediately striking with good type and outline, especially topline. Excellent head, ears, eyes and pigment. Strong broad thighs and powerful hindquarters. Well padded strong feet. Would like a little more brisket infill. 3 Lewellyn’s Kilbourne Macallan.

PGD (6,1) 1 Peach’s Greyflax The Mighty Quinn To Kilbourne. Not fully mature but a striking typical dog with shape and outline. Masculine head, typical ears, hazel eyes, dark pigment. He has a strong neck, good leg length, adequate depth and plenty of length. Good bone, straight limbs, lovely tail and a harsh coat. Moves very true and with a typical side gait. Easy class winner. DCC his 3rd. 2 Parsons and McKinnon’s Claonaiglen Orchy. Not the outline, muscle and forequarters of 1 but a sound typical moving dog in profile. Typical masculine head with dark eye and good pigment. Moderate ear set. Good underline, so often lacking of late. Moderate balanced angulation. Excellent coat. 3 Shinkwin’s Ladygrove Phantom.

(3,0) 1 Phillips and Peach’s Wild West Von Der Oelmuehle. Very nice, smaller dog but well within the standard. Sometimes unsettled in the class. Very typical head. Beautiful eyes, pigment and high set fine rose ears. Excellent forequarter construction. Balanced angulation. Straight forearms with plenty of bone right down to his good feet. Excels in topline, underline and croup. Sadly sometimes slightly unsettled especially in the class. RCC. 2 Owen and Brodie’s Wolfcastle Wood Melick. Not quite the balance or forequarters of 1. Nice type, lovely head, eyes and ears. Good length of leg and body. Well ribbed in length and depth. Excellent topline. Nice full, harsh lighter coat. Moved well particularly in profile. 3 Buckley’s Lealla Jokol.

OD (7,1) Close decision between two very different dogs. 1 Peach’s Ch. Kilbourne Macleod. Long cast dog with good topline but would like more tuck-up. Good bone, straight limbs and sound construction in forequarters and strong hindquarters. Very sound. Powerful first and second thighs, broad hocks and length from hip to hock. Strong well padded feet. Harsh coat. Head masculine, but lacks refinement and type of 2. 2 Helps’ Beardswood Marmion. Excellent type, good outline and proportions and typical profile movement.  Masculine head, beautiful rose ears. Balanced angulation. Drooping hindquarters and excellent tail and set. Stands over plenty of ground. In good coat. Not making the best of himself coming and going today 3 Bond’s Ch. Regalflight Stormbird.

(8,1) 1 Owen and Brodie’s Marandike Ebony’s Choice To Wolfcastle. Well grown, typical bitch with good outline, excellent head, pigment, eyes and beautiful rose ears.  Lovely forequarters, length and topline. Strong well constructed hind quarters. Good tail well held on the move. Easily best movement in the class. Slightly soft feet. BP. 2 Girling’s Pyefleet Rokesby. Promising, balanced feminine bitch not making the best of herself. Sweet head dark eye and pigment. Strong neck set well into good forequarters. Good length of leg, slope of pastern and feet. Pressed 1 hard. 3 Peach’s Kilbourne Santa Ana.

(6,1) 1 Bailey’s Greyflax Milly Molly Mandy. Beautiful feminine bitch. Lovely length and outline complement her excellent type. Feminine head. Hazel eye with dark pigment. Straight front, good feet. Long strong loin, drooping hindquarters and good width of thighs. Adequate bone. Well muscled. Super harsh coat. Very typical profile movement and the best coming and going. 2 Lowe’s Readwald Jet Black. Darker bitch of good type. Plenty of depth and length throughout with balanced moderate angulation. Excellent pigment. Long strong loin and croup. Plenty of bone. Good feet and tail. 3 Jansons’ Nixophel Crystal Amethyst.

(3, 1) Difficult class. 1 Faircloth and Helps’ Beardswood Niamh. Good depth, underline, topline and leg length. Strong muscular hindquarters and good drooping croup. Rather small but neat feet.  Could be slightly finer in head for me. Moved well up and down and very typical in profile. 2 Mansell and Duddell’s Canerikie Coco Colada. Longer cast lighter coloured bitch. Nice feminine head.  Good length of leg and good bone.  Nice balanced angulation. Strong quarters.  Not at all happy on the move today. 3 Wilson’s Killoeter Lurag For Hamiltonhill.

(6, 0) Two lovely bitches stood out. 1 Rhodes’ Gentom Ovation. Lovely type of light grey bitch with beautiful outline and shape. Stands over plenty of ground with bone right down to her good pasterns and feet. Beautiful feminine head. Pigment, eyes and ears are excellent. Such typical profile movement. Strong powerful movement behind. 2 Peach’s Kilbourne Oh Suzannah. Darker bitch, not as mature as 1. Feminine head but not the expression of 1. Well constructed forequarters, good forechest. Correct ribbing well carried back. Good topline; nice drooping quarters. Plenty of angulation behind with low set hocks. Good feet. Best movement coming and going. 3 Trotman’s Cotswold Crocus Of Penherald.

LB (10,0) A quality class beyond the placed bitches. 1 Parsons and McKinnon’s Claonaiglen Orrin. Very typical bitch with a lovely outline standing and moving. Nice head, dark eye and pigment. High set ears. Long neck. Balanced fore and hind quarters. Well sprung ribbing carried well back. Long strong loin. Excellent pasterns and feet. 2 Peach’s Pinglehol Ruby To Kilbourne. A little more raw than 1 but showing great promise. Good outline, depth underline and topline. Lovely sweeping croup, good first and second thighs. Super feet. Moves nicely straight behind and powers along in profile. 3 Bailey’s Greyflax A Kind Of Magic JW.

(8,1) Another very strong class down the line. 1 Bailey’s Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. This girl has blossomed throughout this year and keeps growing on me. Super head and dark eyes give a soft, typical expression. Beautiful, high set, expressive rose ears. Neck, body and quarters flow so well together. Good length, proportions and outline. Length from hip to hock. Super feet. Makes the most of all her assets on the move. CC – her 3rd, BOB and a well deserved inclusion in the cut for the group. 2 Phillips’ Ch. Kilbourne Grey Ghost Of Ladygrove. Another lovely bitch who has such wonderful construction her light eye must be forgiven. Almost 7 years of age and in as good condition as any today. Only just had to settle for the Reserve CC. 3 Hird’s Claonaiglen Albyn At Cloweswood.

Hector Heathcote


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