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Darlington 2007 Critique

MPD. (2). 1. Hawkins', Kwaicott Asclepius. 7 months old youngster, a bit rangey at present but he has all the attributes one looks for in the breed. Classic head, dark eyes. Lovely reach of neck. Good bone, not quite the depth of rib but this no doubt will come with time. Lovely topline. Nice sweep from hip to hock. Excellent true sound movement. 2. Hopwood's, Kawricott Athos. Litter brother to my winner with great similarities. Lovely head. Lengthy neck. Pleasing front angulation. Good rib and topline. Nice bend of stifle. Showed happily. Not quite such steady movement as his brother as yet.

PD. (5). 1. Pink's, Romanie Rye at Greyhawks. Won this class on his sound true movement. To be hypercritical I would have liked a darker eye, but he had a handsome head. Good reach of neck. Well bone legs. Excellent knuckled feet. Ideal body. Pleasing outline. Strong hindquarters. Moved freely. BP. 2. Seymor-Jackson's, Ghiltan Hero. At present I prefer the front movement of my winner. Very nice head, lovely small ears. Strong lengthy neck. Good bone and ribs. Well turned hindquarters. Pleasing profile. Moved with plenty of drive. 3. Tomegen Dumbledore.

JD. (4). 1. Grimshaw's, Jamalison Sonata. This exhibit has a lovely outline and profile movement. Attractive head. Neat fine ears. Long neck. Good bone and feet. Deep ribcage. Nice arch over the loin. Strong well shaped hindquarters. Harsh coat. Moved out well with plenty of drive. 2. Buckley's, Packway Smart Money. Pleasing head with lovely dark eyes. Nice front angulation. Good bone, a bit slack in pasterns which was quite noticeable on the move. Good body and ribs. Firm strong hindquarters. Nice topline and tail set. Showed very well.

PGD. (11). 1. Finnett and Heathcote's, Hyndsight Keep the Faith. A very well constructed exhibit. Lovely head with correct dark eyes and neat fine ears. Strong lengthy neck into well placed shoulders. Sound front with good bone. Well knuckled feet. Balanced body with deep ribs. Good turn of stifle. Moved with great drive from behind and good extension in front. RCC. 2. Hall's, Canerikie Crocodile Cooler. Another very nice exhibit. Typical head with lovely dark eyes. Pleasing reach of neck to correct front assembly. Well boned front, good feet. Lovely outline, topline and ribs. Well bent stifles. Muscular hindquarters. Sound in movement both coming and going. 3. Taylor's, Lyart Yes Minster.

LD. (7). 1. Peach and Phillips', Wild West Von Der Delmuhle. A really masculine exhibit but still retained elegance. Impressive head, but could have a darker eye. Pleasing reach of neck. Good angulation of shoulders. Sound well boned front, nicely knuckled feet. Balanced body. Good ribs. Nice sweep of hindquarters Covered the ground absolutely true both ways with good extension and drive. 2. Buckley's, Lealla Jokol. Another very attractive exhibit. Soundly constructed and moved accordingly. Pleasing head, fine neat ears. Good bone with well knuckled feet. Correct topline and tail set. Deep ribcage. Muscular hindquarters with plenty of power. Showed well with very free positive movement. 3. Pink's, Greyhawks Romanie Rom.

OD. (4). 1. Peach's, Greyflax Myth to Kilbourne. Impressive in outline, topline and driving movement. Very well balanced exhibit with super harsh coat. Masculine head, nice ears and length of neck. Sound front, good ribs, broad powerful hips with good width. Good bend of stifle. Nice flowing movement which was very true. CC. 2. Peach's, Ch. Kilbourne Mcaleod. Another very nice looking exhibit wh covered the ground absolutely true both ways. Classic head. Reachy neck and good shoulders, front and bone. Impressive outline. Good ribs, well angulated hindquarters with good sweep from hip to hock. Showed well. 3. Helps', Beardswood Marmion.

VB. (2). 1. Phillips's, Ch. Lilbourne Grey Ghost of Ladygrove. At 7 years of age she captivated me with her breed type and balance. Lovely head. Good neck, shoulders, front and feet. Correct deep ribcage, loin well arched down to nice tail set. Good bone. Braod powerful hindquarters. Easy ground covering movement. RCC. PLeased to see her win BVIG. 2. Churchill's, Lealla Huna. Another 7 year old not quite the bone of my winner. Feminine head. Lengthy neck. Sound front with well knuckled feet. Balanced body, nice outline. Strong hindquarters helping her to cover the ground easily.

MPB. (3). 1. Parson and McKinnon's, Claonaiglen Mallie. 6 months of age and full of quality. Beautiful head, dark eye and neat ears. Good enck, front and feet. Topline both standing and on the move correct. Well made in body and ris. Strong hindquarters with good bend of stifle. Moved absolutely true. Lovely prospect for the future. 2. Mansell and Duddell's, Canerikie Coco Chanel. Slightly larger 7 month old and not so co-ordinated as yet as my winner. Delightful head. Good bone and coat. Blanaced angulation. Good front and ribs. Nice turn of stifle. Moved happily but inclined to prance a little in front. Just needs time.

PB. (4). 1. Seymour-Jackson's, Ghiltan Harvest. Lovely feminine head, small well set ears. Nice reach of neck. Good topline, shoulders and front. Nice depth of brisket. Well angulated quarters. She looked better on the move than when standing with good extension in front and drive behind. 2. Wiggan's, Kilbourne Firebird of Lodhainn. Attractive feminine head, nicely folded ears. Lengthy neck into well laid shoulders. Sound front. Lovely topline, strongly muscled shapely hindquarters. Again this ine looked better on the move. Good driving hind movement. 3. Cunningham's, Dorrator Ardunn at Aonachdubh.

JB. (6). 1. Janson's, Nixophel Crystal Amethyst. This exhibit appealed for her excellent movement correct and balanced with good extension in front and drive behind. Feminine head. Nice neck, good sound front with nicely knuckled feet. Well angulated hindquarters. Good body and ribs. Showed well. 2. Grimshaw's, Jamalison Melody. Tall elegant exhibit. Lovely head but would prefer a darker eye. Good reach of neck into well laid shoulders. Sound front. Good ribs and body. Very strong driving hind movement but inclined to prance a bit in front. 3. Kirkpatrick's, Brackenland Tanis.

PGB. (9). 1. Bailey's, Greyflax Milly Molly Mandy. Beautiful head, strong reachy neck. Good shoulders, front and feet. Lovely body lines, nice depth of brisket. Good arch over the loin. Lovely sweep from hip to hock. Excellent bend of stifle. Movement true with a lengthy stride. With a little more maturity will surely go to the top. 2. Gow's, Anmialchu Beinn an Cabar. Another very good exhibit. Lovely feminine head with dark eyes, small nicely folded ears. Pleasing front angulation. Well knuckled feet. Pleasing outline which she held on the move. Strong hindquarters. Moved very soundly. 3. Buck's, Readwald Cornelia.

LB. (8). 1. Peach's, Pingleholl Ruby to Kilborne. Very elegant exhibit. Not in full coat but this only showed her extreme soundness. Lovely head, ears and length of neck. Good front with correct bone. Well constructed body. Scores well in topline and ribcage. Good hindquarters. Very true free flowing stride. 2. Redmond's, Hyndsight Mystical with Greybrows. Another very sound moving exhibit. Not quite the bone of my winner but all that one could want in make and shape. Attractive head. Good neck, shoulders and front. Correct topline and ribcage. Shapely hindquarters. Moved with effortless gait. 3. Churchill's, Lealla Janty.

OB. (7 ). 1. Finnett, Heathcott and Piggott's, Ch. Hyndsight Heaven Can Wait. Very impressive exhibit. Excellent head, neatly folded small ears. Good enck and shoulders. Sound front beautifully mature in body and ribbing. Lovely topline. Good sweep from hips to hocks. Hindquarters well muscled. Nice coat. Super extended movement in front and drive from behind. CC and BOB. Pleased to see her short listed in the Group. 2. Bailey's, Greyflex a Kind of Magic. Attractive exhibit with quality and style. Lovely head, shoulder and front correct. Well arched feet. Good coat. Firm strong body with good ribs. Lovely angulation to hindquarters. Moved very sound and true with a fluid movement. 3. Parsons and McKinnon's, Ch. Clanaiglen Orrin.

Marianne R Nixon


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