Our Club show is a pretty unique canine event and hence the invitation to be part of it was both gratifying and thoroughly enjoyable, so a very sincere thank you to all who made it possible by giving so selflessly in time and effort. Chris Arthur as collecting ring ‘whipper in’ ensured I had a steady supply of dogs on cue and of course my ring steward Peter Grant was totally peerless with an unobtrusive efficiency that was always reassuring. My general impression of the dogs was that we have far too many light eyes, large ears and upright fronts which are of course breeding problems but also so many have weak pasterns, splayed fronts, flat feet, and a lack of muscle, all of which could be hugely improved by changes in rearing and exercise regimes very quickly. Having said that, it was an immense privilege to be among Deerhounds and their sporting enthusiasts, we are fortunate indeed.
PD. (8). 1. Buckley’s, Packway Smart Money. Well grown 9 months old. Won on his outline which he held on the move. Nice topline and croup. Good head and eye. Loose in front at present. 2. Edwards’, Brackenland Ran. Very powerfully made youngster. The soundest in the class on the move but a tendency to flatten top, head and eye not as good as winner at present. 3. Grimshaw’s, Jamalison Sonata. Rangy grey strong boy. Nicely let down behind with low hocks and good feet. Pleasing head. Many of the puppies in this class sporting poor fronts, large ears and unsound movement.
JD. (12). 1. Taylor’s, Lyart Yes Minister. Really nice grey brindle youngster so positive and foursquare. Maybe the best hind action of the day with width and drive in both directions. Felt in excellent condition under a hard coat texture covering a typical galloping frame on good feet and bone. Looked like a worker. 2. Clanardwood Spellweaver. Quality dark dog totally unco-operative unfortunately but just doing enough. Very good outline and angles back and front. Moved with verve when he wanted, with time and work could challenge most. 3. Helps’, Greyfriars Gillie of Beardswood. Dark strongly made eye-catching dog in super condition and beautifully presented. Just not the outline of the winners.
YD. (12). 1. Hodgkinson’s, Glewlwyd Dionysus. Balanced grey moving freely on good feet and well boned. No exaggeration to overall picture with decent return of upper arm and low hocks. 2. Peach's, Greyflax the Mighty Quinn to Kilbourne. Strongly made dog with pleasing shape on the move. Good bone and feet. Not the head, eye or front of the winner. 3. Halls’, Canerikie Crocodile Cooler. Typical grey in excellent coat and condition. Good head and expression. Nice overall conformation.
SpB ND (9). 1. McKinnon and Parson’s, Claonaiglen Orchy. Medium sized dog in excellent coat. Stood well, although a tendency to elbow out. Looking very typical in form. Nice ears and head set classically on neck. Dropping nicely to tail set. Moved soundly. 2. Shinkwin’s Ladygrove Phantom. Pale grey. Rangy with nice topline and underline. Pleasing front angles with good return of upper arm. Well boned. Not the expression of winner. 3. Pearce’s, Claonaiglen Nevis. Brother to winner but different. Very nice type. Lovely head and eye. Not the depth of winners and a bit too long cast in the couplings.
SpB OD. (12). 1. Pink’s, Greyhawks Romanie Rom. Profuse coat covering a strongly built frame. Long cast of good body and condition with nice angles, length from hip to hock with power and width. 2. Blackford and Morrissey’s, Packway Denali at Hartvalley. Free moving racy dog. Good head and expression. Nicely boned and showing well. Feet on the small side. 3. Buckley’s, Lealla Jokol. Very typical dog of quality. Similar in type and coat to winner but not quite as good in forehand.
UGD (13). 1. Merrick's, Clanardwood Sovereign. Quality dog. Very typical coat and outline. Balanced with good angulation fore and aft. Nicely coupled and sweeping into powerful quarters with low hocks. Good head and ear set. 2. Poole’s, Canerikie Casablanca at Brockfield. Heavily coated typical male. Good head and eye with well defined pigment. Galloping outline but movement a bit jarred on this surface. 3. Claonaiglen Orchy.
PGD. 1. Coull’s, Stainlonan Rikki of Regalflight. Full coated grey. Long cast and sound on the move retaining his shape. Pleasing head and tidy ears. Feet could be better. 2. Edward’s, Kilbourne Vincent of Brackenland. Similar to the winner in type and stature but not as positive in front. 3. Girling’s, Pyefleet Qwilliam. Well made male. Not the conformation of the winners but still workmanlike.
LD. 1. Spencer’s, Gentom Orlando of Talgavar. Very nice dog. Classic outline standing and moving. Good head and eye shape, although a shade light. Excellent body and strong loin. Beautifully boned front with no hint of weakness. Presented a nice picture overall and ultimately went BD winning on his total masculinity in the challenge. 2. Day’s, Demerlay Dorian Grey at Celtic Moon. Beautifully balanced dog. All curves sweeping over a correct topline and croup into well angulated quarters. Good coat, feet and one. Moving soundly. Challenged hard. 3. Bond’s, Regalflight Sligo. Very nice distinctive type. Long cast with good ribbing and loin. Ragged coat. Not really interested on the day.
OD. 1. Francis and Blatchford's’, Wickwar Worcester of Peopleton. Had no hesitation giving him the class. Very nice type and conformation. Good front and rear angles. Presented and shown to perfection. Feet could be smaller. Very well handled. 2. Bond’s, Ch. Regalflight Stormbird. Heavily coated male standing over plenty of ground. Well angulated quarters and strength. A nice type. Another that was a bit erratic on this surface. 3. Girling’s, Pyefleet Percy. Masculine stallion hound. Excellent body, bone and outline. Lethargic in the heat on the day which cost him a higher position.
VD. 1. Finnett and Heathcote's, Hyndsight Moriaty. Active 8 and a half year old with very good head, neck and forequarters, retaining his topline on the move. Low hocks. 2. Arthur's, Killoeter Barra. longer cast racy dog with nice head and eye. Not as positive on the move as winner but pleasing workmanlike type.
Bryan Doak
First I would like to say what a great honour to be asked to judge the Breed Show (bitch classes) and a big thank you to all the exhibitors for giving me the privilege of going over their dogs. There were many lovely bitches and indeed a depth of quality in the earlier classes, which must bode well for the breed. My main criticisms were poor front assemblies, which were a combination of short straight forearm. Straight forearm combined with steep lay of shoulder resulting in some exhibits elbows in front of their chest and forelegs bowing forward and knuckling over. Quite a few exhibits were long from hock to floor and many others moved straight and wide behind which is not correct conformation for our breed. I also found more than enough poor feet since I last judged, maybe this was because there was nowhere to hide them on the tarmac ring. However there were many lovely exhibits that I would have gladly taken home with me. I would like to say a big thank you to my two stewards, who did a sterling job and I believe for Peter this was his 21st consecutive years.
PB. (16). 1. Hanson’s, Nixophel Crystal Amethyst. Feminine head, darkest of eyes. Good angles both ends, width across her stifles giving her a lovely curvy outline. Good deep body. Moved straight and true. Well balanced for one so young. Look forward to seeing how she develops. Good breed type. I was pleased she was awarded BP. 2. Rhodes’, Kilbourne Charity of Gentom. Another promising puppy. Dark eye, soft expression. Good angulations front and rear. Good body and length of loin. Correct coat. Was not quite so settled on the move on the day as the winner. 3. Owen and Brodie’s, Marandike Ebony’s Choice to Wolfscastle. Only 6 months old, but very promising. Sweet expression, darkest of eyes. Well laid shoulders. Good body. Again well angulated rear. Short from hock to floor. Moved very true for one so young.
JB. (12). 1. Lowe’s, Readwald Jet Black. Would like a softer expression and smaller ears, dark eyes. Good neck leading to well laid shoulders. Good body. Correct length of loin. Correct coat. Well off for bone. Sound feet. Moved with drive, sound and true. 2. Finnett and Heathcote’s, Hyndsight A Box of Dreams. Again would like a softer expression. Strong neck leading to well laid shoulders. Deep body. Well angulated rear. Well off for bone. Moved well. Not at present as well balanced as the winner. 3. Reynolds’, Wickwar Wagg. Neat ears, darkest of eyes. Strong neck leading to well laid shoulders. Correct spring of rib. Good length of loin. Nice width across stifle. Correct bone and well arched feet. Moved sound and true. Just lost out on immaturity on the day.
YB. (15). 1. Wilson’s, Killoeter Leyla. This was one I could have taken home. Lovely breed type combining strength with quality. Well angulated front and rear. Lovely quarters with correct width across stifle. Low set hocks. Correct bone and good harsh coat. Moved true and with drive. 2. Wilson’s, Killoeter Lurag of Hamiltonhill. Litter sister to the winner and another quality bitch. Again well angulated both ends. Low set hocks and correct coat. Moved sound and true. 3. Bond’s, Regalflight Moth. Another quality bitch. Pretty head. Strong neck. Good deep body. Good quarters but very unsettled and not giving of her best on the day.
SpB NB (12). 1. Robert’s, Darelle of the Scottish Castle (Imp). Quite finely built. Well angulated both ends. Moved the soundest in the class. Would prefer more substance all through. 2. Gamble’s, Wolfscastle Fidela. Pretty head, again would like more substance all through. Reasonable well laid shoulders and upper arm. Well angulated quarters. Moved sound lacking drive. 3. Keeling’s, Hyndsight On Appeal. Bigger made than previous two but rather straight in upper arm. Tending to throw her front. Nice angulated rear. Good coat. Moved reasonably well.
SpB OB (11). 1. MacKinnon and Parsons’, Claonaiglen Orrin. Absolutely love this bitch. Full of quality. Dark eye, neat ears. Strong neck leading to well laid shoulders. Correct spring of and depth of body, leading to wide strong quarters. Good length from hip to hock and low hock to floor. Correct coat. My only criticism she tended to flatten on the move, despite moving sound and true. She made a well balanced picture. I was pleased to award her RBB. The two top bitches being litter sisters are a credit to their breeders. 2. Trotman's, Fosses Rambling Rose of Penherald. Good breed type. Medium size without any exaggeration. Well angulated both ends. Correct coat. Moved sound. 3. Trotman’s, Cotswold Crocus of Penherald. Litter sister to above. Medium size, well proportioned, well angulated both ends. Feet could be better. Moved sound.
UGB. (13). 1. Reynolds’, Wickwar White Lace. Lovely breed type, neat ears. Good neck leading to well laid shoulders. Nice depth of body with wide drooping quarters. Correct coat. Well balanced overall. Moved sound and true. 2. Faircloth and Helps’, Beardswood Niamh. Lighter framed than winner, but overall well balanced. Good angulations front and rear. Correct coat. Moved well. Feet perhaps could be better. 3. Seymour-Jackson’s, Ghiltan Tiercel Workman like bitch. Reasonably well angulated both ends. Good coat. A little erratic on the move.
PGB. (11). 1. Williams’s, Kilbourne Iduna at Inverclyde. Lovely silver grey bitch. No exaggeration here. Well angulated both ends. Correct coat. Well off for bone and moved sound with drive. 2. Cartmell’s, Riding the Wind with Cusidh. This bitch could have stepped out of a Landseer, so typical of the breed, well angulated both ends. Good depth of body. Good bone. Spoilt by being over weight. 3. Terichline Watercress at Cloweswood. Lighter framed bitch. Good rear end. Straight in forearm. Correct depth of body and moved reasonably well.
LB. (23). 1. Hird’s, Claonaiglen Albyn at Cloweswood. Lovely bitch typical of the breed. Attractive head, dark eye, neat ears. Strong neck leading to well laid shoulders. Good return of forearm. Correct spring and depth of body. Correct length of loin. Good length from hip to hock with hocks being set low. Correct coat. Expertly handled. Flowed round the ring keeping her topline at all times. Pleased to award her BB she then went on to win. BOB. 2. Helps’, Beardswood Morwenna. Medium sized bitch again without any exaggerations. Good breed type that you would expect from this kennel. Perhaps a tad short in upper arm. Correct spring and depth of body with good quarters which she put to good use on the move. 3. Bailey’s, Greyflax Kind of Magic. Really attractive outline. Sweet head and expression. Good neck, front assembly could be a little better angulated. Carrying a little too much weight. Good rear angulation. Slightly long from hock to floor. Light on the move.
OB. (16). 1. Finnett, Heathcote and Piggot’s, Ch. Hyndsight Heaven Can Wait. Medium sized hound. Quite workmanlike, well angulated both ends. Good depth of body. Good bone and coat. Moved true and with drive. 2. Bailey’s, Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. Pretty head and expression. Would like better return of upper arm. Correct depth to body. Well angulated quarters. Moved sound and true. 3. Phillips’, Kilbourne Grey Ghost of Ladygrove. Medium sized bitch. Lacked face furnishings which would have softened her expression. Good neck but shoulder a little on the steep side and would prefer better return of forearm. Correct spring and depth of body. Lovely quarters. Low set hocks which she put to good use on the move. Good coat. Expertly handled.
VB. (17). 1. Papenfuss and Rosner’s, Ger Ch. Kilbourne Cameo. Lovely curvy bitch. all quality a good example of the breed. Still moved as though she owns the ring. Lovely head and expression. Well laid shoulders. Correct spring and depth of body. Lovely sweeping quarters. Well let down hocks. 2. Girling’s, Pyefleet Nimo. Another old favourite. Not moving as well as my winner. but still held her lovely shape. Well angulated at both ends. Well off for bone. Good coat. 3. Finnett and Harrington’s, Ch. Hyndsight Wind of Change. Again another quality bitch. Well angulated both ends. Lovely outline. Correct coat. Moved well.
Joss Duddell, Judge
Open show: Many thanks to my long suffering and exceedingly efficient stewards, and the exhibitors and dogs who were kind enough to enter for the Sunday classes and contribute to my education. Going over a cross section of the breed like this is an incredible learning experience for a judge.
SP ROTHERWOOD STAKES (17: 12) Spoilt for choice with this lovely class , all aspiring to top honours. 1 Wragg's Neroche Halistra. Medium sized bitch. Dark eyes and small well set ears. Strong neck sweeping into well laid back shoulders . Good front with forechest giving breadth across the forequarters. Balanced hindquarters with good arch over loins. Good drooping croup. Easy true movement matching her good construction. 2 Girling's Pyefleet Percy. Powerful dog. Well laid shoulders with well angulated front, matched by good strong, well muscled hind quarters. Well ribbed up. True movement. 3 Bailey's Greyflax Waterloo Sunset Feminine bitch with attractive head and nice dark eyes. Good top line with well curved croup. Balanced and well muscled. Another sound mover.
Sp Coursing/Lure Chasing D/B (20: 19) 1 Gilhooly's Nobys Flicka. Perhaps a rather larger bitch than would be my choice, but combined power with sufficient elegance. Curves and angles in all the right places. Pleasing head with dark eyes and small ears. Powerful well angulated quarters. Good feet and well sprung pasterns. Easy free movement. 2 Jarrett's Ashtonbrook Juno of Torffric. Smaller bitch with style and balance. Good quarters. Sound reaching movement. 3 Pyefleet Percy.
Brace (20: 15) 1 Cartmell's Pair of dark, well matched bitches, moving as one. 2 McKinnon & Parsons Close decision, another good match. 3 Guise Lovely type and well matched with similar chest markings. Not quite so co-ordinated on the move.
Team (6) 1 Cartmell Four full sisters from two different litters and so alike. Medium sized, dark and typical hounds, they swept round the ring as one. 2 Bailey Another very even team, moving well together. 3 Guise Smaller dogs in evenly matched team.
Special Breeders Group (18: 12) 1 Guise Saintvalery A group which really caught my eye. Size and type were just so much what I like. Not too large and all looked workman-like without any exaggeration. Reminded me so much of the Ardkinglas dogs. Very even in breed type and quality. Bailey:- Greyflax. Another eye-catching group of outstanding dogs. Larger size overall but so much quality, 3 Helps Beardswood. A group of well constructed dogs of even type. There is no doubt from this incredible entry that the breed is currently in very good hands.
Sp not Bred by Exhibitor (31: 14) 1 Cartmell's Drawing Down the Moon to Cusidh. Lovely dark bitch, not tall but plenty of body. Sweeping topline from strong neck to sloping croup. Good balanced angulation with adequate fore-chest. Moved with drive. 2 Checkley's Saintvalery Donation Super type with balance and no exaggeration. Good broad front with fore-chest and well laid shoulders. Sound. 3 Buswell's Ghylladare Kinglas of Glenmorlich. Stately grey bitch. Nice dark eye. Good front construction and strong hind-quarters. Sound.
Sp Bred by Exhibitor (24: 15) 1 Bailey's Ch Greyflax Guinevere. Curiously my notes read "front and rear to die for". When I went over her my reaction was- this is the one the rest have to beat today. Not too tall and beautifully balanced with good depth. A kind dark eye. Flowed round the ring. Was reminded that I gave her Best Puppy when I judged her before. 2 Guise's Saintvalery Hope Smaller bitch with the good type which I have admired from this kennel. 3 Nobys Flicka
Dr Marjory Mckinnon