A pleasing entry of quality hounds. There were two main concerns on the day for me. Firstly, lack of spring of rib and condition in some of the adults, coupled with some very thin youngsters and secondly, poorly knuckled feet, which were far too prevalent. Many were flat and open with no knuckling or strength in the digits, with hounds sitting back onto the back pad with toes splayed in front of them. We can strive to keep any number of breed specific qualities, but soundness is just as important. As I was told many years ago by an old huntsman friend ‘A hound doesn’t hunt on his head’.
V (3,0) 1 Robertson’s Ch Tartraven A Chuilinn. Quality bitch. Dark eyed, with neat ears. Ex depth and rib, well-angulated, good bone and feet, shapely with good width to loin and over quarters, well-let down hocks, moved with elegance and drive, maintaining topline. Well handled. 2 Seymour-Jackson’s Kilbourne Tystie Of Ghiltan. Similar in type to 1, not standing over as much ground, appealing head and expression, good bone and feet, moved well with good impulsion. 3 Robertson’s Pyefleet Orator From Terichline.
MPD (4,1) 3 promising youngsters. 1 Carr’s Marandike Star Attraction. Promising, unexaggerated young dog, loved his dark eye and distant expression. Standing sturdily on good legs and feet, ex breadth and depth for age. Moved out soundly and with great confidence for a youngster. 2 Pink’s Romanie Rye At Greyhawks. Another shapely youngster. Not as masculine in the head as 1, but has enough width and substance in body, with good angulation and bone. A little erratic on the move, but time is on his side. 3 Gillie’s Dorrator Gethan.
PD (6,1) 1 Rhodes’s Gentom Peacemaker. Powerful yet elegant young dog, has everything he needs to be a star, but doesn’t want to show it off to advantage just yet! I loved his head, strength of neck, spring of rib, depth and substance, arch of loin and width through hips, ex length hip to hock. Standing up on his pasterns and looks like he could do the job required. I had to give him every opportunity to move steadily, going away he was straight with good width, when settled he was straight towards, in outline he maintained his topline, but carried his tail a little stiffly, probably because of his efforts to get away from his handler! BP. 2 Beckett-Hughes Ghiltan Honesty Of Mulranny. Promising, well-boned shapely lad, has an appealing head and eye, slightly shorter in body than 1, but moved well, covering the ground with some drive. 3 Grimshaw’s Jamalison Sonata.
JD (1,0) 1 Edwards Brackenland Ran. Dark, crisp-coated dog with strong head and powerful neck and well muscled front assembly. Ex. bone and feet. Deep and shapely with ex muscling over loin and through thigh. Moved straight and true away, a little open in elbows towards, maintaining topline.
GD (6,0) 1 Coull’s Stainlonan Rikki Of Regalflight. Pleasing dog to go over, balanced head and kind expression, dark eye, well-laid shoulders and close elbows, shapely over top with good droop over croup. Good width to thigh and sweep through stifle. Moved straight and soundly, maintaining topline. 2 Hodgkinson’s Glewlwyd Dionysus. Dark eyed, dark-coated shapely dog, has strength in neck and depth and substance, good outline and width through quarters. Moved out with some drive and covering the ground well. 3 Taylor’s Lyart Yes Minister.
PGD (8,1) 1 Peach’s Greyflax The Mighty Quinn To Kilbourne. Upstanding powerful young dog. In my notes it says ‘the best in muscling and condition in entry so far’. Crisp-coated, with masculine head, yet the kindest of expressions, ex front assembly, well-laid shoulder, depth and some width to chest, shapely over top, standing over plenty of ground, wide and strong through loin and quarters, with ex length hip to hock and hocks well let down. Moved purposefully yet effortlessly, covering the ground well, and using his quarters to advantage. DCC, the first of many I would think. 2 Parsons & McKinnon’s Claonaiglen Orchy. 3 Coull’s Stainlonan Rikki Of Regalflight.
LD (4,0) 1 Peach’s Wild West Von Der Oelmuehle. Quality dog, smaller in type, but no less powerful. Super neat ears, distant expression, strong neck and ex front assembly. Not standing over as much ground as my 2 top winners, but he has depth and width throughout, with good topline and droop in quarters, with width through thigh. Moved out soundly with purpose. Well handled. 2 Rhode’s Gentom Neo. Taller dog with good head and eye. Ex front assembly, rib and depth, good length to body and shapely over topline. Well angulated behind, moved out covering the ground, not as positive behind as winner. Again well handled. 3 Wiggan’s Killoeter Grilse.
OD (5,1) 1 Finnett & Harrington’s Ch Hyndsight Wind Of Change. Dark coated quality hound. Keen expression with dark eye, strong neck and good front, with adequate depth and width, coupled with good bone and strong feet. Standing over enough ground, this is a powerful dog with elegance combined. Moved straight and true with impulsion. Res DCC. 2 Peach’s Gentom Oliver Twist To Kilbourne. Bigger dog than winner, with much to like. Masculine, yet refined, head, strong well-muscled neck, good depth, bone and substance, shapely and powerful, with muscle to spare. Moved out with effortless gait, true fore and aft. 3 Bond’s Ch Regalflight Storm Bird.
MPB (3,0) 1 Cunningham’s Dorrator Arddun Aonachdubh. Pleasing bitch pup standing over enough ground. Attractive expression with dark eye, rather spoilt by too much facial furnishings. Good front assembly, bone and feet. Adequate rib and depth for age, wide over quarters and good sweep of stifle. Moved out maintaining topline and soundly. BPB. 2 Wiggan’s Kilbourne Firebird Of Lodhainn. Dark-coated bitch with lots to like, a typical baby on the move, all legs and wings, but she has lots of quality. Has good width and depth for age, with shapely topline. A little weak in pasterns at the moment, but time is on her side. 3 Gillie’s Dorrator Cale.
PB (4,1) 1 Seymour-Jackson’s Ghiltan Harvest. Dark-eyed attractive youngster who needs to body up and put down some condition, as she was very light. Nevertheless, she was shapely with excellent sound movement and won the class on her true gait. 2 Pink’s Regalflight Psalm At Greyhawks. Another youngster with some bodying up to do, owns an appealing head and expression with dark eyes, and good bone structure and length. Moved soundly, hopefully width will come. 3 Grimshaw’s Jamalison Melody.
JB (5,1) 1 Bailey’s Greyflax Milly Molly Mandy. Quality elegant bitch with scope and power. Lovely distant expression, neat ears, good strength in neck, well-angulated in front with good length of blades, full rib and excellent width over hips and through thigh. Moved with purpose maintaining topline. 2 Rhodes’s Kilbourne Charity Of Gentom. Another quality one with dark, crisp coat. Good front assembly, legs and feet, excellent ribs and topline, good length hip to hock. Very similar in type to 1. Moved with easy gait and soundly. Well handled. 3 Janson's Nixophel Amethyst.
GB (6,1) 1 Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight A Box OF Dreams. Young dark bitch of good proportions with appealing distant expression, close, neat ears, good length of neck, well-laid back shoulders, good bone and feet, ex rib and width over hips with ex droop over croup and well let down hocks. Moved soundly and with purpose maintaining her topline. Really taken with her neatness and yet obvious power and awarded her the RCC. 2 Peach’s Kilbourne Oh Suzzanna. Very similar bitch to 1, just not as shapely over topline. Has dark eye, neatly folded ears, good strength in neck for age, well angulated, good bone and feet, depth and width, both over hip and through thigh. Moved with good reach in front and enough width fore and aft. 3 Seymour-Jackson’s Ghiltan Tiercel.
PGB (7,2) 1 Parsons & McKinnon’s Claonaiglen Orrin. Quality, scopey, shapely bitch with appealing head and expression, ex bone and feet, well-angulated with good rib spring, ex. coupling and over quarters. Good length hip to hock. Moved well, covering the ground and maintaining topline. 2 Williams’s Kilbourne Iduna At Inverclyde. Another bitch from the top drawer, more length than 1, but not as good in front and feet. Has ex angulation, rib, width and strength in quarters, moved animatedly with ground covering stride. 3 Adams Hydfron Ula For Zandahar ShCM.
LB (10,5) 1 Bailey’s Greyflax A Kind Of Magic JW. Appealing bitch of excellent proportions, strong yet elegant, feminine, houndy head, ex depth and width throughout, shapely in stance and on the move, when she really used herself and covered the ground. Should always trouble the best. 2 Peach’s Pingleholl Ruby To Kilbourne. Darker, neater bitch with similar qualities to winner. Excelled in head, good bone, good rib spring and muscular loin and quarters. Standing on good legs and feet. Moved true with strong topline. 3 Johnson’s Modhish Lilly Langtree.
OB (8,2) 1 Finnett & Heathcote’s Ch Hyndsight Heaven Can Wait. I last judged this bitch at the Limited Show in 2004, when she won her class with lots to spare, but still needed time to mature. Well, she’s had the time and what a result. Upstanding, powerful, elegant and shapely, with such an appealing expression, neat ears, dark eye, ex angulation, depth and tuck up, full rib, strong wide loin, wide quarters and thighs, shapely over croup, good length hip to hock with ex sweep of stifle. Moved soundly and purposefully to take the BCC and BoB. When I saw her in the group ring, oblivious to all around her, nose up into the Blackpool air, gazing into the distance, and mane blowing back, I felt privileged to have had the opportunity to judge her again and send her through. 2 Phillips’ Ch Kilbourne Grey Ghost Of Ladygrove. This quality bitch will always be a favourite of mine, always shown in excellent condition and superbly handled, she is short-coupled and strong with ex bone and angulation. Movement purposeful yet light, maintaining topline. 3 Hird’s Claonaiglen Albyn At Cloweswood.
Sandy Platt