Welsh Kennel Club 2007 Critique
MPD (1) 1 Meakes and Morris’ Claonaiglen Gelly at Cadmore. Very raw, delightful temperament. Has a super head and very good ears and expression. Strong neck, very loose on the move, but a nice long and light stride. Promising.
PD (6,1) 1 Rhodes’ Gentom Peacemaker. Well grown 11 month old dog. Very good type and outline, long head and a super expression. Strong neck, well laid shoulder, slightly tied at elbow standing and moving. Grand body with arch to loin. Well bent stifle, quite a long, light stride with plenty of drive. 2 Adams’ Rosslyn Obie. Very good dog, not making anything of himself. Moved so well and his outline moving is very good. Well balanced in angulation. Front a bit wide, very good body and a super rear. Correct feet. 3 Claonaiglen Gelly of Cadmore.
JD (4,1) 1 Help’s Greyfriars Gille of Beardswood. Still raw, looking just as you would like. Very good for type and has such a light, springy action. Masculine head with strength to muzzle, super dark eyes and a very typical expression. Lengthy neck, good front and a very good topline. Maybe a bit steep in croup, very strong rear and good feet. Res CC. 2 Grimshaw’s Jamalison Sonata. Another very good youngster, also raw. Would like a slightly stronger muzzle and not the expression of the winner. Long enough neck, fair front and a good body, right for his age. Strong rear with the right amount of angulation. True mover. 3 Edwards’ Brackenland Ran.
PGD (10,5) First two were very close together. 1 Merrick’s Clanardwood Sovereign. Liked his outline and length of stride moving. Short tail does detract. Very good eye and expression, with long masculine head. Lovely neck of strength and long enough. Well laid shoulder, good chest. Arch to loin and strong quarters. 2 Edwards’ Kilbourne Vincent of Brackenland. Pleasing dog, handled to get the best from him. Not quite the head of the winner. Strong neck, his angulation is well balanced. Deep enough chest, can strengthen in rear yet. Has a good stride. 3 Llewellyn’s Kilbourne Macallan.
LD (9,1) Good class. 1 Finnett and Heathcote’s Hyndsight Keep the Faith. Very easy and free moving dog with good legs and feet. Long head, planes not quite parallel, dark eyes with a lovely expression. Long neck, well made front and a deep, well filled chest. Curvy lines and a strong rear. Decided not to try in the challenge! 2 Owen and Brodie’s Wolfscastle Wood Melick. Grand dog for type and outline. Springy mover. Long head on a strong neck and a well laid shoulder. Just a bit upright in pastern. Super topline, shapely rear. Carrying a good coat. 3 Peach’s Greyflax the Mighty Quinn to Kilbourne.
OD (6,1) 1 Help’s Beardswood Marmion. Very good dog for type and a slightly longer stride than 2. Long head with dark eyes, giving a really good expression. OK for neck, good shoulder and well filled chest. Enough arch to loin and well bent stifle. Can slightly flatten on the move, strong and workmanlike. CC. 2 Peach’s Ch Kilbourne Macleod. Strong dog, would just like him a fraction longer in leg. Masculine head, very good neck and well laid shoulder. Arch to loin, but like the winner can just flatten out a touch. Strong rear with low set hocks. Put nothing in on the move. 3 Finney and Harrington’s Ch Hyndsight Wind of Change.
MPB (2) 1 Parson and McKinnon’s Claonaiglen Mallie. Really lovely baby of just 6 months. Excellent head with dark eyes, good length of neck and well laid shoulders. Good feet. Curvy outline and is well muscled up. Quality, a promising girl. 2 Wiggan’s Kilbourne Firebird of Lodhainn. Very good type and outline. Feminine in head, long neck, just a bit thin. Good body for her age, feet can improve. Very good rear - another very promising one.
PB (1) 1 Owen and Brodie’s Marandike Ebony's Choice to Wolfscastle. Super bitch, full of quality and a really lovely head with dark eyes and a beautiful expression. Strong neck into well laid shoulders, just needs to tighten in pastern. Grand body for age. Good topline and a strong, typical rear. Very good mover, Best Puppy.
JB (5,4) 1 Bailey’s Greyflax Milly Molly Mandy. Very good bitch for type with a long, easy stride. Pleasing head, dark eye. Long neck, well laid shoulders. Can improve in feet and flicks her front a bit. Long ribs, arch to loin. Well made rear.
PGB (9,2) 1 Gomm’s Canerikie Cookie Crusher to Wildtor. Very lovely head on this very typical bitch. Super dark eyes and a lovely expression. Strong and lengthy neck, good front and a well filled chest. Curvy outline and a strong rear. True and light on the move. Res CC. 2 Peach’s Kilbourne Oh Suzzanna. Very raw looking as yet and not in full coat. Very well made and a very sound and typical mover. Good head, strong neck and well laid shoulder. Strong rear. Could have a bit more arch to loin. Should look good when she matures. 3 Adams’ Ardneish Eclectic.
LB (12,5) 1 Peach’s Pinglehol Ruby to Kilbourne. 2 years and not yet in full coat, but is very well made and super on the move. Good head of length and a long neck and well laid shoulders. Grand body, very good topline and a strong rear. Typical outline. Close up. 2 Bailey’s Greyflax A Kind of Magic. JW. Strong bitch, very good head and a strong neck. Liked her front, arch starts a bit early and was tucking her rear under herself a bit. Very true mover with a light and lengthy stride. Super body and very good feet. 3 Help’s Beardswood Morwenna.
OB (7,3) 1 Bailey’s Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. Super type bitch with a light, springy stride. Very good head which is very feminine, good ear and expression. Strong neck, good front, just prefer her topline to winner’s. Very strong rear, well muscled up and well bent stifle and low hock. In full and excellent coat. CC and BOB. 2 Wragg’s Neroche Halistra. Liked her very much for type. Long head and a good eye and expression. Well filled chest, strong arched neck and she is well ribbed. Very good rear, just flattens a little in topline. Very good legs and feet. 3 Finnett, Heathcote and Piggott’s Ch Hyndsight Heaven Can Wait.
Jeff Horswell