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South Wales Kennel Association 2007 Critique

OUR DOGS apologises to the judge and exhibitors for the late publication of the following report, which was sent to us immediately after the show.  This was due to a production error.

I was very delighted to see so many lovely hounds turn out for me to judge at the new venue after the show had to be relocated at very short notice because of the floods at Usk. The officials did so well to re-organise everything and on the day the ground underfoot was much better than expected, however, we all had to contend with a very gusty strong wind, causing the yellow ring tapes to flap and posts to rattle, thereby unsettling a number of hounds. I later discovered that my Dictaphone has picked up a lot of extraneous sounds, which made deciphering my words a little difficult at times. I was generally very impressed with the type and quality of exhibits but I noticed a couple of areas that need working on. A number of hounds had rather poor front angulation which restricted reach when on the move and some lacked drive and extension at the rear.

PD. (6). 1. Girling’s, Pyefleet Rollo. Very promising dark coated 10 months old. Plenty of substance. Handsome head and typical expression. Lovely harsh coat. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, good chest, deep brisket and good length of body. Adequate breadth across quarters with good bend of stifle. Generally rather unsettled on the day but moved soundly. 2. Grimshaw’s, Jamalison Sonata. Another promising puppy, 11 months old with mid grey harsh coat. Attractive head and expression with small, neat  and well held ears. Plenty of substance and good bone with well knuckled feet. Deep brisket and good length of body leading into strong broad quarters. Moved soundly but chest and rear angulation not as good as the winner. Very well presented. 3. Rhode’s, Gentom Peacemaker.

JD. (3). 1. Grimshaw’s, Jamalison Adagio. Well grown 11 months old male with good substance, crisp harsh coat. Handsome head with typical expression and neat well set ears. Deep brisket and good body and strong broad quarters. A little steep in upper arm and I would prefer more width across the chest. moved soundly coming and going. Very well presented. 2. Krause’s, Debaskervill Harri. Much smaller and a lighter built male,  small head with dark eyes and beautiful small high set ears. Shapely with good,  well bent stifles but would prefer more substance throughout. He was very anxious and unsettled in the ring which made assessment of movement very difficult on the day.

(15). 1. Peach’s, Greyflax the Mighty Quinn to Kilbourne. Handsome upstanding young male of 22 months. Excellent quality and very mature for age with lovely dark harsh coat. Combines both strength and elegance. Attractive masculine but refined head with well held ears. Long strong neck, deep brisket and good body. Pleasing flowing topline with adequate length and well broad loin leading into wide strong quarters and well bent stifles, standing over a lot of ground. Moved soundly with both enthusiasm and drive holding his topline. Very well presented. CC and BOS. 2. Finnett and Heathcote’s, Hyndsight Keep the Faith. Another quality young hound with beautiful dark crisp coat. Attractive head and expression with dark eyes and well carried ears. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders and good chest. Well sprung ribs and deep brisket. Well arched loin and pleasing topline and broad quarters with well bent stifles. Hind movement rather erratic which let him down on the day. 3. Hall’s, Canerikie Crocodile Cooler.

(7). 1. Owen and Brodie’s, Wolfscastle Wood Melick. Attractive quality hound with pale grey crisp coat. Handsome head with dark eye and lovely high set neat ears. Plenty of substance with good bone and broad chest with well laid shoulders. Deep brisket and well sprung ribs. Good quarters with well bent stifles. Moved very well with drive but would prefer longer couplings. 2. Cheshire’s, Neroche Hennessey of Deeranwith. Another quality hound with mid grey crisp coat. Attractive masculine head with well held ears. Adequate bone but lighter build than the winner. Well knuckled feet. Broad chest and deep brisket. Good length of back and well arched loin leading into strong powerful quarters. Moved very well in profile but didn’t help his handler on the day by tending to crab. 3. Blackford and Morrisey’s, Packway Denali at Hartvalley.

(9). 1. Spencer’s, Gentom Orlando of Talgavar. Handsome hound of excellent quality with mid grey crisp coat. Plenty of substance and good bone. Handsome head with typical expression. Long strong neck leading into well laid shoulder and good forechest. Deep brisket and well sprung ribs. Good length of body and width across loin. Powerful quarters with well bent stifle and lovely length from hip to hock. Moved soundly and well with easy long strides, but didn’t hold his topline on the day as well as the CC winner. Very well presented. RCC. 2. Peach’s, Ch. Kilbourne Nimrod. Another attractive quality hound with dark harsh coat. Handsome masculine head and strong neck leading into well laid shoulders and broad chest. Plenty of substance and good bone. Could have better knuckled feet. Adequate length of body with well sprung ribs. Wide loin and strong quarters but would prefer more length between hip and hocks. Moved well and was soundly but with less drive than the winner. Very well presented. 3. Girling’s, Pyefleet Percy.

(6). 1. Owen and Brodie’s, Marandike Ebony’s Choice to Wolfscastle. Very promising 11 month old puppy with mid grey, crisp coat. Beautiful feminine head with small, high set ears and lovely dark eyes with melting expression. Good bone, strong neck leading into well laid shoulders and broad chest. Good body and length of back and well angulated quarters. Moved well with great enthusiasm. BP. 2. Wiggan’s, Kilbourne Firebird of Lodhainn. Attractive shapely 6 month old puppy in lovely dark brindle coat. Pretty head with neat well set ears. Good bone, deep brisket and good body. Broad quarters and well bent stifle. Movement rather erratic on the day and pasterns need to tighten up, she has plenty of time for this. 3. Bunce’s, Packway Starting Price at Pantawick.

(4). This was a lovely class with a number of promising young bitches who could change places another day. 1. Bailey’s, Greyflax Milly Molly Mandy. Very promising quality young bitch with a lovely dark crisp coat. Good bone and plenty of substance with pleasing topline. Attractive feminine head with lovely expression. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good breadth across chest and good length of body. Strong well angulated quarters. Moved soundly and well with drive and was very well presented. 2. Janson’s, Nixophel Crystal Amethyst. Another very attractive young bitch with crisp dark coat. Shorter in stature than winner. Pretty head with high set neat ears. Strong neck and good breadth across chest. Well knuckled neat feet. Deep brisket and good body but shorter coupled than winner. Flowing topline with nice droop over croup. Strong quarters with well bent stifles. Moved well and soundly. 3. Rhode’s, Kilbourne Charity of Gentom.

The following three classes were all very strong and packed with beautiful quality bitches but some adapted better than others to the windy conditions on the day.

(12). 1. Adams’s, Hydfron Ula for Zandahar Sh CM. Very elegant mature 4 year old bitch of excellent quality. Mid grey coat and adequate substance. So well constructed and balanced. Pretty feminine head with  lovely expression. Well laid shoulders and good length of body with well arched broad loin and strong, well angulated quarters. Flowing topline, which she held on the move. She moved exceptionally well, floating round the ring effortlessly with easy, long and reachy stride and was well presented. RCC. 2. Rhodes’, Gentom Ovation. Another attractive quality 2 year old bitch. Good bone and substance and larger than the winner. Pretty feminine head with lovely expression and well held ears. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders and good width across the chest. Deep brisket with good body and adequate length. Good width across the quarters. Moved soundly and well covering plenty of ground. 3. Owen and Brodie’s, Wolfscastle Wild Orchid.

LB. (8). 1. Parson and McKinnon’s, Claonaiglen Orrin. Very attractive 2 year old bitch of excellent type and quality combining both strength and elegance and good balance. Lovely brindle harsh coat. Attractive feminine head with dark eye and neat well held ears. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good forechest. Good length of body with broad loin and strong well muscled quarters with well bent stifles and low hocks. Impressive on the move showing great drive and enthusiasm and covering the ground effortlessly about her, and I could picture her doing the work that she was bred for. I was very pleased to award her the CC and BOB. 2. Peach’s, Pinglehol Ruby to Kilbourne. Another bitch of excellent quality and type. Dark harsh coat. Good bone and plenty of substance. Attractive head and expression. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Deep brisket and good body with well arched loin leading into strong broad quarters. Good length between hip and hock but she could let herself down a little more, however, she is young and has plenty of time. She moved very well with easy long stride covering a lot of ground and very well presented. 3. Redmond’s, Hyndsight Mystical with Greybrows.

(6). 1. Hird’s, Claonaiglen Albyn at Cloweswood. Very elegant bitch of excellent type and quality. Litter sister to my CC winner. Very well balanced but of slightly lighter build than her litter sister. Attractive head with lovely dark eye and expression. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good forechest and body. Well arched loin leading into strong well angulated quarters with lovely low hocks. Moved soundly and went very close in the challenge but lacked some of the drive and enthusiasm of my top winner on the day. Very well presented. 2. Bailey’s, Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. Another lovely bitch of excellent type and quality. Taller and more substantial in build than the winner with lovely hard dark coat and good bone. Pretty head and lovely expression. Lacked the forechest of winner. Good body depth and length leading into strong powerful hindquarters with great length between hip and hock. Flowing topline with quite pronounced fall away over croup. Moved soundly with drive and very well presented. 3. Finnett, Heathcote and Piggott’s, Ch. Hyndsight Heaven Can Wait.

Sarah Helps


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