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City of Birmingham 2007 Critique

PD (6,2) 1 Rhodes’ Gentom Peacemaker. Strongly built young man with a large frame and generous bone. Nice outline which will be lovely when the muscle development catches up with his growth. He moved ok eventually and had nice flexion and lift in front pasterns. 2 Carr’s Marandike Star Attraction. Not quite the forechest of the winner. Lightly built throughout. Pleasing head with a good eye and expression. Rather erratic on the move at times. 3 Adams’ Rosslyn Obie.

(3) 1 Edwards’ Brackenland Ran. Still very raw with plenty to come with maturity. Lovely front assembly. Small fine ears, folded nicely. Powerful rear and sound on the move. 2 Helps and Help’s Greyfriars Gille of Beardswood. Ribcage a shade rotund. Super development of 1st and 2nd thighs. Rather plain in head and expression. A shade wide in front when posed. 3 Grimshaw’s Jamalison Sonata.

(9,2) 1 Llewellyn’s Kilbourne Macallan. Impressive dog. Liked his head, eyes, ears and keen expression. Sound front and rear movement. In profile he had a lovely light and smooth gait with great ground coverage. In the challenge kept his cool and showed himself off to advantage. Res CC. 2 Finnett and Heathcote’s Hyndsight Keep the Faith. Strongly built dog presented in hard, muscular condition. Capacious and deep ribcage. Long striding action, and there is still more to come when he matures. 3 Blackford and Morrissey's Packway Denali at Hartvalley.

(5,2) 1  Peach and Phillips’ Wild West von der Oelmuhle. Quality head with length, good dark eyes with black rims. Lovely muscle tone and development over his body and rear quarters. Sound in front. Nicely put together and has freedom of movement. 2 Wiggan’s Killoeter Grilse. Not really co-operating with his handler at times. Shade short in neck and was lacking a little in rear muscle development and tone. Not so positive in front action. 3 Hogan’s Cotherstone The Magician by Breesfalt.

(6) 1 Finnett and Harrington’s Ch Hyndsight Wind of Change. Presented in super and very hard condition. Strongly made and sound throughout. Good reach of neck, very pleasing in head and expression. Good positive front action with lovely lift. Clean articulation at joints in the rear giving strong drive. A really handsome male, fully mature. CC and BOB. 2 Helps and Help’s Beardswood Marmion. Light, free and east in movement. The very best of feet and strength at pasterns and strong muscles. A quality male. 3 Peach’s Ch Kilbourne Macleod.

Vet B(1) 1 Phillips’ Ch Kilbourne Grey Ghost of Ladygrove. Loved her head and expression, longer head and expressive eyes. She is feminine in outlook and body lines. In great condition, a lovely lady still moving with style and freedom.

PB (5,1) 1 Cafferata’s Readwald Cailleach. Balanced outline with lovely clean bodylines and is nicely muscled. Just at the right stage of development for her age. Good condition and good, free movement. Best Puppy. 2 Helps and Helps’ Beardswood Octavia. A wild child and a real handful! Lovely head proportions with a dark eye and pleasing expression. Hope she settles. 3 Finnett and Heathcote’s Kilbourne Levanto with Hyndsight.

JB (8,3) 1 Rhodes’ Kilbourne Charity of Gentom. Well constructed and strong body. Balanced outline and head shape is typical with neat ears. Would prefer a slightly darker eye. Very steady and true on the move, especially good in front. 2 Janson’s Nixophel Crystal Amethyst. Very strong and active, a bit of a Madam! Well developed over body and rear end. She moved freely and soundly. Young at heart and enjoying the ring. 3 Bailey’s Greyflax Milly Molly Mandy.

PGB (7,1) 1 Mansell and Duddell’s Canerikie Coco Colada. Liked her head and expression, so steady in outlook. Front action not so positive. Strong rear drive, really came into her own in profile movement. 2 Reynold’s Wickwar White Lace. Very wise eye and expression, small fine ears.  Lightly built but strong. Steep fall away at the croup. sound movement. 3 Wilson’s Killoeter Lurag for Hamiltonhill.

LB (9,2) 1 Finnett and Heathcote’s Hyndsight A Box of Dreams. Beautifully conditioned, well constructed with good balance front and rear. Dark eye and a keen expression. So sound in front movement and a free, ground covering action. 2 Grimshaw’s Greyflax Mystic to Jamalison. Generously proportioned lady and another bitch with lovely dark eyes. Messed around to start with but settled and moved well and true. 3 Helps and Help’s Beardswood Morwenna.

(9,2) 1 Finnett, Heathcote and Piggott’s Ch Hyndsight Heaven Can Wait. Classically beautiful bitch. Head and expression true to the breed standard requirements. Strong, lithesome and in super hard condition. On the move she was breathtaking, such strength, grace and femininity - for me she had to take the CC. 2 Parsons and McKinnon’s Ch Claonaiglen Orrin. Lovely lady to go over. She has no sharp corners and everything just blends beautifully. Strong reachy neck, good deep chest and well ribbed back. Excellent movement front and rear, and she went around with a light gracefulness. Res CC. 3 Hird’s Claonaiglen Albyn at Cloweswood.

Mrs Eleanor Bothwell


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