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Gillingham & Shaftesbury Open Show 2006 Critique

J (4,1) 1. Blackford & Morrissey’s Lord Seafield of Hartvalley 10 month old masculine dog puppy with strong bone. Dark eye, deep chest with well sprung ribs and good length from hip to hock. Feet well knuckled. Movement a little unsettled. Would have preferred more bend of stifle. BP 2. Smith’s Wolfcastle Fern of Nimloth. 3. Bunce’s Lealla Kintra at Pantawick

PG (6,1) 1. Blackford & Helps’ Beardswood Minna. Feminine bitch with dark eye and strong neck. Harsh coat. Good forechest and bend of stifle. Moved well whilst maintaining topline. 2. Reynolds’ Wickwar White Lace. 3. Jarrett’s Ashtonbrook Juno of Torffric.

O(9,1) 1. Wragg’s Neroche Halistra. Very feminine bitch with lovely head and expression with dark eyes and neat ears. Excellent spring of rib and good length from hip to hock. Well knuckled feet. Well balanced angulation throughout. Moved easily and freely with drive whilst maintaining topline. BOB 2. Bunce’s Kilbourne Haldir at Pantwick BOS 3. Smith’s Nobys Fleur at Nimloth

Jan Cheshire (Judge)


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