Firstly, I should like to thank my stewards Mr A Mould and Mrs M Cox. They were efficient though not officious, helpful though not intrusive and made my day all the more enjoyable. I was looking for hounds which could do the job for which they were intended – course deer, whilst retaining the breed characteristics which make a deerhound and no other running hound. Firstly, generally what did I see: Good: Very few ring tails and few high carried tails. Very few thick low set ears. All but 2 had correct bite. Few poor feet. Few poor movers. Not so Good: A few hounds shown either too fat or too thin. Several hounds lacking in bone, both dogs and bitches. Quite a few light eyes, particularly in the younger stock. |
VD (1) 1 Grantham-Jackson’s Ch Hillmorton Argus. 9 year old boy. Lovely dark eyes giving a gentle expression and good ears. In good condition and moved well. |
SP PD (5,1) 1 Spencer’s Gentom Orlando. Lovely youngster just over 1 year old. Particularly liked his body shap and weight. Lovely head and expression. Good shoulder, length of loin and hindquarters. Moved well. Best Puppy. 2 Blackford & Morrissey’s Packway Denaliat Hartvalley. Didn’t have the substance or depth of 1 and would like a sweeter expression. 3 Lucas & Dargonne’s Packway Aconcagua. Very similar to 2nd but just not enough of him. |
Sp JD (7,1) 1 Doak’s Rosslyn Neill. 1st 2nd very close together. Just preferred the head and expression of my winner. Equally good in body, equally good in hind angulation, equally good in feet. I think 2 was more settled on the move but no denying the quality of my winner. 2 Schofield’s Ghiltan Myrrdin of Riabhachan. 3 Girling’s Pyefleet Gwilliam. Well grown but not the angulation of first 2 and with a rather hard expression. |
YD (11) 1 Peach’s Greyflax Myth To Kilbourne. Very handsome tall dog. Lovely head and expression good strong neck plenty of Substance. Moved well. 2 Randall’s Demerlay Maigret Hammonds. Well grown dog with good substance. Preferred outline of winner but no denying his quality. 3 Bain’s Hillmorton Eclipse. |
PGD (15,3) 1 Schofield’s Kilbourne Sirius Black of Riabhachan. 1st & 2nd both good dogs but I just loved the length, size and substance and eye of winner. Good feet. An excellent young dog. Res CC. 2 Wiggan’s Killoeter Grilse. Shorter coupled and a harder eye. Slightly straight in pastern. 3 Buckley’s Lealla Jokol. Another fine dog though his feet are not good. Good bone and substance. They could all do the job for which they were intended. |
LD (16,4) 1 Peach’s Kilbourne MacLeod. Quality workmanlike hound. Plenty of bone and substance. Good strong neck, adequate shoulder angulation, pleasing head but would like a darker eye. Moved with drive. 2 Traynor’s Kenmilltri Jock. Another quality hound. Very well constructed. Preferred his head and expression to my winner and I felt he was rather underweight. 3 Blatchford’s Wickwar Worcester of Peopleton. |
OD (10,3) 1 Bond’s Regalflight Stormbird. Not so tall as 2nd but compact true, lovely head and expression, good feet, good short hock. Moved well Dog CC & BOB Delighted to see him get into the cut in the Group. 2 Randall’s Ch Kilbourne Celtic at Hammonds. Quality dog, beautiful outline but not moving as well. Rather hard eye. 3 Peach’s Kilbourne Nimrod. Shapely dog with good body. Feet not the best and with a rather light eye giving a hard expression. |
VB (6,4) 1 Bailey’s Ch Greyflax Skylark. Beautiful bitch. Lovely outline and angulation but carrying rather too much weight and in the challenge didn’t move with purpose Rec CC. 2 Robertson’s Tartraven Stoura Stac. Lovely workmanlike bitch. Again a little too much weight, but moved well. |
SP PB (3) 1 Phillips Ladygrove Spook. Well grown 10 month bitch. Quite strong for her age but has plenty of quality, good body and bend of stifle. Good feet. 2 Peach’s Pendrethan Tamzyn To Kilbourne. Good size but rather lean today and short of coat. Didn’t seem to move with great drive. 3 Rhodes’ Gentom Ovation. Pretty bitch but lacking a little in forehand. Again, didn’t move with drive. |
SP JB (8,1) 1 Cartmell’s Drawing Down The Moon To Cusidh. Really lovely quality dark young bitch. Wonderful body. Sound as a bell. Good short hock lovely dark eye giving gentle expression. Good neck. 2 Seymour-Jackson’s Ghiltan Tiercel. Another quality bitch. Lighter made than 1 and though moved well feet not so good. 3 Parsons & McKinnon’s Claonaiglen Orrin. Not quite the overall quality of 1 & 2 and rather longer in the hock. |
YB (13,1) 1 Cartmell’s Drawing Down The Moon To Cusidh. As above. 2 Bailey’s Greyflax A Kind Of Magic JW. Pale grey, taller than winner. A lot to like about her. Good length and forehand but longer hock than winner and slightly harder expression. 3 Traynor’s Kilbourne Violet. Quite a nice bitch. Short hock and moved reasonably well. |
PGB (19,4) 1 Bailey’s Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. 3 of a similar type. All very shapely lovely head, good eyes. 1 & 2 could have been either way but winner had shorter hocks. 2 Beattie’s Hydfron Berkita. 3 Hawkins’ Killoeter Halma. Had a lovely expression but arguably not quite the depth but very well pleased with my winners. |
LB (14,4) 1 Wragg’s Neroche Halistra. 1st & 2nd very close both very shapely. First shorter hocks and better feet more depth. Perhaps not quite as bonny a head as 2 but is a lovely animal. 2 Carr’s Gentom Liath Caileag of Marandike ShCM. More wistful but just not as good a body as 1. 3 Buswell’s Ghylladare Kinglas of Glenmorlich. Nice honest bitch but longer hock, bigger ear. |
OB (13,3) 1 Friedrich’s Int/Lux Ch R’Ihafia of Muma. 3 quality bitches Beautiful shapely bitch. Better feet on my winner slightly shorter hock, lovely head and expression. Thought initially she was carrying too much weight but not when I went over her. Good forehand good hind angulation. Moved like a dream. Bitch CC. 2 Heathcote & Piggott’s Ch Hyndsight Heaven Can Wait. Harder looking head but quality shapely bitch. Didn’t show as well as 1st. 3 Fritz & Krueger’s Ger Ch Fritzen’s Molly the Mop. Stronger made workmanlike bitch with a plainer head than 1. Not quite the elegance of my winner. |
GD CIT B (4,1) 1 Buswell’s Ghylladare Kinglas Of Glenmorlich. 1st was 3rd in Limit. 2 Shannon’s Lealla Is Fearr. 2nd & 3rd of similar type I put 2nd over 3rd as she has slightly better shoulder. 3 Shannon’s Lealla Joka.
Eve Hamilton |