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Hound Association of Scotland 2006 Critique

It was a great pleasure to judge the breed again with more quality apparent throughout the classes and nice to see a larger number of hounds being shown with a proper length of coat as per the standard. Unfortunately there were a few hounds shown overweight and a few more with lighter eyes than I expected to find. My thanks to the exhibitors who braved the last 2 classes in the hailstorm rather than retreat inside the wet weather accommodation.
PD (6,1) 1 Peach’s Greyflax The Mighty Quinn To Kilbourne, Well grown 9 month old dog, masculine head, ears well set, good bone. Good depth of chest with good topline which was held on the move. Correct angulation behind, moved well coming and going. 2 Whyte’s Gilrivie Magnus, more compact type than 1 but well balanced throughout, nice feet, dark eyes, ears a little large but carried well, good length of coat. Nice steady mover who should do well given time to mature. 3 Cunningham’s Killoeter Lamlash At Aonachdubh
PGD (4,1) 1 Morton’s Rosslyn Lebrel, 3 Year old who caught my eye as he came into the ring. Good harsh coat of correct length, well groomed. Lovely expression with a nice dark eye, ears well set and well carried. Well knuckled tight feet. Good depth of brisket with well arched loin. Nice low hocks, moved easily and soundly. 2 Coull’s Stainlonan Rikki Of Regal Flight, 2 year old of a slightly stockier build than 1, nice dark eye, well constructed front, feet could be tighter, well muscled quarters which gave drive on the move. 3 Cunningham’s Dorrator Nathaniel At Aonachdubh
LD (4,1) 1 Bond’s Regalflight Stormbird, 2 year old of similar type to PG winner, correct, unexaggerated outline with good depth of chest, correct angle of shoulder, good feet. A nice dark eye, neat ears. Correct topline which was carried well on the move as well as standing. Well muscled quarters which were used to effect on the move giving easy, effortless movement. RCC 2 Traynor’s Kenmilltri Jock, a lovely 3 Year Old dog with lots of quality. Pleasing head and expression, strong neck into good shoulder placement. Excellent bone, tight feet. Good harsh coat. Well muscled quarters, good rear angulation which gave good drive on the move. Pushed 1 very hard, just needs a little more time to mature to fulfil his potential. 3 Peach’s Greyflax Myth To Kilbourne
OD (4,1) 1 Finnett & Harrington’s Ch Hyndsight Wind Of Change, a quality, well balanced 4 year old hound. Typical outline with correct topline which was maintained throughout. Dark eye, neat ears carried well. Correct shoulder placement, good bone and nicely shaped feet. Nicely arched loin, well muscled quarters and low hocks. Moved freely and correctly with good drive. CC 2 Peach’s Kilbourne Nimrod, another nice 3 year old, good head, nice spring of rib, good feet, strong, well muscled quarters, moved soundly. 3 Foy’s Glenfoyble Dalrymple
PB (8,3) 1 Whyte’s Gilrivie Mirren, a lovely feminine youngster. 9 month old with a typical outline and good coat. Typical head with a sweet expression, dark eyes, neat ears. Strong neck above correct shoulders, nice feet. Quarters well set down with low hocks, strong tail. Moved freely and with controlled power. BP 2 Peach’s Pingleholl Ruby To Kilbourne, a nice youngster of 8 months, pretty head, ears a little large just now but she has time to grow into them. Correctly constructed, well angulated quarters, moved freely. Needs to time to grow and mature. 3 Gow’s Anmialchu Beinn An Cabar
JB (3) 1 Cartmell’s Riding The Wind With Cusidh, lovely dark 16 month old bitch of good quality. Dark eye, neat ears, strong, well arched neck set into good shoulders. Deep chest with a good spring of rib, well arched loin and strong quarters completed a well balanced hound. Movement was good, free and with power. 2 Cartmell’s Drawing Down The Moon To Cusidh, litter sister to 1 with many of the same qualities and strengths. Just lost out to 1 on movement, needs to move a little faster for more flow. 3 Jackson’s Killoeter Kalanchoe
PGB (15,7) 1 Redmond’s Hyndsight Mystical With Greybrows, a shapely 2 Year old bitch with lots of quality. Lovely head with dark eye, strong neck. Correct shoulders, a good depth of chest and neat feet coupled to strong, well muscled quarters contributed to a good sound movement which just gave the edge over some quality hounds in a strong class. 2 Taylor’s Lyart Lyra Belacqua, 3 Year old, nice bitch of good quality, lovely ears, typical head and expression. Good shoulder angulation and bone make for a correct front construction. Unexaggerated throughout with good depth and nice strong quarters. Well set strong tail. Moved well, if a little reluctantly at first. 3 Morton’s Sorisdale Maclaurin
LB (5,2) 1 Kermack’s Beardswood Lustre, a nicely mature 5 year old who is now coming into her own. Typical, shapely outline with good depth of brisket and well arched loin. Neat feet beneath a well constructed front. Feminine head with a pleasing head and expression, nice dark eyes. Correct harsh coat, well presented and in good muscular condition. Moved with power and ease throughout. RCC 2 McLuskie’s Hearthstane Sheil, 3 year old, another quality bitch with a pretty head, dark eye and neat ears, held well. Good depth, correct shoulder placement and angulation and neat feet. Strong quarters and a good, correct coat. Topline flattened slightly, but movement was correct and easy. 3 Robertson’s Glen Mara Toragh Of Lowtherhills (Imp)

OB (6,1) 1 Finnett, Heathcote & Piggott’s Ch Hyndsight Heaven Can Wait (Taf) a beautiful 3 Year old bitch, both standing and moving. Lovely, pleasing head and expression, dark eyes, small and slightly aquiline muzzle. Shoulders have good angulation and separation and strong pasterns are set above good feet. Good depth of chest and spring of rib, pleasing topline which falls away over strong, well muscled quarters. Moved correctly and with drive every time. CC & BOB 2 Milne & Andrews’ Strathdechtn Dahl, a quality 5 year old whose condition is superb, smaller and leaner than 1 but full of quality. Good front, pretty head, deep chest, arched loin and a topline that stayed through the move and despite the weather, well muscled quarters that gave a sound powerful movement. 3 McDonald, Martyn & Hindley’s Rosslyn Mystique

D Murray


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