The Membership Secretary is Mr Michael Peach. Applications for membership should be sent to him in the first instance. Current subscriptions are £20 for single membership, and £25 for a joint membership, plus a one off joining fee of £10. Subscription runs from the 1st January. The completed application form, which can be downloaded below, must be sent to Mick as detailed on the form.
If applying for full membership a proposer and seconder are required, this is not a requirement for Associate Membership. Associate members do not have a vote on any matter at a Deerhound Club meeting, and their membership can be terminated by the Deerhound Club committee. The benefits are otherwise identical.
UK applicants must send payment with the entry form.
Note that after 30th June the subscription for the current year is reduced to £20 single and £22.50 joint including the joining fee.
The Full Membership Application Form can be downloaded here. in pdf format and here in Word format
The Associate Membership Application Form can be downloaded here in pdf format and here in Word format
The Deerhound Club New Members Secretary
Mr. Michael Peach
16 Belper Road
DE56 0LP