Hound Association of Scotland 2010


April 10th 2010

Judge: Mr. K. Pursglove

CC Winners Hound Association of Scotland 2010

BOB at the Hound Association was Stranwith Ebenezer with the Bitch CC going to Killoeter Leyla

This was Ebenezer's third CC, congratulations.

Reserve CC Winners Hound Association of Scoland 2010

Reserve CC's were won by Rosslyn Plainsong Rosslyn Plainsong left, and Dorrator Gethen

Best Puppies Hound Association of Scotland 2010

Best Puppy was Ain't Miss Behavin at Kilbourne with Best Dog Puppy going to Nixophel Lapis Lazuli.

'Misty' wento on to win Puppy Group 3

Full results available here.

All photos by Glenis Peach

Puppy Dog 1st

Nixophel Lapis Lazuli

Puppy Dog 2nd

Cusidh Homecoming


Cusidh Homecoming

Puppy Dog 3rd

Cusidh Gaidhealtachd


Cusidh Gaidhealtachd

Junior Dog 1st

Kilbourne Hamlet


Ist Junior Dog

Postgraduate Dog 1st

Graizeland Rock and Roll of Glenhaigh

Graizeland Rock and Roll

Postgraduate Dog 2nd

Kwaricott Asclepius

Kwaricott Asclepius

Postgraduate Dog 3rd

Kilbourne James Dene to Ormanstar

Kilbourne James Dene to Ormanstar

Limit Dog 1st & BOB

Stranwith Ebenezer

Stranwith Ebenezer

Limit Dog 2nd & RCC

Dorrator Gethen

Dorrator Gethen

Limit Dog 3rd

Kwaricott Archimago

Puppy Bitch 1st & BP

Ain't Miss Behavin at Kilbourne

Ain't Miss Behavin at Kilbourne

Puppy Bitch 2nd

Kilbourne Baccarat to Ormanstar

Kilbourne Baccarat to Ormanstar

Puppy Bitch 3rd

Chuilin Camelia

Junior Bitch 1st

Dorrator Song for Drella

Dorrator Song for Drella

Junior Bitch 2nd

Killoeter Pieris at Canerikie

Killoeter Pieris

Junior Bitch 3rd

Jacobite Rosanne to Gentiehun

Jacobite Rosanne to Gentiehun

Postgraduate Bitch 1st

Rosslyn Pledge

Rosslyn Pledge

Postgraduate Bitch 2nd

Kilbourne Teine

Kilbourne Teine

Postgraduate Bitch 3rd

Brackenland Tan to Kilbourne

Brackenland Tan to Kilbourne

Limit Bitch 1st

Nixophel Crystal Amethyst

Nixophel Crystal Amethyst

Limit Bitch 2nd

Kilbourne Oh Suzzanna

Kilbourne Oh Suzzanna

Limit Bitch 3rd

Guinivere Starshire from Kilbourne

Guinivere Starshire from Kilbourne

Open Bitch 1st & CC

Killoeter Leyla

Killoeter Leyla

Open Bitch 2nd

Rosslyn Plainsong

Rosslyn Plainsong

Open Bitch 3rd

Pinglehol Ruby to Kilbourne

Pinglehol Ruby to Kilbourne


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